1 2010-06-16T00:35:35 <valeuf> good night
2 2010-06-16T00:38:12 <xorAxAx> gn valeuf
3 2010-06-16T01:57:56 *** grzywacz
4 2010-06-16T02:30:57 <CIA-47> Andrew Grigorev <andrew@ei-grad.ru> default * 5708:981988501e8f 1.9-ldap-kerberos-agrigorev/MoinMoin/datastruct/backends/ldap_groups.py: [LDAP2010] ldap_conn parameter moved for better compatibility with LDAPAuth
5 2010-06-16T10:12:48 <ei-grad> moin
6 2010-06-16T10:16:48 *** gwork
7 2010-06-16T10:48:01 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
8 2010-06-16T11:05:46 <dreimark> moin
9 2010-06-16T11:21:15 *** DmitryAndreev
10 2010-06-16T12:00:57 <CIA-47> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 8311:9179003e8ed0 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/storage/ (14 files in 3 dirs): storage package: update (c)
11 2010-06-16T12:18:26 <valeuf> waldi: after reading the different test for the converter, I saw that there is a style attribute for the body tag, should I use similar style attribute for other tags (like p, table and so ...)
12 2010-06-16T12:18:56 <valeuf> and if there is such of style element, I think we should avoid to have <strong>, <emphasis> element
13 2010-06-16T12:19:10 <valeuf> and text-decoration, font-size ... attributes for span
14 2010-06-16T12:49:23 <CIA-47> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 8385:9d1a4a3762bd 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/ (62 files in 22 dirs): Merge with the main 2.0 branch
15 2010-06-16T12:50:50 <CIA-47> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 8312:800c618ff424 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/storage/serialization.py: item serialization: add xml declaration to output, use UTF-8 not utf-8
16 2010-06-16T12:51:25 <valeuf> ThomasWaldmann: you commit just after my merge ... :p
17 2010-06-16T12:53:45 <ThomasWaldmann> no problem, that is a minor change
18 2010-06-16T12:54:24 <valeuf> ThomasWaldmann: BTW, I have a failling test with after the merge
19 2010-06-16T12:54:28 <valeuf> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/226028/
20 2010-06-16T12:56:00 <ThomasWaldmann> likely some recent change of waldi
21 2010-06-16T12:56:44 <ThomasWaldmann> (we have lots of failing tests btw, I recently added a py.test.skip to creole_in and moinwiki_in converters to reduce the flood of fails)
22 2010-06-16T12:57:44 <ThomasWaldmann> the *_in fails might be just tests not adapted to the code, not sure
23 2010-06-16T12:58:12 <valeuf> ah yes I was suprised by the number of skipped tests !
24 2010-06-16T12:59:23 <ThomasWaldmann> i maybe will try to grab some of you xpath based test methods and use it at other places soon
25 2010-06-16T13:00:23 <ThomasWaldmann> (comparing complex stuff with string compares is just too failure prone)
26 2010-06-16T13:00:29 <valeuf> ThomasWaldmann: I can help for that, at least for the other converter I think
27 2010-06-16T13:01:31 <ThomasWaldmann> if you are familiar with how it SHOULD be, have a look at the *_in converter test skips
28 2010-06-16T13:02:56 <valeuf> well, I am not sure I know well, but I can try, and ask to waldi if I have questions
29 2010-06-16T13:03:12 <CIA-47> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 8386:b5a4347087e4 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/converter2/_tests/test_html_in.py: Add test for different formatting tags (<ins>, <del>, <s>, <strike>) in the HTML_IN converter
30 2010-06-16T13:03:17 <CIA-47> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 8387:36bad095224f 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/converter2/html_in.py: Add support for different formatting tags (<ins>, <del>, <s>, <strike>) in the HTML_IN converter
31 2010-06-16T13:03:26 * ThomasWaldmann should rather continue with the storage/indexing/serialization stuff
32 2010-06-16T13:03:30 <valeuf> ok, I will see that tonight, I have to leave to the university !
33 2010-06-16T13:03:34 <valeuf> bbl
34 2010-06-16T13:37:55 <waldi> ThomasWaldmann: skipped tests are not longer broken, they are acknowledged as won't or can't be supported
35 2010-06-16T13:39:10 <waldi> valeuf: what does semantic attributes (emphasis, strong) have in common with style?
36 2010-06-16T13:40:50 <ThomasWaldmann> waldi: i usually run all tests and hate it to get tons of known-broken output
37 2010-06-16T13:41:13 <ThomasWaldmann> and if py.test.skip tell "broken", it is broken :)
38 2010-06-16T13:42:38 <waldi> no, its just a aggregated entry somewhere at the end of the output
39 2010-06-16T13:43:20 <ThomasWaldmann> i even personally told you that lots of stuff there is broken
40 2010-06-16T13:43:31 <ThomasWaldmann> so why are you not just fixing it like it should be?
41 2010-06-16T13:46:27 <CIA-47> Bastian Blank <bblank@thinkmo.de> default * 8313:4911fe328abb 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/util/iri.py: Iri - Remove some useless properties, add documentation
42 2010-06-16T13:46:30 <CIA-47> Bastian Blank <bblank@thinkmo.de> default * 8314:6d1d18633216 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/util/iri.py: Iri - Reorganize constructor
43 2010-06-16T13:46:31 <CIA-47> Bastian Blank <bblank@thinkmo.de> default * 8315:f4c4a00980a6 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/util/iri.py: Iri - Use slots
44 2010-06-16T14:20:27 * dreimark has a talk about a farm of 120 wikis (still increasing)
45 2010-06-16T14:22:22 <CIA-47> Bastian Blank <bblank@thinkmo.de> default * 8316:193d19a09f81 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/util/iri.py: Iri - Remove another bunch of properties
46 2010-06-16T14:22:22 <CIA-47> Bastian Blank <bblank@thinkmo.de> default * 8317:5abba55a7d6d 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/util/iri.py: Iri - Properly lowercase the scheme
47 2010-06-16T14:22:23 <CIA-47> Bastian Blank <bblank@thinkmo.de> default * 8318:aef87e52a1f0 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/util/iri.py: Iri - Reorganize __add__ method
48 2010-06-16T14:22:25 <CIA-47> Bastian Blank <bblank@thinkmo.de> default * 8319:b67490a186c8 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/util/iri.py: Iri - Don't force the creation of a new object in properties
49 2010-06-16T14:47:04 <CIA-47> Bastian Blank <bblank@thinkmo.de> default * 8320:6535145f0fc1 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/converter2/_tests/ (test_moinwiki_in.py __init__.py): Tests for Moin Wiki input converter - Remove freelink tests, unskip
50 2010-06-16T14:47:10 <CIA-47> Bastian Blank <bblank@thinkmo.de> default * 8321:6623abe803f1 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/converter2/ (moinwiki_in.py moinwiki19_in.py): Moin Wiki input converter - Split out support for 1.9 syntax with freelinks
51 2010-06-16T14:47:13 <CIA-47> Bastian Blank <bblank@thinkmo.de> default * 8322:093d168c84c5 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/converter2/_tests/test_moinwiki19_in.py: Add tests for Moin Wiki 1.9 input converter
52 2010-06-16T14:47:14 <CIA-47> Bastian Blank <bblank@thinkmo.de> default * 8323:7e3362b93945 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/converter2/ (_tests/test_creole_in.py creole_in.py): Creole input converter - Fix detection of own name
53 2010-06-16T16:23:56 <CIA-47> Diogenes Augusto <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 8264:3b74d8d3fa79 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/ (templates/header.html theme/jinja.py): [templating] refactored navibar, killed some current attributes of a navibar item
54 2010-06-16T16:24:02 <CIA-47> Diogenes Augusto <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 8265:4ae78bf5b3f1 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/theme/jinja.py: [templating] killing current detection to wikilink
55 2010-06-16T16:31:02 <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: as cls is now rather a constant within the loop, just move it to items.append(('someclass', link))
56 2010-06-16T16:32:06 <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: what do you think - do we really need the duplicate detection in navibar?
57 2010-06-16T16:35:11 *** gwork
58 2010-06-16T16:35:20 <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/file/4ae78bf5b3f1/MoinMoin/theme/jinja.py#l329 remove that "if" - navi_bar is a list of items, if one does not have items in the list, the list will be empty and the processing will not happen any more anyway
59 2010-06-16T16:36:02 <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: ok ^^
60 2010-06-16T16:40:06 <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: what do you think about the duplicates?
61 2010-06-16T16:41:41 <CIA-47> Diogenes Augusto <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 8266:6c0e5720753f 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/theme/jinja.py: [templating] fix some logic in navibar
62 2010-06-16T16:42:14 <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: i think that we need the duplicate detection ^^
63 2010-06-16T16:42:36 <ThomasWaldmann> why?
64 2010-06-16T16:43:07 <diofeher> well, because duplicate in navibar looks weird oO
65 2010-06-16T16:43:30 <diofeher> one page could be in cfg.navi_bar and userlinks, for example, right?
66 2010-06-16T16:43:45 <diofeher> and in userlinks*
67 2010-06-16T16:44:48 <ThomasWaldmann> well, some years ago when writing that code, I obviously thought the same
68 2010-06-16T16:45:14 <ThomasWaldmann> but, those user quick links are because a user clicked on "add quicklink"
69 2010-06-16T16:45:26 <ThomasWaldmann> why should he click there if the link is already in navibar?
70 2010-06-16T16:45:47 <diofeher> ahh
71 2010-06-16T16:46:01 <ThomasWaldmann> and even if he does: as soon as he notices that he has duplicates, he will just click unquicklink and remove it again
72 2010-06-16T16:46:19 <ThomasWaldmann> so, nice idea, but somehow pointless :)
73 2010-06-16T16:46:44 <diofeher> a better idea: if the page is already in navibar, we unable 'add quicklink' :)
74 2010-06-16T16:47:00 <diofeher> and remove duplicate detection
75 2010-06-16T16:47:26 <ThomasWaldmann> yes, we could do that maybe. but first we kill the duplicate detection :)
76 2010-06-16T16:47:41 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, wait a sec
77 2010-06-16T16:48:48 <ThomasWaldmann> now there are just 2 differences left in those navibar and userlink loops
78 2010-06-16T16:49:02 <ThomasWaldmann> a) css class wikilink vs. userlink
79 2010-06-16T16:49:18 <ThomasWaldmann> b) localize=0 vs =1 default
80 2010-06-16T16:50:47 <ThomasWaldmann> a) does someone really care whether the link comes from the configuration or from his quicklinks?
81 2010-06-16T16:52:19 <diofeher> i think not
82 2010-06-16T16:52:27 <diofeher> maybe use just one css class to both?
83 2010-06-16T16:52:41 <ThomasWaldmann> b) this is a bit harder, maybe we can't get rid of that difference
84 2010-06-16T16:54:45 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, just kill the duplicate detection for now, until we can decide about b)
85 2010-06-16T16:55:05 <diofeher> ok
86 2010-06-16T16:55:17 <ThomasWaldmann> and if we can't do b) in same way for both, maybe a) is correct in showing the links differently as they behave differently because of translation
87 2010-06-16T16:56:04 <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: the dupe detection removal needs some sane commit comment
88 2010-06-16T16:56:09 <ThomasWaldmann> "why"
89 2010-06-16T16:56:53 <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: but why they behave differently?
90 2010-06-16T16:57:48 <ThomasWaldmann> if admin puts "RecentChanges" into navi_bar, it shows like that for english visitors, but if some german looks at it and the german sys pages are installed, he'll see "AktuelleĆnderungen" (german for RecentChanges)
91 2010-06-16T16:58:57 <ThomasWaldmann> put if you quicklink some page for yourself, you usually want exactly that page, not potentially some other just because we have that string in translations and some page with the translated names exists
92 2010-06-16T16:59:42 <diofeher> get it
93 2010-06-16T17:01:29 <diofeher> well... maybe it's better to stay this way, to user know the difference about predefined pages and pages that he put there
94 2010-06-16T17:03:07 <ThomasWaldmann> yes, keep it for now. i was just thinking about merging those 2 loops, but that only works if behaviour is same.
95 2010-06-16T17:20:41 <CIA-47> Diogenes Augusto <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 8267:ca1cde03a056 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/theme/jinja.py: [templating] removing duplicate detection in navibar. this is because if user see a page in navibar, he won`t click in add quicklink. if he does, he will notice and remove page
96 2010-06-16T17:31:14 <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: we don't drop splitNavilink now, it is also used for user profile quicklinks and we can't just have tuples in there
97 2010-06-16T17:34:29 *** grzywacz
98 2010-06-16T17:39:24 *** RogerHaase
99 2010-06-16T17:45:40 <ThomasWaldmann> hi RogerHaase :)
100 2010-06-16T17:45:53 <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: community feedback! :)
101 2010-06-16T18:19:38 <RogerHaase> moin!
102 2010-06-16T18:32:06 <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: where? :D
103 2010-06-16T18:32:25 <diofeher> i'm looking now :D
104 2010-06-16T18:42:41 <valeuf> ThomasWaldmann: Well, I mean there is always question about wether strong is a meaning or a stlye
105 2010-06-16T18:42:44 <valeuf> *style
106 2010-06-16T18:43:14 <valeuf> ThomasWaldmann: but that's fine to keep strong and emphasis, I was just worrying about the redundancy with style attributes
107 2010-06-16T18:43:25 <valeuf> we need to make this point clear in the DOM Tree
108 2010-06-16T18:46:29 <ThomasWaldmann> RogerHaase: diofeher is doing moin2 templating theme as a SOC project
109 2010-06-16T18:46:47 <diofeher> hi RogerHaase
110 2010-06-16T18:48:31 <ThomasWaldmann> RogerHaase: we rather won't care about any 3rd party stuff, but first get the basics working
111 2010-06-16T18:56:15 <diofeher> going to college.. bbl
112 2010-06-16T19:32:37 *** AshishG
113 2010-06-16T19:32:51 <AshishG> moin everyone
114 2010-06-16T19:38:27 <RogerHaase> I understand about basics first. The examples were to show different points of view about which actions are commonly used and deserve a link on the theme header.
115 2010-06-16T19:39:21 <RogerHaase> For me, subscribe and add quick link are rarely used - I would put these under more actions.
116 2010-06-16T19:41:56 <RogerHaase> I use CreatePdfDocument a lot and would put that on the editbar.
117 2010-06-16T19:42:14 *** grzywacz
118 2010-06-16T19:42:48 <TheSheep> I'd like to have a star icon for adding quick link, like google has
119 2010-06-16T19:43:20 <TheSheep> and a couple of other actions built into the interface, rather than selected from a list
120 2010-06-16T19:44:23 <TheSheep> things like delte page or rename could be displayed on the info page, for example, together with metadata and history
121 2010-06-16T19:44:35 <TheSheep> maybe also the export actions would go there
122 2010-06-16T19:45:08 <RogerHaase> I would swap your star icon for the acrobat swirl (or whatever it is) :)
123 2010-06-16T19:46:25 <TheSheep> RogerHaase: well, that's a theme thing
124 2010-06-16T19:48:19 <CIA-47> Diogenes Augusto <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 8268:5e5aa826d279 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/theme/jinja.py: [templating] merged editbar and editbarItems
125 2010-06-16T19:49:40 <RogerHaase> Some of it is, the starting discussion (on diofeher's todo) was whether there is a way to have a configurable split between editbar items and more actions.
126 2010-06-16T19:52:10 * ThomasWaldmann has to go, bbl
127 2010-06-16T19:52:47 <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: "use a list comprehension to get rid of falsy elements of the editbar_actions list"
128 2010-06-16T19:53:13 <diofeher> you mean if a user put a element that don't exist in default cfg.edit_bar?
129 2010-06-16T19:53:43 <diofeher> ['Modify', 'Download', 'Comments', 'Discussion', 'Subscribe', 'Quicklink', 'ActionsMenu'] <- default
130 2010-06-16T19:57:41 <TheSheep> I think we should think of a way for the action plugins to tell where they want to be displayed
131 2010-06-16T19:58:57 <TheSheep> a) edit bar, b) list on the page c) list one the info page d) nowhere
132 2010-06-16T19:59:51 <diofeher> good idea TheSheep ^^
133 2010-06-16T20:00:07 <TheSheep> but maybe not right now
134 2010-06-16T20:00:24 <TheSheep> especially if we need to do the plugin system too
135 2010-06-16T20:00:55 <TheSheep> diofeher: do you know how the themes can override the default templates?
136 2010-06-16T20:01:04 <TheSheep> diofeher: do you know how to do it?
137 2010-06-16T20:01:58 <diofeher> TheSheep: no... where can i find this piece of code?
138 2010-06-16T20:02:13 <TheSheep> diofeher: you didn't write it yet ;)
139 2010-06-16T20:02:31 <TheSheep> diofeher: this is something that has yet to be done
140 2010-06-16T20:03:19 <diofeher> haha
141 2010-06-16T20:04:03 <diofeher> we will create a separate folder to user put templates?
142 2010-06-16T20:04:27 <TheSheep> diofeher: every plugin can come with its own set of templates
143 2010-06-16T20:04:45 <diofeher> or the templates are going in "templates" folder of a "plugin"
144 2010-06-16T20:05:00 <TheSheep> diofeher: and they will replace the default ones, both when they are looked up for rendering, and when they are looked up for inheritance
145 2010-06-16T20:05:10 <TheSheep> diofeher: yes, the latter
146 2010-06-16T20:05:17 <diofeher> hmm
147 2010-06-16T20:05:43 <TheSheep> for simplicity assume there are no conflicts
148 2010-06-16T20:06:17 <diofeher> currently, plugin infrastructure is split in actions, macros and parsers...
149 2010-06-16T20:06:32 <diofeher> we can put one called theme
150 2010-06-16T20:06:49 <TheSheep> we want to change that, so that a plugin can install any or all of them
151 2010-06-16T20:07:07 <TheSheep> so a plugin may contain both a macro and an action, for example
152 2010-06-16T20:07:23 <TheSheep> and that action may come with its own template
153 2010-06-16T20:07:51 <diofeher> get it
154 2010-06-16T20:08:08 <TheSheep> but that's for the future, focus on the todo list first :)
155 2010-06-16T20:08:24 <diofeher> one plugin can contain these 4 folders
156 2010-06-16T20:08:34 <diofeher> TheSheep: ok ^^
157 2010-06-16T20:09:03 <TheSheep> diofeher: the exact structure of the plugin depends on what we decide to use for them
158 2010-06-16T20:09:22 <TheSheep> diofeher: but it should be able to contain python code, templates and static files
159 2010-06-16T20:09:35 <TheSheep> like images, javascript and css
160 2010-06-16T20:09:45 <RogerHaase> TheSheep: Still trying to understand B of your A,B,C,D. Will there still be a More Actions drop down list?
161 2010-06-16T20:10:29 *** grzywacz
162 2010-06-16T20:10:38 <TheSheep> RogerHaase: d is for actions that are only used internally and linked from other actions or macros, like the diff action for example
163 2010-06-16T20:10:40 <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: i didn't understood well what you said with this but this resolve http://paste.pocoo.org/show/226236/
164 2010-06-16T20:10:54 <TheSheep> RogerHaase: the dropdown is B
165 2010-06-16T20:11:47 <diofeher> TheSheep: when I'm getting closer to finish jinja conversion, we start to decide about plugin system
166 2010-06-16T20:12:28 <TheSheep> diofeher: the two tasks are related, because themes are probably the most complicated plugins
167 2010-06-16T20:12:52 <TheSheep> diofeher: and other plugins should also be able to use templates
168 2010-06-16T20:13:31 <RogerHaase> TheSheep: OK, My hope was that there could be a configuration option for a wiki to move items between A and B.
169 2010-06-16T20:13:54 <TheSheep> RogerHaase: plugins should get config options
170 2010-06-16T20:14:03 <TheSheep> RogerHaase: :)
171 2010-06-16T20:14:34 <TheSheep> I like how mercurial does it, each plugin gets a section in the config file
172 2010-06-16T20:17:54 <RogerHaase> TheSheep: A plugin config file works for me. :)
173 2010-06-16T20:19:42 <TheSheep> I'd love moin to have a normal, text-based, ini-like config file
174 2010-06-16T20:20:09 <TheSheep> when I have loads of free time I will write a wikiconfig.py that reads all config witn ConfigParser
175 2010-06-16T20:22:59 <CIA-47> Diogenes Augusto <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 8269:0b96130f73be 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/theme/jinja.py: [templating] using a list comprehension to get rid of falsy elements of the editbar_actions list
176 2010-06-16T20:23:46 <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: please review this later for me.. I don't know if i'm completely right
177 2010-06-16T21:18:16 *** AshishG
178 2010-06-16T21:35:55 <ThomasWaldmann> re
179 2010-06-16T22:04:30 <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: wrong list comprehension
180 2010-06-16T22:05:34 <ThomasWaldmann> look at what the old code did and when it did what
181 2010-06-16T22:57:14 *** grzywacz