1 2011-01-06T00:01:34 <izibi> i get an validation error on the default /moin page because it outputs "<dd />"
2 2011-01-06T00:01:41 <izibi> Line 1, Column 14119: Self-closing syntax (/>) used on a non-void HTML element. Ignoring the slash and treating as a start tag.
3 2011-01-06T00:07:52 <izibi> and more errors in the creole and docbook output
4 2011-01-06T00:13:14 <ThomasWaldmann> re
5 2011-01-06T00:15:20 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: either fix (easy cases) or document (harder cases)
6 2011-01-06T00:17:56 <izibi> does validator.w3.org block your ip adress if you validate too many documents? :D
7 2011-01-06T00:18:53 <izibi> i can't access it any more :D
8 2011-01-06T00:20:56 <ThomasWaldmann> via the automated method?
9 2011-01-06T00:22:00 <izibi> * About to connect() to validator.w3.org port 80 (#0)
10 2011-01-06T00:22:00 <izibi> * Trying Die Wartezeit für die Verbindung ist abgelaufen
11 2011-01-06T00:22:00 <izibi> * couldn't connect to host
12 2011-01-06T00:22:43 <ThomasWaldmann> do you have a changeset / diff so i can try?
13 2011-01-06T00:25:37 <izibi> i didn't continue the automatic validation as nobody answered my question how to create an item in the test environment so i installed a plugin that automatically validates the current page
14 2011-01-06T00:26:18 <ThomasWaldmann> maybe they don't like that plugin :D
15 2011-01-06T00:26:20 <izibi> and i think it generated too many requests so i got banned ;)
16 2011-01-06T00:26:27 <izibi> well it worked for some time :D
17 2011-01-06T00:26:52 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, please first fix the stuff coming from theme issues
18 2011-01-06T00:27:20 <izibi> the only think i found there were some double ids in the editbar
19 2011-01-06T00:27:33 <izibi> select field in the bottom edit bar is now working btw ;)
20 2011-01-06T00:28:02 <izibi> and some small issue in the usersettings (<div> outside the {% block %} so it got ignored)
21 2011-01-06T00:28:11 <izibi> brb, internet reconnect (new ip) :D
22 2011-01-06T00:28:17 <ThomasWaldmann> hehe
23 2011-01-06T00:29:11 *** izibi_
24 2011-01-06T00:29:32 *** izibi
25 2011-01-06T00:29:36 *** izibi_
26 2011-01-06T00:30:21 <izibi> works again :D
27 2011-01-06T00:30:54 <izibi> if it wasn't java, i'd install my own validator :D
28 2011-01-06T00:32:08 *** Trip___
29 2011-01-06T00:32:08 *** TripleEntendre
30 2011-01-06T00:32:20 <izibi> now only 6 instead of 11 errors on the docbook page
31 2011-01-06T00:32:38 <izibi> Line 371, Column 104: Self-closing syntax (/>) used on a non-void HTML element. Ignoring the slash and treating as a start tag.
32 2011-01-06T00:32:51 *** Trip___
33 2011-01-06T00:32:51 <izibi> complains about this video tag: <video controls="controls" src="+get/Html5Video" />
34 2011-01-06T00:33:11 *** Trip___
35 2011-01-06T00:33:17 <ThomasWaldmann> isn't it /+get ?
36 2011-01-06T00:33:55 <izibi> docbook source: <videodata fileref="+get/Html5Video"/>
37 2011-01-06T00:34:55 <izibi> Line 335, Column 36: Element quote not allowed as child of element p in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
38 2011-01-06T00:34:58 <izibi> i hate html
39 2011-01-06T00:34:59 <ThomasWaldmann> hmm. maybe only works for toplevel items
40 2011-01-06T00:36:28 <ThomasWaldmann> just document the nontrivial ones
41 2011-01-06T00:36:49 <ThomasWaldmann> it is an easy task, so it does not include doing complicated fixes
42 2011-01-06T00:37:08 <izibi> where shall i document it?
43 2011-01-06T00:37:27 <ThomasWaldmann> make a wiki page below your task page?
44 2011-01-06T00:40:47 <izibi> .../UnfixedIssues?
45 2011-01-06T00:42:14 <ThomasWaldmann> .../Html5ValidationIssues
46 2011-01-06T00:50:52 <ThomasWaldmann> http://legault.perso.sfr.fr/eclipse110104_solar_transit_33.jpg
47 2011-01-06T00:58:19 <izibi> http://moinmo.in/EasyToDo/fix%20html%20output%20so%20it%20is%20valid%20html5/Html5ValidationIssues
48 2011-01-06T01:02:43 <ThomasWaldmann> ok
49 2011-01-06T01:03:01 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, that's NOT a sunspot
50 2011-01-06T01:03:47 <izibi> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/92247/screenshots/2011-01-06-01-03-15_kszxn20ajjy1hfim.png whoops? what's going on there?
51 2011-01-06T01:05:00 <ThomasWaldmann> hm?
52 2011-01-06T01:08:13 *** moinBot
53 2011-01-06T01:09:36 *** TheSheep
54 2011-01-06T01:09:36 *** dreimark
55 2011-01-06T01:10:29 <izibi> https://bitbucket.org/izibi/moin-2.0-dev/changeset/8ca705a7330f
56 2011-01-06T01:10:31 *** TheSheep
57 2011-01-06T01:10:39 *** dreimark
58 2011-01-06T01:11:37 <ThomasWaldmann> oh :)
59 2011-01-06T01:12:04 <ThomasWaldmann> use tor :P
60 2011-01-06T01:17:28 <izibi> does the for=".." on a label refer to the name or to the id?
61 2011-01-06T01:19:01 <izibi> fuck you validator.w3.org
62 2011-01-06T01:19:42 <izibi> if the validator is right: id
63 2011-01-06T01:21:47 <izibi> who wrote the move/delete/destroy templates? everywhere the same mistake :D
64 2011-01-06T01:26:22 <ThomasWaldmann> consistency!
65 2011-01-06T01:26:50 <izibi> :D
66 2011-01-06T01:35:20 <izibi> very consistent. same thing in revert.html :D
67 2011-01-06T01:35:53 <ThomasWaldmann> try to keep consistency :)
68 2011-01-06T01:44:10 <izibi> copy.html too :D
69 2011-01-06T01:49:37 <izibi> NoSuchRevisionError: Item 'u'1294002696.19.2028'' has no revisions.
70 2011-01-06T01:49:50 <izibi> in the backrefs view
71 2011-01-06T01:51:17 <ThomasWaldmann> looks like a user item
72 2011-01-06T01:53:50 *** rfw
73 2011-01-06T01:55:30 *** rfw
74 2011-01-06T02:08:59 <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315617/ done :D
75 2011-01-06T02:12:09 <izibi> diff: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315619/
76 2011-01-06T02:13:51 <izibi> and the started but not completed tests: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315620/
77 2011-01-06T02:18:20 <izibi> what about creating another task for automatic validity testing? ;)
78 2011-01-06T02:26:46 <izibi> committing
79 2011-01-06T02:32:33 <izibi> https://bitbucket.org/izibi/moin-2.0-dev/changeset/80d99f98edbe
80 2011-01-06T02:32:37 <izibi> submitting to melange
81 2011-01-06T02:35:59 *** jacktheripper
82 2011-01-06T02:56:19 *** Trip____
83 2011-01-06T02:56:19 *** Trip___
84 2011-01-06T03:28:35 *** gh_ju
85 2011-01-06T03:43:10 *** gh_ju
86 2011-01-06T04:12:07 *** gh_ju
87 2011-01-06T04:12:55 *** grzywacz
88 2011-01-06T07:31:38 *** kursor
89 2011-01-06T07:37:26 *** m4k3r
90 2011-01-06T08:35:29 <dreimark> moin
91 2011-01-06T08:46:43 *** izibi
92 2011-01-06T08:50:44 *** izibi
93 2011-01-06T08:54:58 *** gwork
94 2011-01-06T09:00:00 *** gh_ju
95 2011-01-06T09:09:16 *** franklin
96 2011-01-06T09:20:05 * dreimark has reviewed http://socghop.appspot.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/moinmoin/t129037971005
97 2011-01-06T09:20:14 <dreimark> -> more work
98 2011-01-06T09:21:18 <dreimark> bbl
99 2011-01-06T10:13:23 *** achshar
100 2011-01-06T10:15:47 <achshar> dreimark: you there?
101 2011-01-06T10:23:02 <achshar> can anyone tell me how interwiki urls work??
102 2011-01-06T10:24:03 <achshar> the url seems to point to usemod.com which then redirects..
103 2011-01-06T10:35:05 <izibi> moin
104 2011-01-06T10:38:05 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: you there?
105 2011-01-06T10:38:57 <izibi> rofl, 'FICKT EUCH ALLE' (fuck you all) is trending topic on twitter in germany xD
106 2011-01-06T10:39:16 <achshar> :P
107 2011-01-06T10:44:18 <achshar> xorAxAx: , ronny: ping
108 2011-01-06T10:44:29 <ronny> achshar: pong?
109 2011-01-06T10:44:37 <achshar> hello.. :D
110 2011-01-06T10:45:22 <achshar> i was confused by dreimark's one comment.. http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/moinmoin/t129037971005#c12001
111 2011-01-06T10:45:38 <achshar> its second last
112 2011-01-06T10:46:12 *** cosmos_thought
113 2011-01-06T10:46:15 <cosmos_thought> moin
114 2011-01-06T10:47:47 <izibi> achshar: tables don't look as they should due to some sphinx css?
115 2011-01-06T10:47:50 <ronny> achshar: let me take a look, i'll have to read into interwiki ab it to get familiar
116 2011-01-06T10:48:30 <achshar> izibi: hmm maybe but i did not modify tables in any way..
117 2011-01-06T10:49:23 <achshar> plus to write a sphinxtodo i need to know what the problem actualy is..
118 2011-01-06T10:49:52 *** rfw
119 2011-01-06T10:57:41 <ronny> achshar: ok, quite a few borders are missing for me
120 2011-01-06T10:58:45 <achshar> ronny: missing borders? strange.. can you tell me which table has missing borders?
121 2011-01-06T10:59:31 <ronny> achshar: all of them do not have the outer borders
122 2011-01-06T11:00:58 <achshar> ronny: hmm this is the raw file.. http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315722/ can you please point out where i am having them wrong..?
123 2011-01-06T11:01:13 <achshar> they seem to work ok on the online rendrer
124 2011-01-06T11:01:40 <izibi> http://docs.python.org/distutils/setupscript.html#additional-meta-data does it look like this table?
125 2011-01-06T11:02:32 <izibi> yes: sphinx style; no: something does not work ;)
126 2011-01-06T11:03:11 <achshar> izibi: hmm i am trying to figure out what is not working :)
127 2011-01-06T11:03:42 <ronny> achshar: i supose something in the theme is messed
128 2011-01-06T11:03:53 <ronny> achshar: the rst markup itself looks correct to me
129 2011-01-06T11:04:10 <achshar> ronny: exactly.. :D
130 2011-01-06T11:04:30 <achshar> so what is to be done on my part then?
131 2011-01-06T11:06:17 <ronny> achshar: i think dreimark meant you should make a note in the sphinx css todo, check some minor things again, and then its done
132 2011-01-06T11:06:39 <achshar> ronny: also here http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/moinmoin/t129037971005#c11001 dreimark tells that some of the list code does not work in moin correctly.. i have a local moin2 instalation and they all seem to work as they should
133 2011-01-06T11:06:45 <achshar> ronny: will do that :)
134 2011-01-06T11:07:55 <ronny> achshar: as for the details on markup itself - im not the expert there, so i can only direct things a bit, not more
135 2011-01-06T11:08:34 <achshar> hmm np.. but with the sphinxtodo in place, should i resubmit the work at melange?
136 2011-01-06T11:10:02 <achshar> ronny: btw since the table markup problem is with all the tables, i am making that sphinxtodo in the beginning of the document once instead of after every table.. is that cool?
137 2011-01-06T11:13:23 <ronny> achshar: sure
138 2011-01-06T11:17:14 *** jacktheripper
139 2011-01-06T11:17:28 <achshar> ronny: i have resubmitted the work at melange :D
140 2011-01-06T11:26:50 *** gh_ju1
141 2011-01-06T11:28:14 *** gh_ju
142 2011-01-06T11:30:08 <ronny> achshar: ok, reimar will have to take a look
143 2011-01-06T11:30:41 <achshar> ronny: okiee.. you have any idea when will he be available.?
144 2011-01-06T11:31:10 <achshar> its just 4 days left and i was hoping to wrap this quickly :)
145 2011-01-06T11:31:54 <ronny> i suppose in the afternoon
146 2011-01-06T11:32:45 <achshar> ronny: hmm btw do you have any other easy or medium task that i can do? :D
147 2011-01-06T11:33:19 <ronny> i have no idea what *you* can do
148 2011-01-06T11:33:45 <achshar> oh i can do html, css, php, mysql, javascript and rst..
149 2011-01-06T11:33:47 *** greg_f
150 2011-01-06T11:34:10 <dreimark> achshar: look at a moin wiki and your sphinx output
151 2011-01-06T11:35:09 <dreimark> and copy your markup from there to a moin wiki item
152 2011-01-06T11:35:13 <dreimark> and look yourself
153 2011-01-06T11:35:31 <dreimark> it is quickly if you just do that
154 2011-01-06T11:35:51 <achshar> dreimark: hello.. i dont have sphinx :(
155 2011-01-06T11:35:52 <dreimark> achshar: http://test.moinmo.in:8080/MoinMoin2
156 2011-01-06T11:35:58 <dreimark> achshar: why not ?
157 2011-01-06T11:36:22 <achshar> hm i was told to have a local moin 2 instalation and python installed..
158 2011-01-06T11:37:27 <dreimark> achshar: Details
159 2011-01-06T11:37:36 <dreimark> mportant: you have to try whether your documentation is correct, i.e. whether the markup really works the way you are documenting. If something does not work as expected, put a TODO there plus a remark what is not working.
160 2011-01-06T11:37:40 <dreimark> +I
161 2011-01-06T11:37:58 <dreimark> how do you do this without generating your docs?
162 2011-01-06T11:38:04 <achshar> which i did.. plus the problem might be with sphinx only.. the rst markup is correct, and if i copy the code from that, it works,
163 2011-01-06T11:38:20 <dreimark> achshar: it is not
164 2011-01-06T11:38:32 <achshar> hmm just give me a se :)
165 2011-01-06T11:38:37 <achshar> sec*
166 2011-01-06T11:38:44 <dreimark> it must be indented
167 2011-01-06T11:39:44 <achshar> i dont understand, there is a space in the front of every list item in the rst file, why does it get stripped?
168 2011-01-06T11:40:15 <achshar> the space is required for the list markup to work..
169 2011-01-06T11:40:16 <dreimark> if that happens by spinx just mark it as todo, but don't let me find all of them for you
170 2011-01-06T11:40:39 <dreimark> but i guess it is a syntax issue
171 2011-01-06T11:40:50 <achshar> hmm i downloaded sphynx can you please guide me how do i get it working?
172 2011-01-06T11:41:10 <dreimark> i install it by easy_install -U Sphinx
173 2011-01-06T11:42:10 <dreimark> you have to copy your file to docs/user/moinwiki.rst
174 2011-01-06T11:42:19 <dreimark> and to run in docs
175 2011-01-06T11:42:47 <dreimark> make html
176 2011-01-06T11:42:54 <dreimark> or if you have win
177 2011-01-06T11:42:58 <dreimark> make.bat html
178 2011-01-06T11:43:15 <achshar> hmm okie..
179 2011-01-06T11:43:18 * dreimark lunch, sorry i met some people there
180 2011-01-06T11:43:20 <dreimark> htg
181 2011-01-06T11:43:36 <izibi> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/moinmoin/t129398637375 btw any volunteers for reviewing? :D
182 2011-01-06T11:46:45 *** gh_ju1
183 2011-01-06T11:56:50 <achshar> 'make.bat html' what does that mean?
184 2011-01-06T11:57:54 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: it is in docs/
185 2011-01-06T11:58:38 <ThomasWaldmann> moin btw. :)
186 2011-01-06T11:58:49 <achshar> yes its there but what to do with it? i ahve the moinwiki.rst in the docs.users now what to do with make.bat
187 2011-01-06T11:58:57 <achshar> moin :D
188 2011-01-06T11:59:15 <achshar> docs/user/ *
189 2011-01-06T12:00:11 <izibi> achshar: open cmd, change do docs/ folder, run make.bat html
190 2011-01-06T12:00:37 <izibi> s/do/to/
191 2011-01-06T12:02:22 <achshar> ok i am a cmd noob.. how do i open doc/ folder in cmd? its in C:\Users\Achin\Downloads\moin-2.0-dev\moin-2.0-dev\docs
192 2011-01-06T12:02:34 <izibi> cd C:\Users\Achin\Downloads\moin-2.0-dev\moin-2.0-dev\docs
193 2011-01-06T12:03:31 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: cd \Users\...
194 2011-01-06T12:03:39 <achshar> :D
195 2011-01-06T12:03:41 <ThomasWaldmann> in docs\:
196 2011-01-06T12:03:45 <ThomasWaldmann> make.bat html
197 2011-01-06T12:04:50 * ThomasWaldmann .oO(izibi was faster :)
198 2011-01-06T12:05:30 <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: lag? ;)
199 2011-01-06T12:07:53 <ThomasWaldmann> in my reading, yes :)
200 2011-01-06T12:08:12 <achshar> i suppose i cannot just paste the path.. can i?
201 2011-01-06T12:09:18 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: try tab-completion, iirc it at least works in cmd
202 2011-01-06T12:10:28 <izibi> it's windows :D
203 2011-01-06T12:11:24 <achshar> yeah it give a loud beep on pressing tab :P
204 2011-01-06T12:13:06 <achshar> aparently i have to do stuff that i hate to do.. type long sentences in monospace.. makes me feel dizzy :O
205 2011-01-06T12:14:23 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: cd \Us<tab> doesn't give you \Users\ ?
206 2011-01-06T12:14:50 <achshar> nopse.. give a windows error beep :O
207 2011-01-06T12:15:43 <ThomasWaldmann> is that cmd or command?
208 2011-01-06T12:16:16 <achshar> C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe
209 2011-01-06T12:16:43 <ThomasWaldmann> strange. i was pretty sure that worked. maybe windows7 only? :)
210 2011-01-06T12:16:52 <achshar> yeah
211 2011-01-06T12:17:13 <achshar> i have win7!
212 2011-01-06T12:17:28 <ThomasWaldmann> you know, they like to have new features that other invented 10..30 years ago. :D
213 2011-01-06T12:18:00 <ThomasWaldmann> hm, even stranger
214 2011-01-06T12:18:01 <achshar> hehe..
215 2011-01-06T12:18:20 <achshar> win7 ultimate..
216 2011-01-06T12:18:47 <ThomasWaldmann> if your pc has enough resources, try ubuntu 10.xx :) e.g. in virtualbox.
217 2011-01-06T12:19:24 <ThomasWaldmann> (not necessarily now :)
218 2011-01-06T12:19:52 <achshar> oh this is the first time i am using cmd, in about 10 years of my computer existance :O i dont think i would need it ;)
219 2011-01-06T12:20:46 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: you replaced javascript:void() by # - i also thought of # when seeing the js stuff. is it equivalent?
220 2011-01-06T12:21:02 <achshar> OHKZZ i am through..!
221 2011-01-06T12:21:02 <ThomasWaldmann> and did the validator complain about the js?
222 2011-01-06T12:21:51 <achshar> i am into docs/ what to do next?
223 2011-01-06T12:22:41 <achshar> btw # has one drawback.. it is a blank anchor so it will take user to the top of the page ever time h/she clicks it..
224 2011-01-06T12:24:57 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: there is also an onclick= attr
225 2011-01-06T12:25:23 <ThomasWaldmann> not sure whether that matters
226 2011-01-06T12:25:33 <achshar> yeah thats mostly when we use js:void :)
227 2011-01-06T12:25:55 <achshar> but it would be better to use js:void or dont have a href="" at all!
228 2011-01-06T12:27:22 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: ok
229 2011-01-06T12:27:29 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: cmd says "'sphinx-build' is not a recoganised as an internal or external command operable program or batch file" when i type "make.bat html'
230 2011-01-06T12:27:48 <ThomasWaldmann> i guess the href's only purpose is the let it look like a clickable link to the user
231 2011-01-06T12:28:02 <xorAxAx> achshar: file a bug at sphinx
232 2011-01-06T12:28:09 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: that maybe means you have no sphinx installed
233 2011-01-06T12:29:12 <achshar> hmm i have downloaded a egg file Sphinx-1.0.6-py2.7.egg how do i install it?
234 2011-01-06T12:29:31 <achshar> xorAxAx: what for??
235 2011-01-06T12:30:01 <xorAxAx> ok, that could also be the reasoon
236 2011-01-06T12:30:20 <achshar> :)
237 2011-01-06T12:31:08 *** kursor
238 2011-01-06T12:31:24 <achshar> btw css could be used to make a <a> tag look like a link even if href="" is not there.. it saves some extra bits and does not require to have javascript:void in every link that uses ajax
239 2011-01-06T12:32:54 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: so how would i install the egg file? i am sorry but cmd and python has never really been my thing :(
240 2011-01-06T12:33:53 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: we can't keep that "#" change, it really jumps to top of page, which is annoying if your TOC in not at the top.
241 2011-01-06T12:34:37 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: can you try what achshar has just suggested?
242 2011-01-06T12:34:47 <achshar> i would insist that you remove href="" and use css instead :)
243 2011-01-06T12:36:09 <izibi> validator complained about href="javascript:void()"
244 2011-01-06T12:36:15 <izibi> but that's easy to fix
245 2011-01-06T12:40:54 <izibi> validator: Bad value javascript:void() for attribute href on element a: syntax error (unnamed script#1)
246 2011-01-06T12:41:53 <ThomasWaldmann> hmm, is that a bug in the validator?
247 2011-01-06T12:42:07 <achshar> no
248 2011-01-06T12:42:21 <achshar> js:void is not a valif href value
249 2011-01-06T12:42:35 <achshar> valid*
250 2011-01-06T12:43:26 <izibi> href="#" onclick="...;return false"
251 2011-01-06T12:44:11 <achshar> hmm why not remove href="" and use css like a { text-decoration:none; color:#00F; }
252 2011-01-06T12:44:31 <achshar> this way you would not need to have return false in eery link :)
253 2011-01-06T12:45:27 <izibi> imo it would be best to not add this html at all and do this collapse/expand stuff completely in javascript
254 2011-01-06T12:46:45 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: with just that css, the mouse cursor won't change as over a link, right?
255 2011-01-06T12:47:06 <achshar> hmm well we can change the css to taste :)
256 2011-01-06T12:47:21 <achshar> here is what i use on my site
257 2011-01-06T12:47:24 <achshar> a { text-decoration:none; color:#00F; } a:hover { text-decoration:underline; cursor:pointer; } a:active { outline: none; }
258 2011-01-06T12:47:50 <ThomasWaldmann> http://idle.slashdot.org/story/11/01/06/014226/SEGA-Brings-Gaming-To-Public-Restroom-Toilets haha
259 2011-01-06T12:49:05 <achshar> haha they will do anything to show some ads :P
260 2011-01-06T12:49:30 <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: fix: https://bitbucket.org/julianbrost/moin-2.0-dev/changeset/8cb117c0856e
261 2011-01-06T12:49:36 <achshar> hmm i have to go for now but i still have to install sphinx :(
262 2011-01-06T12:49:45 *** achshar
263 2011-01-06T12:50:58 * ThomasWaldmann tries
264 2011-01-06T12:51:29 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: if that works for you, can you commit it?
265 2011-01-06T12:52:05 <izibi> new bb account name ;)
266 2011-01-06T12:52:49 <izibi> it's already commited if you tried to pull it from the old repo
267 2011-01-06T12:53:03 <dreimark> re
268 2011-01-06T12:53:18 <izibi> i'm too lazy to clean up all this crap on the old one :D
269 2011-01-06T12:56:46 <ThomasWaldmann> oh, ok, trying new repo
270 2011-01-06T12:58:02 <ThomasWaldmann> yup, works :)
271 2011-01-06T12:59:25 <izibi> return false just prevents that the default action for the link happens
272 2011-01-06T12:59:35 <izibi> which in case of # is go to the top of the page
273 2011-01-06T13:00:00 <ThomasWaldmann> that fieldset stuff, was it giving validation errors?
274 2011-01-06T13:00:51 <CIA-56> Julian Brost <julian.brost@googlemail.com> default * 10217:8ca705a7330f 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po: Fixed some small mistake in the German language file.
275 2011-01-06T13:00:53 <CIA-56> Julian Brost <julian.brost@googlemail.com> default * 10218:80d99f98edbe 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/ (10 files in 3 dirs):
276 2011-01-06T13:00:53 <CIA-56> Fixed most invalid HTML 5.
277 2011-01-06T13:00:53 <CIA-56> There are some issues remaining in the output of some converters. All known
278 2011-01-06T13:00:53 <CIA-56> issues are documented on
279 2011-01-06T13:00:54 <CIA-56> http://moinmo.in/EasyToDo/fix%20html%20output%20so%20it%20is%20valid%20html5/Html5ValidationIssues
280 2011-01-06T13:00:54 <CIA-56> Additionally there are some views that raise exceptions and may return invalid
281 2011-01-06T13:00:55 <CIA-56> HTML after being fixed.
282 2011-01-06T13:00:55 <CIA-56> Julian Brost <julian.brost@googlemail.com> default * 10219:8cb117c0856e 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/converter/html_out.py: Added return false to onclick-events in TOC to prevent jumping to the top of the page.
283 2011-01-06T13:01:04 <izibi> no, but i changes all forms to use the same <dl>-style
284 2011-01-06T13:01:15 <izibi> instead of some using a formset and some a dl
285 2011-01-06T13:02:06 <ThomasWaldmann> ok
286 2011-01-06T13:02:15 <izibi> as you said, consitency ;)
287 2011-01-06T13:03:10 <izibi> so which one is next? :)
288 2011-01-06T13:06:29 <ThomasWaldmann> if you like, claim a medium bugfix to fix html5 for converters
289 2011-01-06T13:07:26 <ThomasWaldmann> or an easy one to fix some specific converter
290 2011-01-06T13:09:37 *** achshar
291 2011-01-06T13:10:10 <izibi> Server Error
292 2011-01-06T13:10:11 <izibi> yeah!
293 2011-01-06T13:11:43 <izibi> refactor views render calls
294 2011-01-06T13:11:55 <izibi> what does "check if we have unwanted redirects after error" mean?
295 2011-01-06T13:12:30 <izibi> invalid post data but the user will get a redirect response as if everything was fine?
296 2011-01-06T13:13:11 <ThomasWaldmann> unwanted redirect = it doesn't make sense
297 2011-01-06T13:13:36 <ThomasWaldmann> yeah, something like that
298 2011-01-06T13:13:56 <izibi> claim requested
299 2011-01-06T13:18:35 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: do you have some html css javascript work to be done? maybe i could do an easy or medium task in last 4 days?
300 2011-01-06T13:22:03 <achshar> any ways gtg
301 2011-01-06T13:22:20 *** achshar
302 2011-01-06T13:22:43 <CIA-56> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5760:b43061e7c4d6 1.9/Makefile: fixed install-docs sed commands (thanks to Sam T., GCI 2010)
303 2011-01-06T13:22:46 <CIA-56> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5761:2955339b8b03 1.9/docs/ (INSTALL.html UPDATE.html): updated install-docs
304 2011-01-06T13:24:08 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: you have it
305 2011-01-06T13:24:32 <izibi> thx
306 2011-01-06T13:24:44 <izibi> now i know where the sed task had gone :D
307 2011-01-06T13:33:46 <dreimark> izibi: we will have a better 1.9.4 now :)
308 2011-01-06T13:36:26 *** kursor
309 2011-01-06T13:39:26 *** grzywacz
310 2011-01-06T13:39:27 *** grzywacz
311 2011-01-06T13:48:29 <ThomasWaldmann> http://moinmo.in/EasyToDo/make%20file%20upload%20more%20comfortable%20for%20moin2
312 2011-01-06T13:48:56 <ThomasWaldmann> can we make a gci task from this?
313 2011-01-06T13:49:17 <izibi> there is already one i think
314 2011-01-06T13:49:28 <ThomasWaldmann> this one is for moin2
315 2011-01-06T13:49:40 <ThomasWaldmann> the other one is for 1.9
316 2011-01-06T13:50:01 <izibi> ah ok
317 2011-01-06T13:52:26 <dreimark> btw. new item creation has also much steps
318 2011-01-06T13:54:46 <ThomasWaldmann> hmm, maybe we can split into 2 tasks
319 2011-01-06T13:55:02 <ThomasWaldmann> first have that theme widget that shows subitems list
320 2011-01-06T13:55:08 <dreimark> sometimes i wish to have a "new item" link on the editbar too or somewhere else
321 2011-01-06T13:55:28 <ThomasWaldmann> with buttons that insert filename into editor
322 2011-01-06T13:55:31 <dreimark> which did not ask "dummy does not exist. Create it?"
323 2011-01-06T13:55:46 <dreimark> because i know that already - it is new
324 2011-01-06T13:56:34 <ThomasWaldmann> that would already be beneficial for editor view
325 2011-01-06T13:56:41 <dreimark> yes
326 2011-01-06T14:02:51 <ThomasWaldmann> http://moinmo.in/EasyToDo/make%20subitems%20theme%20widget%20with%20editor%20support
327 2011-01-06T14:04:37 <ThomasWaldmann> hmm, in fact it should only display on MARKUP modify views
328 2011-01-06T14:05:17 <ThomasWaldmann> or at least TEXT type modify views, where we show a text editor
329 2011-01-06T14:06:00 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: how is the current state of openid stuff?
330 2011-01-06T14:07:43 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: yesterday i tried with my launchpad id
331 2011-01-06T14:08:04 <dreimark> the communication to launchpad works, i get informed there about the request
332 2011-01-06T14:08:28 <dreimark> but moin tells open id failure and send a traceback i added to our paste bin
333 2011-01-06T14:11:34 <dreimark> if i know any openid provider would work, i agree on closing the task, i just want to reproduce that it in principal works
334 2011-01-06T14:11:43 <ThomasWaldmann> sure
335 2011-01-06T14:12:00 <dreimark> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315461/
336 2011-01-06T14:12:00 <ThomasWaldmann> which provider did he use to test?
337 2011-01-06T14:12:14 <dreimark> i don't know
338 2011-01-06T14:12:29 <dreimark> i can test with google later today
339 2011-01-06T14:13:12 * ThomasWaldmann has a deja vue :)
340 2011-01-06T14:13:25 <dreimark> because ?
341 2011-01-06T14:14:06 <ThomasWaldmann> that abort(redirect(url)) - i think it doesn't work at that place
342 2011-01-06T14:14:20 <dreimark> oh, arg yes fsk, remember too
343 2011-01-06T14:14:32 <ThomasWaldmann> it works in a normal dispatched request and the related view
344 2011-01-06T14:14:35 <dreimark> that was discussed on pocoo
345 2011-01-06T14:14:41 <ThomasWaldmann> but this stuff is in before() iirc
346 2011-01-06T14:14:46 <ThomasWaldmann> yes
347 2011-01-06T14:24:06 *** Samm
348 2011-01-06T14:28:30 <dreimark> i guess the traceback is not dependent to the oid problem with the launchpad id
349 2011-01-06T14:29:00 <dreimark> but of course it should not happen too
350 2011-01-06T14:33:19 <jacktheripper> ThomasWaldmann, can I please have 3 tasks for the remaining ~500 strings ? it's pretty hard to type in arabic :d
351 2011-01-06T14:34:10 <ThomasWaldmann> ok
352 2011-01-06T14:34:32 <jacktheripper> thanks
353 2011-01-06T14:35:01 <ThomasWaldmann> how is that typed anyway? keys? gui widget?
354 2011-01-06T14:35:17 <jacktheripper> keys of course. I'm just not used AT ALL to arabic.
355 2011-01-06T14:35:22 <jacktheripper> I'm like 15wpm
356 2011-01-06T14:36:10 <jacktheripper> that's why I'm slow. 40/200 done so far.
357 2011-01-06T14:37:39 <ThomasWaldmann> if you say you are not used to arabic, you mean typing that stuff. but you think quality of your translation is ok?
358 2011-01-06T14:38:27 <jacktheripper> the quality is fine (you could have someone check my changes if you want)
359 2011-01-06T14:38:34 <jacktheripper> I'm used to the actual language, just not typing it
360 2011-01-06T14:38:40 <ThomasWaldmann> ok
361 2011-01-06T14:39:10 <ThomasWaldmann> we just had some issues with students using google translate copy&paste, that's why I am asking :)
362 2011-01-06T14:39:35 <jacktheripper> I sometimes use google translate for single terms, but the grammar is mine.
363 2011-01-06T14:39:46 <ThomasWaldmann> ok
364 2011-01-06T14:39:48 <jacktheripper> 'cause arabic computer terms are not usually very obvious
365 2011-01-06T14:40:00 *** cosmos_t1ought
366 2011-01-06T14:40:02 <dreimark> same whith germans too
367 2011-01-06T14:41:34 *** cosmos_thought
368 2011-01-06T14:45:58 <jacktheripper> plus, I fix some already-translated strings :)
369 2011-01-06T14:46:27 <ThomasWaldmann> great :)
370 2011-01-06T14:46:32 <jacktheripper> I found many times the same arabic string written for different msgids
371 2011-01-06T14:52:40 *** cosmos_t1ought
372 2011-01-06T15:41:59 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: can you try a patch for the exception happening for openid?
373 2011-01-06T15:54:53 *** NikitaUtiu
374 2011-01-06T15:55:04 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315841/
375 2011-01-06T15:55:32 <ThomasWaldmann> this hopefully fixes the abort(redirect(...)) not working issue
376 2011-01-06T15:55:40 <NikitaUtiu> moin
377 2011-01-06T15:55:40 <ThomasWaldmann> hi NikitaUtiu
378 2011-01-06T15:55:54 <NikitaUtiu> how was the code :)
379 2011-01-06T15:55:55 <NikitaUtiu> ?
380 2011-01-06T15:56:06 <ThomasWaldmann> i am just try to fix one of the issues dreimark found in it
381 2011-01-06T15:56:23 <NikitaUtiu> hm?
382 2011-01-06T15:56:31 <ThomasWaldmann> it's not directly related to your code, rather a framework issue
383 2011-01-06T15:57:00 <NikitaUtiu> oh, what was wrong ?
384 2011-01-06T15:57:09 <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: you can't use abort(redirect(...)) without that patch in stuff called from before()
385 2011-01-06T15:57:20 <ThomasWaldmann> that includes setup_user / auth stuff
386 2011-01-06T15:58:15 <NikitaUtiu> oh, setup_user is called before before (), i've never got a redirect response though from the oid service
387 2011-01-06T15:58:47 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark had this: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315461/ when trying with launchpad openid
388 2011-01-06T15:59:18 <NikitaUtiu> and does it work now ?
389 2011-01-06T15:59:30 <ThomasWaldmann> i don't know :)
390 2011-01-06T16:00:01 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark didn't test yet practically, but I hopefully fixed it with that patch, so it could work
391 2011-01-06T16:00:37 <NikitaUtiu> also, is my code all good ?
392 2011-01-06T16:00:49 <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: do you have a LP login?
393 2011-01-06T16:00:57 <NikitaUtiu> yes
394 2011-01-06T16:01:11 <ThomasWaldmann> can you test your openid login using it?
395 2011-01-06T16:01:19 <NikitaUtiu> ok
396 2011-01-06T16:02:25 <ThomasWaldmann> first maybe without that patch
397 2011-01-06T16:02:36 <ThomasWaldmann> just to reproduce the crash
398 2011-01-06T16:03:02 <ThomasWaldmann> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315841/ patch is there
399 2011-01-06T16:04:02 <ThomasWaldmann> brb
400 2011-01-06T16:04:22 * dreimark i can look later, not now sorry
401 2011-01-06T16:04:25 <NikitaUtiu> also, is there any way to set trace with the werkzeug debugger
402 2011-01-06T16:04:53 <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: with which oid service did you tried ?
403 2011-01-06T16:05:19 <NikitaUtiu> wait, haven't tried yet
404 2011-01-06T16:05:40 <dreimark> and du i need a wiki connected to the internet for the service at all
405 2011-01-06T16:06:01 <dreimark> i tried with the localhost wiki
406 2011-01-06T16:06:08 <dreimark> s/du/do/
407 2011-01-06T16:06:24 <NikitaUtiu> yes it crashes with lp
408 2011-01-06T16:07:21 <NikitaUtiu> yes, you need it connected to the internet
409 2011-01-06T16:07:31 <dreimark> about werkzeug ask mitsuhiko, at pocoo or python.de
410 2011-01-06T16:08:04 <NikitaUtiu> but it works if localhost is connected to the internet, no need for it to be on a public domain if the pc has connection
411 2011-01-06T16:08:05 <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: ah ok, thought that already but the crash is unrelated if you have it too
412 2011-01-06T16:08:23 <dreimark> my pc had connection
413 2011-01-06T16:08:33 <dreimark> i have seen at launchpad the request
414 2011-01-06T16:08:48 <dreimark> i meant rather public then, ok
415 2011-01-06T16:16:02 <NikitaUtiu> also, i might have found an issue with the memory store, but i'll have to check it later,i htg now
416 2011-01-06T16:16:21 *** NikitaUtiu
417 2011-01-06T16:20:00 *** achshar
418 2011-01-06T16:21:18 <ThomasWaldmann> re
419 2011-01-06T16:22:01 <achshar> man i am never operating cmd again! had to lost almost all user data.. wierd.. never happend before! a crashed chrome profile
420 2011-01-06T16:22:51 <ThomasWaldmann> huh?
421 2011-01-06T16:22:59 <achshar> and about 50 gigs of torrent data
422 2011-01-06T16:23:04 <achshar> :P
423 2011-01-06T16:23:13 <ThomasWaldmann> del *.* ?
424 2011-01-06T16:23:26 <achshar> what?
425 2011-01-06T16:23:42 <ThomasWaldmann> why did you almost lose data?
426 2011-01-06T16:24:15 <achshar> my chrome lost all shortcuts data, chrome profile crashed, bittorent torrents vanished
427 2011-01-06T16:24:48 <achshar> my user documents corrupted..
428 2011-01-06T16:25:02 <achshar> but hey i always keep a backup for good ;)
429 2011-01-06T16:25:13 <ThomasWaldmann> and the cause was what exactly?
430 2011-01-06T16:25:22 <achshar> i dont really know
431 2011-01-06T16:25:36 <achshar> but only thing i wal doing was cmd before i shut down my pc
432 2011-01-06T16:25:44 <achshar> was*
433 2011-01-06T16:25:57 <ThomasWaldmann> strange
434 2011-01-06T16:26:10 <ThomasWaldmann> cmd usually just does what you tell it
435 2011-01-06T16:26:15 <achshar> yeah
436 2011-01-06T16:26:42 <achshar> even i find it hard to believe
437 2011-01-06T16:27:19 <ThomasWaldmann> maybe you watched some wrong pdf :D
438 2011-01-06T16:27:39 * ThomasWaldmann refers to omg wtf pdf talk from 27c3
439 2011-01-06T16:28:53 <achshar> :P strange thing is i am a cloud person.. i try not to install stuff on my system.. i dont have internetexplorer, msoffice, adobe reader, photoshop and any other webdesigner stuff..
440 2011-01-06T16:29:16 <achshar> i was quiet certain that i would need a window reinstall untill tuneup utilities saved the day! yayyy it really works
441 2011-01-06T16:30:19 <achshar> anyways.. i was trying to install sphinx.. got the egg file now all i need to know is how to install it..
442 2011-01-06T16:30:39 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, some software like acronis trueimage is nice for such cases
443 2011-01-06T16:31:20 <ThomasWaldmann> if you regularly use it, you can just go back one day. or with that nonstop backup also 10 minutes.
444 2011-01-06T16:31:49 * ThomasWaldmann rarely uses eggs and windows
445 2011-01-06T16:32:11 <achshar> hmm yeah but all i have on my harddrive is softwares and movies/songs.. :P
446 2011-01-06T16:32:15 <achshar> haha
447 2011-01-06T16:32:35 <achshar> all of the docs go on google docs ;)
448 2011-01-06T16:32:58 <achshar> images to facebook
449 2011-01-06T16:33:26 <ThomasWaldmann> it is not just about valuable personal data, it is also about system availability and integrity
450 2011-01-06T16:33:55 <ThomasWaldmann> so, e.g. if your windows suddenly thinks a bluescreen is all you want
451 2011-01-06T16:34:40 <m4k3r> lol
452 2011-01-06T16:34:47 <achshar> hmm true..
453 2011-01-06T16:35:52 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: anyways i think i am ready for another go.. so how would i install sphinx.. i really want ot finish this task today :)
454 2011-01-06T16:36:28 <achshar> what is 'easy_install -U Sphinx '?
455 2011-01-06T16:36:44 <ThomasWaldmann> that's a commandline
456 2011-01-06T16:37:00 <ThomasWaldmann> easy_install is a sw to easily install python packages
457 2011-01-06T16:37:31 <achshar> so can i install sphinx on windows with this?
458 2011-01-06T16:37:32 <m4k3r> I suggest to use pip instead of easy_install.
459 2011-01-06T16:37:49 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: i never tried
460 2011-01-06T16:37:57 <m4k3r> achshar: yep.
461 2011-01-06T16:38:12 <ThomasWaldmann> but theoretically yes
462 2011-01-06T16:38:42 * ThomasWaldmann usually demands money for touching windows systems :D
463 2011-01-06T16:38:48 <achshar> hmm cool.. does it go in cmd? i dont really know how to install in any way.. :(
464 2011-01-06T16:38:51 <achshar> haha :P
465 2011-01-06T16:39:16 <ThomasWaldmann> yes, you need to enter that in cmd
466 2011-01-06T16:39:37 <achshar> we have so many windows over here that i have nevr seen a mac in my life! or ubuntu!
467 2011-01-06T16:39:46 <achshar> let me give it a try
468 2011-01-06T16:40:15 <m4k3r> :o
469 2011-01-06T16:40:21 <m4k3r> Do you live in hell?
470 2011-01-06T16:40:27 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: that's really a pity.
471 2011-01-06T16:40:41 <achshar> yeah i know.. :((
472 2011-01-06T16:40:47 <achshar> its much like hell
473 2011-01-06T16:41:09 <ThomasWaldmann> while windows' widespreadness has some advantages, it has also many disadvantages. and if you are developing software, you have quite too many WTFs.
474 2011-01-06T16:42:01 <ThomasWaldmann> if you want to have a laugh (or tears), look at MoinMoin.util.filesys
475 2011-01-06T16:42:50 <jacktheripper> I keep windows just for gaming, it fails at everything else.
476 2011-01-06T16:43:13 <achshar> yes.. it goes perfectly with xbox.. :D
477 2011-01-06T16:43:20 <achshar> \m/
478 2011-01-06T16:43:55 <achshar> esp play halo reach on xbox live :O
479 2011-01-06T16:44:01 <jacktheripper> what's page trail in "Show page trail" ?
480 2011-01-06T16:44:20 <ThomasWaldmann> it is a list of pages you have visited recently
481 2011-01-06T16:44:31 <ThomasWaldmann> shown in the upper area if you are logged in
482 2011-01-06T16:44:59 <m4k3r> lol. I broke my xbox in order to have more time to spend in developing. And also becouse I fail in flashing consoles.
483 2011-01-06T16:45:21 <achshar> lol :D
484 2011-01-06T16:45:38 <jacktheripper> flashing being the minor cause of course xD
485 2011-01-06T16:49:03 <achshar> brb
486 2011-01-06T17:01:23 *** achshar2
487 2011-01-06T17:04:16 *** achshar2
488 2011-01-06T17:37:28 *** gwork
489 2011-01-06T17:46:52 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: ok here's my present state, i have sphinx .egg file from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Sphinx in mu docs/ directory, i also have cmd pointing to docs/ directory and i put 'easy_install -U Sphinx'. it gives me error "is not recognized as an internal external command"
490 2011-01-06T17:50:29 <achshar> i need sphinx because it seems to have some rendering problems which makes correct rst code messed up..
491 2011-01-06T17:54:04 <achshar> dreimark: hello.. :)
492 2011-01-06T18:01:42 <achshar> can anybody help me stiing up sphinx?
493 2011-01-06T18:02:20 <achshar> setting*
494 2011-01-06T18:06:56 *** greg_f
495 2011-01-06T18:11:12 <achshar> ronny: you have a minute..? i need some help installing sphinx on my windows.. i think i am half way there.. :O
496 2011-01-06T18:14:10 <achshar> or maybe xorAxAx: ^^
497 2011-01-06T18:16:04 <achshar> i am doomed |o.O|
498 2011-01-06T18:21:45 *** achshar
499 2011-01-06T18:28:08 *** achshar
500 2011-01-06T18:29:06 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: you latest file is on melange?
501 2011-01-06T18:29:36 <achshar> just a little more changes
502 2011-01-06T18:29:46 <achshar> i can give you the paste.pocoo
503 2011-01-06T18:29:53 <achshar> just a sec
504 2011-01-06T18:32:34 <achshar> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315913/
505 2011-01-06T18:33:14 <achshar> this is the one but this might produce some wron formating with sphinx, some sphinx problem
506 2011-01-06T18:33:38 <achshar> i only know of one such error and that has been marked as sphinxtodo :)
507 2011-01-06T18:36:30 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: bold AND italic missing
508 2011-01-06T18:37:20 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: it isnt there on the help page
509 2011-01-06T18:37:27 <achshar> 1.9 help page i mean
510 2011-01-06T18:38:10 <ThomasWaldmann> i compare with creole rst docs :)
511 2011-01-06T18:38:26 <ThomasWaldmann> comment below images stuff belongs to links section
512 2011-01-06T18:40:07 <achshar> oh right :) and should i add bold and italics too? its kind of obvious that if we want woth be nest then
513 2011-01-06T18:40:18 <ThomasWaldmann> show the working SubItem SiblingItem syntax (the one with [[]])
514 2011-01-06T18:41:57 <achshar> done :)
515 2011-01-06T18:42:00 <ThomasWaldmann> the filename.txt describtion is not correct
516 2011-01-06T18:42:12 <ThomasWaldmann> or rather, the link
517 2011-01-06T18:42:32 <ThomasWaldmann> should be [[/filename.txt]]
518 2011-01-06T18:42:38 <ThomasWaldmann> check rendering of that
519 2011-01-06T18:42:51 <achshar> hmm
520 2011-01-06T18:43:00 <ThomasWaldmann> and either small f or big F
521 2011-01-06T18:43:37 <achshar> the description, i took it from creole wiki..
522 2011-01-06T18:46:47 <ThomasWaldmann> external image links: well, they are just links as every other link
523 2011-01-06T18:47:12 <ThomasWaldmann> i guess we should remove them from the links section
524 2011-01-06T18:47:27 <achshar> sure but they were in 1.9 page
525 2011-01-06T18:47:45 <ThomasWaldmann> but, we maybe want to have same internal/external subdivision of the transclusion section
526 2011-01-06T18:48:29 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: that is likely something from the far past. in very old versions, moin autodected images (by extension) and if you linked to an image, it showed the image
527 2011-01-06T18:49:02 <achshar> hmm.. i removed image links..
528 2011-01-06T18:49:07 <ThomasWaldmann> we removed all such magic in moin2
529 2011-01-06T18:49:16 <achshar> :)
530 2011-01-06T18:51:21 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: there is some wrong behaviour.. and i think its not related to my task.. when linked to 'subpage' from 'home/test' it links to home/subpage where as when we link to '/subpage' it links to home/test/subpage.. shouldnt it be exactly opposite?? '/foo' means foo is in site root/home where as './foo' or no '/' (i.e 'foo') means its a subpage.. a subpage
531 2011-01-06T18:54:13 <ThomasWaldmann> x should link to toplevel item x, /x to a subitem, ../x to a sister item.
532 2011-01-06T18:54:38 <ThomasWaldmann> this has mostly historic reasons and we did not change that yet
533 2011-01-06T18:55:33 <achshar> hmm strane.. but makes sense.. its exactly opposite to what is used in www
534 2011-01-06T18:56:01 <ThomasWaldmann> but i already thought some times about using x for same-level/sister link
535 2011-01-06T18:56:27 <achshar> hmm
536 2011-01-06T18:56:40 *** kursor
537 2011-01-06T18:56:44 <achshar> btw i did everything that you sais
538 2011-01-06T18:56:58 <achshar> said*
539 2011-01-06T18:57:36 <ThomasWaldmann> shorthand = shortcut?
540 2011-01-06T18:58:03 <achshar> dont knwo: took it from help page
541 2011-01-06T18:58:46 <achshar> do we want internal/external subdivision of the transclusion section? there wont be many syntaxes to document..
542 2011-01-06T18:59:16 <ThomasWaldmann> principally there are as many as for links
543 2011-01-06T18:59:25 <ThomasWaldmann> but maybe not anything makes sense
544 2011-01-06T19:00:23 <achshar> so i guess thats a no.. :)
545 2011-01-06T19:01:07 <achshar> but all of this would be useless if sphinx pruduces unwanted errors.. like eating up spaces..
546 2011-01-06T19:01:23 <ThomasWaldmann> well at least you should show an external image transclusion
547 2011-01-06T19:01:41 <achshar> ok..
548 2011-01-06T19:02:40 <ThomasWaldmann> smileys, row4 col4 and row6 col2 looks differently rendered by sphinx
549 2011-01-06T19:02:59 <ThomasWaldmann> |) and |-)
550 2011-01-06T19:03:15 <achshar> yes i had to add litrals around them
551 2011-01-06T19:03:35 <achshar> because the poles | would interfear with table structure
552 2011-01-06T19:03:43 <achshar> it was producing errors..
553 2011-01-06T19:03:55 *** opengl
554 2011-01-06T19:04:22 <ThomasWaldmann> ah
555 2011-01-06T19:04:28 <ThomasWaldmann> so, add them for all?
556 2011-01-06T19:04:47 <achshar> hmm okiee that sounds cool
557 2011-01-06T19:05:07 <ThomasWaldmann> syntax highlighting comments are a bit unclear
558 2011-01-06T19:06:32 <achshar> "Shows the box with syntax highlighted. The structure cannot be shown in rst."??
559 2011-01-06T19:07:02 <ThomasWaldmann> yes
560 2011-01-06T19:07:21 <ThomasWaldmann> also the one above. breaks means crash?
561 2011-01-06T19:07:44 <achshar> yes.. thats a more apt word
562 2011-01-06T19:07:52 <achshar> :)
563 2011-01-06T19:10:29 <ThomasWaldmann> using wiki parser with css classes, comments - as this doesn't work with rst, maybe better no "result"
564 2011-01-06T19:11:08 <ThomasWaldmann> same for admonitions
565 2011-01-06T19:14:09 <achshar> sorry i could not understand what you meant :(
566 2011-01-06T19:17:27 <achshar> like i shourremove the result subheading from comments and admonitions?
567 2011-01-06T19:18:30 <ThomasWaldmann> at least sphinx can't really show a result. did you try the moin rst output?
568 2011-01-06T19:19:13 <achshar> hmm for showing the dive and image and the css or comments/admonitions?
569 2011-01-06T19:19:22 <achshar> div*
570 2011-01-06T19:19:36 <achshar> hmm for showing the div and image and the css for comments/admonitions?
571 2011-01-06T19:20:33 <achshar> i think they only take in text and show html of their own
572 2011-01-06T19:22:06 <ThomasWaldmann> ?
573 2011-01-06T19:22:36 <achshar> the thing is what do i type in the rst page to get exactly what would be shown on the wiki page.. in case of admonitions it is a div with an image a heading and a body
574 2011-01-06T19:23:08 <ThomasWaldmann> and the red stuff gets red?
575 2011-01-06T19:23:27 <ThomasWaldmann> comment gets comment?
576 2011-01-06T19:23:41 <achshar> well that's another thing rst does not have colors
577 2011-01-06T19:23:51 <ThomasWaldmann> because in sphinx the "result" displays don't show anything useful
578 2011-01-06T19:24:26 <achshar> ok take the present 1.9 help page for example
579 2011-01-06T19:24:44 <achshar> http://moinmo.in/HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax#Admonitions
580 2011-01-06T19:25:12 <achshar> here the oe in the grey box can be shown easily because its just text
581 2011-01-06T19:25:45 <achshar> but the result (i.e the admonition below it) is html
582 2011-01-06T19:26:44 <achshar> so my question is what how can we show the admonitions exactly as they would in a wiki page
583 2011-01-06T19:26:58 <ThomasWaldmann> good question :)
584 2011-01-06T19:27:27 <ThomasWaldmann> if it doesn't work with moin's rst converter either, I'ld say leave the result away
585 2011-01-06T19:27:57 <achshar> thats why i left the result blank because it has to contain exactly what the user would see on wiki page :)
586 2011-01-06T19:28:09 <achshar> yeah.. i tries moin's rst to
587 2011-01-06T19:28:14 <achshar> too
588 2011-01-06T19:29:05 <achshar> soo i guess i have almost done all what we discussed here :)
589 2011-01-06T19:30:07 <izibi> i think moin2 is vulnerable to CSRF if i look at these views :/
590 2011-01-06T19:30:39 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: see EasyToDo :)
591 2011-01-06T19:31:01 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: ok, submit your current stuff to melange
592 2011-01-06T19:31:48 <achshar> on my way :)
593 2011-01-06T19:31:49 <izibi> hehe
594 2011-01-06T19:43:51 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: done :)
595 2011-01-06T19:44:08 <izibi> Binary file MoinMoin/apps/frontend/views.py has changed
596 2011-01-06T19:44:11 <izibi> wtf? oO
597 2011-01-06T19:47:17 <ThomasWaldmann> ehrm
598 2011-01-06T19:50:08 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: did you try my file with sphinx..? does it look ok? earlier the table borders were not showing correctly..
599 2011-01-06T19:54:33 <CIA-56> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 10220:313b603cf771 2.0-dev/docs/user/moinwiki.rst: moin wiki markup docs (thanks to Achshar, GCI 2010)
600 2011-01-06T19:55:27 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: ^^
601 2011-01-06T19:55:35 <achshar> yayyy cia-56 mentions me..! i dont really know what for.. :O
602 2011-01-06T19:55:47 <achshar> :D:D i get it
603 2011-01-06T19:56:09 <izibi> yeah, merging :D
604 2011-01-06T19:56:55 <achshar> thanks alot ThomasWaldmann, dreimark, ronny, xorAxAx!
605 2011-01-06T19:57:02 <ThomasWaldmann> thank you :)
606 2011-01-06T19:57:31 <achshar> actually i got to learn a new thing, rst.. :D
607 2011-01-06T19:58:23 <ThomasWaldmann> it is quite popular in the python world
608 2011-01-06T19:58:44 <ThomasWaldmann> for docs, for docstrings in the code, sphinx, etc.
609 2011-01-06T19:59:10 <achshar> :D hmm yes.. feels like when i first learned html :)
610 2011-01-06T19:59:33 <achshar> just found this task.. http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/show/google/gci2010/moinmoin/t129037964768
611 2011-01-06T19:59:34 <achshar> you think i can do it.. now that i am familar with rst and have a moin2 local instalation
612 2011-01-06T20:01:43 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: plus maybe i could finally install sphinx..
613 2011-01-06T20:07:42 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: that would be quite easy now, do it :)
614 2011-01-06T20:08:14 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: done :)
615 2011-01-06T20:09:05 <achshar> excited.. this is my sixth task.. i can now finally have android.. :D:D:D
616 2011-01-06T20:10:42 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: i did a bit searching but couldnt find a 1..9 help page for rst.. i belive they are nw to moin2 right..?
617 2011-01-06T20:10:42 <izibi> which device do you get for $200? oO
618 2011-01-06T20:10:52 <achshar> samsung galaxy 5
619 2011-01-06T20:11:12 <achshar> :D 200$ is a litle more than 8000 rupees
620 2011-01-06T20:11:30 <achshar> and galaxy 5 in india is 9500
621 2011-01-06T20:11:45 <achshar> so yayyyyyy!
622 2011-01-06T20:12:07 <izibi> hf with it ;)
623 2011-01-06T20:12:18 <achshar> ;)
624 2011-01-06T20:14:15 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: in which case, how will i know which syntaxes are to be documented? or should i simply do the ones which are used the most
625 2011-01-06T20:14:35 *** jacktheripper
626 2011-01-06T20:15:02 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: follow the structure of the other user/*.rst markup docs
627 2011-01-06T20:15:30 <achshar> hmm okiee
628 2011-01-06T20:15:42 * ThomasWaldmann has rather a cheaper phone plus a light laptop
629 2011-01-06T20:17:22 <achshar> hmm a laptop would be far out of my range :P plus 9500 is pretty decent..
630 2011-01-06T20:19:25 <ThomasWaldmann> yeah, but for the price of the high end smartphones, you also get a good netbook or cheap notebook
631 2011-01-06T20:21:20 <izibi> wait. i paid twice as much for my smartphone as for my netbook xD
632 2011-01-06T20:21:30 <achshar> hm right.. they start from about 19000 here.. but i have this thing for android.. i always heard about it's apps and all.. cant resist owning one :O
633 2011-01-06T20:21:31 <izibi> well almost ;)
634 2011-01-06T20:21:44 <achshar> :O which smartphone?
635 2011-01-06T20:21:51 <izibi> galaxy s
636 2011-01-06T20:22:06 <achshar> aah.. thats pretty good.. :)
637 2011-01-06T20:22:36 <achshar> and worth it, i believe
638 2011-01-06T20:23:03 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: i9000 s?
639 2011-01-06T20:23:09 <izibi> didn't get cheaper in the last few months. interesting
640 2011-01-06T20:23:15 <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: yup
641 2011-01-06T20:23:26 <ThomasWaldmann> just read heise.de news about it :)
642 2011-01-06T20:23:53 <achshar> hmm you could have waited for nexus S :O
643 2011-01-06T20:24:18 <izibi> achshar: i bought it in august
644 2011-01-06T20:24:33 <achshar> hmm in that case it was cool :)
645 2011-01-06T20:25:07 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: they tell they sold 10.000.000 of it
646 2011-01-06T20:25:41 <achshar> i am not surprised.. its a very popular phone.. mostly because of android :D
647 2011-01-06T20:26:12 <izibi> yeah but with this crappy touchwiz by default
648 2011-01-06T20:26:21 * ThomasWaldmann still likes his motorola motozine zn5 :)
649 2011-01-06T20:26:36 <achshar> now competes moto droid, nexus one and evo 4g :O
650 2011-01-06T20:28:00 <izibi> hopefully there'll be a working version of cyanogenmod 7 soon. i want gingerbread :D
651 2011-01-06T20:28:31 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: btw i am naming this file rstwiki.rst
652 2011-01-06T20:29:20 <achshar> i saw that honeycomb video yesterday.. a lot of cool new stuff but only for tablets.. :(
653 2011-01-06T20:30:34 *** rfw
654 2011-01-06T20:31:14 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: use the filenames you see in docs/user/*
655 2011-01-06T20:31:27 <ThomasWaldmann> so it is rest.rst
656 2011-01-06T20:31:28 <achshar> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPUGNCIozp0 :O its official
657 2011-01-06T20:31:40 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: hmm alright :)
658 2011-01-06T20:36:57 <izibi> does passwort reset in moin2 work atm?
659 2011-01-06T20:37:15 <ThomasWaldmann> i didn't try recently
660 2011-01-06T20:37:35 <achshar> i did a couple of days ago.. andit was working
661 2011-01-06T20:37:59 <izibi> i get an AssertionError
662 2011-01-06T20:38:05 <izibi> assert isinstance(address, unicode)
663 2011-01-06T20:39:21 <izibi> but validation works at least
664 2011-01-06T20:40:21 <izibi> request.values == get parameters?
665 2011-01-06T20:41:42 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: a general question.. what benefit does rst document generation have above a user edited wiki page..? like why not straight make a wiki page instead and limit the edit capabilities
666 2011-01-06T20:41:59 <achshar> izibi: i am not at all a python guy.. :O
667 2011-01-06T20:43:30 <izibi> sphinx generates static html which is easier to distribute
668 2011-01-06T20:44:28 <achshar> distribute? among what?
669 2011-01-06T20:44:56 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: if you just look at a single page, just using the wiki would be likely easier/better. but with sphinx you can create a whole manual kind of.
670 2011-01-06T20:46:32 <achshar> hmm but for that we need someone to make all those rst pages.. like we would need someone to make those wiki pages.. or is there any way to make these rst pages automatically..?
671 2011-01-06T20:46:56 *** NikitaUtiu
672 2011-01-06T20:46:59 <NikitaUtiu> moin
673 2011-01-06T20:49:44 <NikitaUtiu> dreimark: have you written that patch?
674 2011-01-06T20:51:52 <NikitaUtiu> i said that memorystore may have some issues. i doesn't handle interruptions well (like that error)
675 2011-01-06T20:52:50 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: no, docs is mostly to be hand-written. with the exception of autogenerated api docs, but those also need work, just different work.
676 2011-01-06T20:52:51 <NikitaUtiu> i have to check it afterwards; it may need a nonvolatile kind of store for it to work
677 2011-01-06T20:53:33 <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: if you mean the HTTPException handler, that was me
678 2011-01-06T20:53:51 <NikitaUtiu> the one with the redirect?
679 2011-01-06T20:54:34 <NikitaUtiu> have you fixed it ?
680 2011-01-06T20:54:54 <ThomasWaldmann> abort(redirect(..)) should work now
681 2011-01-06T20:55:06 <NikitaUtiu> ok, do you have a patch ?
682 2011-01-06T20:55:51 <ThomasWaldmann> (16:03) < ThomasWal> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/315841/ patch is there
683 2011-01-06T20:56:39 <ThomasWaldmann> if you make a diff just of your stuff (to save state), then try with this patch, i'ld commit it, if it is proven to work
684 2011-01-06T20:58:35 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: if i am getting it correctly then we make indivisual rst page for sphinx to generate static html which could then be shown in a wiki page. rst pages restrict our abilities and creativity because, well.. they are static. why not make individual wiki page straight..? they are, as you said easier/better.
685 2011-01-06T21:00:44 <achshar> the number of pages that need to be made must not affect the decision because in both the cases they have to be worked over manually
686 2011-01-06T21:01:26 <ThomasWaldmann> achshar: markup docs are part of the manual, sphinx only takes rst as input.
687 2011-01-06T21:01:46 <ThomasWaldmann> and moin also has a rst converter, so we can use it on a "wiki page" also.
688 2011-01-06T21:02:03 <ThomasWaldmann> with the limitations of rst, though
689 2011-01-06T21:02:38 <achshar> hmm yeah, limitations, we know :P
690 2011-01-06T21:05:15 *** NikitaUtiu
691 2011-01-06T21:12:25 <achshar> ThomasWaldmann: ca moin's rst page show super/subscript, underline, and stroke? they are not available in rst natively but through plugins.. i tried myself but couldnt figure out.. :(
692 2011-01-06T21:12:52 <achshar> through plugins in sphinx
693 2011-01-06T21:15:07 <ThomasWaldmann> didn't try yet
694 2011-01-06T21:15:31 <achshar> hmm
695 2011-01-06T21:23:29 <achshar> me gtg gn everybody and thanks again for the task :)
696 2011-01-06T21:23:59 <ThomasWaldmann> gn achshar :)
697 2011-01-06T21:24:15 <achshar> :D
698 2011-01-06T21:24:19 *** achshar
699 2011-01-06T21:48:08 *** opengl
700 2011-01-06T22:23:19 * ThomasWaldmann looks at the dd issue
701 2011-01-06T22:29:32 *** Samm
702 2011-01-06T22:32:29 *** m4k3r
703 2011-01-06T22:55:06 <ThomasWaldmann> waldi: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/316082/ do you think this new test is correct?
704 2011-01-06T23:18:40 <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/316100/ very hard work so far ;)
705 2011-01-06T23:39:26 <dreimark> re
706 2011-01-06T23:44:02 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: I'll look in a minute.
707 2011-01-06T23:45:55 <izibi> didn't even look at the redirects yet ;)
708 2011-01-06T23:54:21 <waldi> ThomasWaldmann: i don't know what the behaviour should be for this
709 2011-01-06T23:57:36 <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: looks good. does it still work? :)