What about WebDaAV? What about a course for MoinMoinProgramming?
MoinMoin Folks around the world. This are some impressions from the front-line...
Today im thinking about a WebDAV-Function for MoinMoin. That's because in my company (great data processing center for Banks), some Admins mean, the nice BSCW-Tool from the Fraunhofer-Company is a better tool than any WikiWiki. Their arguments are:
BSCW supports searching in "office-documents" like .pdf, .doc, .vsd etc. (realized by swish-e). MoinMoin doesn't...
BSCW supports an easy-administrable LDAP-Authentication and respectively provides an own "klickable" frontend for useradministraion. MoinMoin doesn't...
BSCW supports "Offline-Working", synchronising folders on my private disk whith the online folders. MoinMoin doesn't...
Please understand: I'm workin' whith MoinMoin every day:
- Teaching trainees and colleagues
- Organizing my own knowledge
- Organizing tickets, proplems and phone calls
Im using MoinMoin for nearly everything, what is related with Information- and Knowledge-Management
- How can I index attachments?
How can I link Attachments from a central file server
(I realized this whith the Interwiki-Mechanism, but that's (at this moment) whithout WebDAV)
And i'm thinking about a workshop like "Learning Python trough the MoinMoin-WikiEngine for administrators and Python-Newbies"
- Since one year im having a look at myself and my distance to python. I could not see any substantial progress in learning python.
Who will be able to spend some time in explaining MoinMoin-programming?
Better LocalSiteMap-Action:
At my company, i realized an icon for the LocalSiteMap-Action (and also for the Attach-Action).
You see the icons:
Right is the Homepage-Icon,
left aside the LocalSiteMap-Icon
(not very nice),
next left the AttachIcon.
The reason is: To improve the acceptance of wikis in my company, i need to sort pages treelike. I made some "menu-pages", for each topic en own page. The LocalSiteMap-Action shows the menu-hierarchy, i made by my own hand.
- The actual action build the complete tree up to the limited depth.
My wish was a clickable tree like the explorer/konquerer.
Other Action like TreeAction:
Like the normal LocalSiteMap-Action there could be a special Tree-Action. The special point could be, that the action would use some meta-data on the special tree-pages:
#pragma tree-page
this switch forces another icon than normal pages like real information-pages, the menu-action would interpret this switch and show a folder-icon in the tree-view instead of a document-icon.
Why do I think, that we need tree-views?
At the moment tree-views in this wiki are nearly impossible:
- Sometimes we had to organize informations in a tree.
- Treeviews should be an addon to some other views of information in the wiki.
- Treeviews should be buildable by an action-button like "raw, print-version or information" from any Page.
- Treeviews could raise the acceptance of wikis for people, who are used to work with tree-views, until they learn about the benefit of wikis.
- I know, that a tree only helps, if we have some hierachical data. But often my users have the problem: Where should i put the Information "into"??
- If I say them: Put it in in any way you would, they do answer me: "We would not accept the risk of any uncontrolled growth of our documentation, so we would use any kind of treeview and would initiate some editors, who control the tree."
- They could not see the benefit of the wiki, until they work one year with it...
So i have to give them some treeview, handmade or automaticaly made by the "not-written-TreeAction"
Please check the discussion in PagesHierarchy.
- Hello Eduardo. I agree completely with you in the following points:
- Informations, content is multidimensional. That means, that most informations can put into more than one category. So the place of this information in any kind of tree is unclear.