
Applies to
Require newly created accounts to be approved manually

In the default configuration anybody can create an account in MoinMoin and edit pages. Unfortunately this is abused by spammers that create pages filled with SPAM directly after creating their account.

This patch expects a global variable 'mail_create' in the wiki configuration that contains a valid mail address of the operator of the wiki to which an account creation mail is sent. They need to manually confirm each account creation request. A newly created account is disabled by default and can only be enabled by the operator of the wiki. To work properly this requires anonymous edits to be disabled and edits only be allowed for known users.

In this particular setup the mail refers to using sudo and sed to activate the account or remove the spam account. This only works on GNU/Linux and Unix systems and may require modification for other wikis. Notification of mail is performed via mail.



Patch against 1.7.1


See also: MoinMoinPatch/VerifyAccountCreationByEmail



MoinMoin: MoinMoinPatch/NewAccountApproveMail (last edited 2013-08-29 20:52:53 by PaulBoddie)