MoinMoin wikis around the globe. Wiki owners are invited to update this list.
Please do not use the GUI editor to edit this page. It contains markup/content that the GUI editor destroys on saving. If you do, your edit will be reverted.
See also MoinMoinSuccessStories and MoinMoinUsers (for a list of moin users with non-public wikis).
- A selection of MoinMoin-sites with notable custom layout
- Sites with great themes
- In English language
- Africa
- Asia
- In Croatian language - ''na hrvatskom''
- In Czech language - ''česky''
- In Danish language - ''på dansk''
- In Finnish language - ''suomeksi''
- In French language - ''en français''
- In German language - ''auf deutsch''
- In Greek language - ''sta ellhnika''
- In Hungarian language - ''magyar nyelven''
- In Italian language - ''in italiano''
- In Norwegian language - ''på norsk''
- In Polish language - ''po polsku''
- In Portuguese language - ''em português''
- In Russian language - ''по-русски''
- In Slovenian language - ''v slovenščini''
- In Spanish language - ''en español''
- In Swedish language - ''på svenska''
- Americas
- Oceania
- Thematic Wikis (all languages)
- Global events
A selection of MoinMoin-sites with notable custom layout
Opie Open Palmtop Integrated Enviroment Applications and libraries for mobile devices
Abi2oo4 - Abiturientia 2004 des Einstein-Gymnasiums, Rheda-WD
C-Base wiki - a crewcommunication wiki for the crashed spacestation c-base
DAVISWiki - community wiki for Davis, California
Similar, but english: The official Ubuntu wiki
SIP Solutions - navigation is fully customisable from within wiki and can be localised
--- - using left menu hack like and
SQI-Inc - macro formating extensions, DocBook integration, PDF macro and Lucene search engine integration
FSFE Fellowship Wiki - custom login box and user toolbar, page language/translation menu
SciFloWiki - NASA Jet Propulsion Lab - SciFloWiki
BioInfo Jagiellonian University - Department of Computational Biophysics and Bioinformatics, theme taken from main, university's website
Sites with great themes
In English language
this wiki
Akara Wiki Akara is an open-source (Apache2 license) Web framework
Apache Wiki Farm - featuring 48 wikis!
Avalon wiki about the Avalon project
Cocoon wiki about the Cocoon project
CouchDB wiki about the CouchDB project
Lenya wiki about the Lenya project
Torque wiki about the Torque project
Excalibur wiki about the Excalibur project
Jakarta wiki about the Jakarta project
Cactus wiki about the Cactus project
HiveMind wiki about the Hivemind project
JMeter wiki about the JMeter project
Slide wiki about the Slide project
Taglibs wiki about the Taglibs project
Tapestry wiki about the Tapestry project
Turbine wiki about the Turbine project
Tomcat wiki about the Tomcat project
Velocity wiki about the Velocity project
Commons wiki about the Commons project
Geronimo wiki about the Geronimo project
Incubator wiki about the Incubator project
Beehive wiki about the Beehive project
Depot wiki about the Depot project
Directory wiki about the Directory project
iBATIS wiki about the iBATIS project
Jackrabbit wiki about the Jackrabbit project
XMLBeans wiki about the XMLBeans project
James wiki about the James project
Logging wiki about the Logging project
Log4J wiki about the Log4J project
Lucene wiki about the Lucene project
Portals wiki about the Portals project
SpamAssassin wiki about the SpamAssassin project
Struts wiki about the Struts project
Xindice wiki about the Xindice project
Xml Beans wiki about the Xml Beans project
XML Graphics wiki about the XML Graphics project
Batik wiki about the Batik project
Web Services wiki about the Web Services project Wiki Free UNIX Shell Provider PLI (PL/1) for OpenVMS and TRU64 UNIX
The Brewiki Beer homebrewing
has its own domain now. Hold'em Poker Wiki - Gift Economy Advocacy with Wiki - The DocBook Wiki's UK Tech wiki - Free Software computing tips, Earthlings information, Debian info, some UK LUG info - thinking space of AdamShand and many other contributors. - Just a little old personal website
ESW Wiki - Evolving the Semantic Web
Gelato@UNSW - IA64 Linux tricks/tips/info - MP3 audio tagging (ID3 Tag) standard repository
The Language Wiki - A Wiki for the discussion of programming language theory, design and implementation.
CAKE Wiki - The wiki for the CAKE (Key Addressed Crypto Encapsulation) project.
Oscar Documentation Wiki - Documentation of the AOL Instant Messenger OSCAR protocol.
Digital Design & Construction - Design tools and resources for microcontroller-based embedded systems (mostly for a class at Grand Valley State University but also useful to others)
MayaVi Wiki - Wiki for the MayaVi scientific data visualizer.
SciPy Wiki - The Scientific Python Site Gentoo Linux Kernel And Hardware Wiki
Berkeley Wiki, a wiki for the University of California, Berkeley -- A community for creative writers to work collaboratively on fiction and other creative forms.
The Society Of Lies and Stolen Ideas -- SoLaSI is the parent of SoLaSI focuses on defining goals for both projects, discussing the community, setting development initiatives, and developing Critical Theory resources for Wiki Writers. -- The Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) documentation wiki.
AlistairCockburn's Crystal Wiki -- About software development, agile especially, and the Crystal methodologies.
Foundations and Methods Research Group --- Formal Methods, Functional Programming and TCS research at Trinity College Dublin (read-only for non-members)
The Exim Wiki - support and document evolution for the Exim MTA - free software project to work on interoperability and shared technology for desktop environments for the X Window System
CppUnit Wiki - A port of JUnit to C++. The wiki is on SourceForge, and is running MoinMoin version 1.3.x.
The Shuttleworth-Foundation-Wiki - Mark Shuttleworth founded an organization, which sponsors Ubuntu-Linux and schooltool
KernelNewbies Wiki - Learn how to program in the Linux kernel.
Linux-MM Wiki - Documentation for the Linux memory management subsystem.
Spamikaze - An open source spam blocking system.
MusicBrainz - Nicely colorized "modern"-based theme - Wiki that allows people to create their own wikis - Source Mage GNU/Linux Documentation
PlanetNepal Wiki - An online repository of information on Nepal
CDFG - the Wiki of the CEN/ISSS Cultural Diversity Focus Group
JWiki - Jsoftware wiki
Emusic-DIY Archive - The long running Emusic-DIY archive, now reformatted and moved to MoinMoin
Ren'Py Wiki - home of the Ren'Py engine for writing visual novels (interactive story-based games)
Banu Wiki - Wiki for Banu project communities to discuss ideas and store project information
GCC Wiki - Wiki for the GNU Compiler Collection
GRUB wiki - Wiki for GNU GRUB
SciPy wiki - Scientific Tools for Python
Freevo Wiki - Freevo is an open source, Python based home theatre platform
Swfdec - Swfdec (pronounced "swiff deck") is a decoder/renderer for Macromedia Flash animations.
ERP5 Wiki - Developers wiki for ERP5
LinuxSoftware Wiki - tips and discussion on coding for Linux
Wireshark wiki - wiki site about Wireshark network protocol analyzer.
MapleAdvisor- wiki about Maple™, other CAS, scientific computing and typesetting, programming, mathematics, physics, and other interesting things.
Sage - Open Source Mathematical Software wiki - support and documentation resource for the Debian project
The Calefaction wiki - for pursuing personal goals in the face of larger obligations
Cytoscape Wiki - network analysis and visualization tool
OpenCV - Open Source Computer Vision Wiki
LayoutEditor - Documentation of the LayoutEditor software to editing designs for MEMS/IC fabrication.
GoWiki - Ångström, a linux distribution for embedded devices
Wget Wgiki - about GNU Wget.
1. In Japanese language - ''日本語''
Japanese ArchiCAD Wiki - Japanese version of ArchiCAD Wiki
2. In Simplified Chinese language - ''中文 (简体)''
Woodpecker Community - A wiki site for Chinese pythoner, including open source projects and book translation.
3. In Hebrew language - בעברית
MacMac - community site for Macintosh users (Jan, 2003)
4. In Indonesian language - Bahasa Indonesia
Wiki Ubuntu-ID - Ubuntu Indonesian local community wiki.
Europe - Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (and against software patents
1. In Croatian language - ''na hrvatskom''
2. In Czech language - ''česky''
3. In Danish language - ''på dansk''
Jones - Project wiki for JonasSmedegaard
Selvforsyning - The eco-village "Den Selvforsynende Landsby" on Funen, Denmark
Homebase - Shared digital home of "Kaospiloterne" (the Kaospilot University), "Frontløberne", "Café Kølbert" and others
Perma - Permaculture, an ecological concept
MuKoWiki - wiki about the concert venue Musikhuset Elværket in Helsingør (Elsinore), Denmark
4. In Finnish language - ''suomeksi''
Rakovalkea - Wiki for hikers and other people enjoying the wilderness
Nääs-Partio - A student scout group from Tampere
5. In French language - ''en français'' - The web site of the free software translation project - Le wiki du projet de traduction de logiciels libres
6. In German language - ''auf deutsch'' - Linux and Free Software - Python - about law, jurisdiction, rights and related stuff - Das deutschsprachige LibreOffice- und (german language wiki about LibreOffice and
Abi2oo4 - Abiturientia 2004 des Einstein-Gymnasiums, Rheda-WD uses a (firewalled) MoinMoin Wiki as an internal documentation reporistory nutzt MoinMoin, nur wenige Seiten (wie die Homepage) sind statisch - Wiki des Vereins, hoffentlich bald auch e.V. Themen: u.a. Unix, Perl, Php macht mit)
drsrm Wiki Das Wiki zu de.rec.spiele.rpg.misc, der deutschsprachigen Rollenspiel-Newsgroup
Die Ketzer Das Wiki zum Rollenspiel Engel
Das KielWiki - Wiki für Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein)
GaardenWiki - Wiki für Kiel-Gaarden.
GtkWiki - Wiki für die Entwicklung mit GTK. Die Hompage von martin krung und kurt kuene SPEECH-DESIGN GmbH Wiki Collaboration Platform in Deutsch
de.alt.soc.aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Wiki - Das Wiki zur Usenet-Gruppe de.alt.soc.aufmerksamkeitsdefizit. Themen sind ADS, ADHS und verwandte Probleme.
SkoleLinux - Das Wiki des deutschen Skolelinux-Teams
Das HowTo-Wiki - Anleitungen zur Verwendung verschiedenster Hard- und Software unter Debian GNU/Linux
Sommercampus 2005 am Institut fuer Informatik der Uni Freiburg i. Breisgau
Odyssee-Convention - Die Seite der Convention für unabhängige Rollenspiele
Mobbing mit Arbeitsrecht und Arbeitsschutz, viele Links und einige Geschichten von Opfern - Ein Wiki über freie Software, freie Formate, freie Medien, Jabber
LARP-Kochbuch - Wird hier als CMS benutzt. Verwendet ein modifiziertes Widget-Theme - Mein persönliches e-Zine / Blog über Hardrock Musik. Verwendet ein modifziertes SimpleMente Theme/CSS
RPG-Wiki - Offenes Rollenspiel-Wiki für eine lose Gruppe von Benutzern. Verwendet ein modifiziertes Widget-Theme. - Familien-Wiki, CMS, KnowledgeBase und PIM, größtenteils geschlossen.
Bentosüchtig - Halb CMS, halb Wiki. Derzeit noch mit dem Widget-Theme. Im Aufbau. - Wiki des Romanischen Seminars der Universität Heidelberg
Robert Lanard, Schauspieler - MoinMoin (mal wieder) als CMS genutzt, modifiziertes Widget-Theme.
notes.setVisual() - Notizen zur Konfiguration und Anwendung von freier Software und anderem Zeug. Teilweise auf Englisch.
Datenschmutz - Aufklärung über die Datenbanken der Sicherheits- und Repressionsbehörden. - Austausch für Entwicklern und Anwendern von MyCoRe - Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Hamburg
7. In Greek language - ''sta ellhnika''
8. In Hungarian language - ''magyar nyelven''
9. In Italian language - ''in italiano''
Progetto Comodino - una proposta di consumo critico in campo informatico
Bologna Free Software Forum - Bologna Free Software Forum association Una guida al consumo critico della provincia di Bologna
No-TC Wiki di coordinamento e raccolta documentazione per (contro)informare sulla vera natura del Trusted Computing
Unbit Wiki Le risorse per gli utilizzatori dell'ISP Unbit Ubuntu's Italian wiki
WuKi, WuBook Tourism Wiki Wubook Wiki for Tourism Pro
Gianozia Orientale Storia, lingue, cultura, cucina, ecc. della Gianozia e del resto del mondo
10. In Norwegian language - ''på norsk''
- (none)
11. In Polish language - ''po polsku''
Pythonowe Wiki - FAQ replacement for pl.comp.lang.python Usenet newsgroup.
12. In Portuguese language - ''em português'' - political watchdog site.
13. In Russian language - ''по-русски''
Boris Pankin HomePage - A personal wiki site
UNИX — UNEEX seminar site — Creating games without programming
Inferno OS Wiki - All about Inferno operating system on russian
Находка-Водоканал - Посвящён раскрытию информации о деятельности управляющей компании
14. In Slovenian language - ''v slovenščini'' (sl) - Allows people to create their own wikis (Slovenian
15. In Spanish language - ''en español'' - The Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona is using Wikis for lecturing since February 2004. We have an special group on teaching innovation doing research on wiki-aided learning. At the moment (november 2004) we are running 9 courses with MoinMoin.
ACS Wiki - A personal wiki site dedicated to organize my activities.
SimpleMente Wiki - Exchange and discussion of experiences, reflection, ideas and sources of inspiration related with the creacion and evolution of systems and artifacts for human use and enjoyment at the individual, grupal and organizational levels. Un espacio para el intercambio y discusión de experiencias, reflexiones, ideas, conceptos y fuentes de inspiración relacionadas con la creación y mejora de sistemas y artefactos para uso y disfrute humano en los niveles individual, grupal y organizacional.
16. In Swedish language - ''på svenska'' - Swedish Wiki for the direct democracy party
1. Argentina
2. Brasil
Python Brasil - Python User Group
3. Canada
- ... and a few others
Nicholas Swindale's lab website - computational and visual neuroscience lab at UBC
4. Chile
Wiki Debian Chile - Wiki de la comunidad de Debian en Chile
Tecnocimiento Free (as in freedom) Technology based projects and business.
5. Colombia
FECTP Organization that offers education services.
Slec Education and Free Software in Colombia
El-Directorio Comunidad de Software Libre de Colombia
6. United States
SmartEd Wiki - SmartEd Services Company Wiki (internal use only)
SciFloWiki - NASA Jet Propulsion Lab - SciFloWiki
XSPEC - NASA Astrophysics - XSPEC
ITFWiki - ITF Corporate Wiki (internal) and Documentation Repository - Information Technology Tips for Python, Linux, and Corporate Business
Thematic Wikis (all languages)
1. Wireless networking (free networking inspires free editing)
AWMN - Athens Wireless Metropolitan Network
Leiden (Holland) Wireless (dutch)
2. Relating to Python
WikiPython on TuxFamily - tips on using Python (french)
Pythonowe Wiki - FAQ replacement for pl.comp.lang.python Usenet newsgroup (polish) - German Python Wiki (german) - Python Argentina (Spanish)
3. Wiki relating to Wiki
WikiFutures - the future of wiki -- offline -- moved to WikiFeatures and the Futures Wiki
WikiFeatures - wiki features
WikiKM - wiki knowledge management
WikiLegal - wiki legal issues
MappersProcess - "mappers" wikiprocess organizing
One Big Soup -- how to get decentralized communication systems (including wiki) working together ?
IntComm -- Internet public commmmunication technologies (including wiki). Wish-lists for new technologies, diagrams and explanations of existing technology, discussions of various protocols and how they could be improved, etc.
4. Distributed version control
Darcs Wiki - free, open source, source code management system
Mercurial - fast, lightweight Source Control Management system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects
revctrl - discussion, whiteboarding and archival of knowledge of revision control systems
5. VoIP/Telecommunications Wikis
Global events
Flisol - latinamerican free software installation festival (In spanish)
More Wikis and Hints for new entries
For more Wikis, see the InterWiki list.
If you are adding new entries, please keep the following in mind:
It is pointless to add your new MoinMoin wiki if it is unreachable by the public (like in intranets, behind firewalls or password protected). If you want to point out your success using MoinMoin in some application, you may want to use MoinMoinSuccessStories.
Please place your new MoinMoin wiki in the appropriate section(s).
By Language. Note: One part of the above list is sorted by language of the wiki, rather than by the geographical location of server or owner. So, if you run a wiki in Canada with content in the French language, please list it in section "Europe" / "in French language".
- By Special Interest
- Python
Dead Wikis
Wikis that are no longer reachable or return a CGI error are moved to this section.
When moving a wiki, please add the date of the move, using the 2010-11-29 variable (see HelpOnPageCreation).
In English language
DruidWiki 2006-11-04
In Korean language In Japanese language In Persian/Farsi language - فارسی
Hezardastan Wiki هزاردستان - Persian Documentation for *nix Wiki 2011-01-13 In Traditional Chinese language In Simplified Chinese language In Hebrew language In Indonesian language
China WoW-addons Developer Group - Technical information about WoW-addon Development. We have all Chinese addon developer here.2018-06-18 Its dead and the domain now belongs to a lottery company.
In Czech language - česky In Danish language - på dansk In Finnish language - suomeksi In French language - en français
In German language - auf deutsch
MarvinGS + Friends Wiki (now private, password protected, sorry) 2004-10-06 - digitales Skizzenbuch für die Entwurfslehre im FB Architektur (Kommentare erwünscht) 2004-10-06 Wohnheim Avenariusstraße Nürnberg (bald MoinMoin!!) 2010-06-03 nicht erreichbar 2013-06-04
In Greek language - sta ellhnika In Italian language In Norwegian language - på norsk In Polish language - po polsku In Russian language - po russki
RoleWiki Russian encyclopedia of roleplay games, fantasy and science fiction - 2009-10-22
Argentina - Wiki for Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman, an argentinian old-school linux user. (name doesn't resolve) 2005-12-16
Kaya - Programming and linux. (500 error) 2008-09-22
Brasil Canada United States
Thematic Wikis (all languages)
Wireless networking (free networking inspires free editing) relating to Python