MoinMoin 1.9.10

After 2y of not much activity in MoinMoin land, I am currently preparing for the next MoinMoin release (ETA: 2018-09-09).

Now on GitHub

Development was moved to to make make contributions and issue management easier.

Planned changes

Security / anti-spam

Having a spam bot in the wiki is always very annoying: it usually creates lots of user accounts and wiki pages and leaves a big mess behind which the wiki admin / wiki users have to clean up then.

Over the years, all sorts of anti-spam measures have been tried, but most were annoying to users and/or wiki admins and were worked around by the spammers anyway.

Thus, in moin 1.9.10, better security / anti-spam will be done by some small (but big effect) changes to default permissions:

I guess this will be very effective in avoiding spam (at the cost of requiring users to log in, users/admins maintaining the group and superusers helping with account creation).

If you don't like that, you will still be able to configure the old behaviour (e.g. for intranets).

Help needed

To finish the release, I need your help:


Especially updating the translations needs the help from native (or equally good) speakers.

As there were no big new features, updating the "po files" (i18n wiki pages on master19 wiki) usually only means translating a few new strings, fixing some strings marked as fuzzy, updating the data in the header.

There are also few changes to system/help pages, so translations of them will need to get updated also.


It would be good to do pre-release testing to identify any issues early, before a release is made (and packaged and deployed).

This wiki runs the current code, so you can do tests here or fetch the code and do tests locally.

See there:

MoinMoin: Preparing_for_MoinMoin_1.9.10 (last edited 2018-08-26 22:45:26 by ThomasWaldmann)