Better handling of save

On save, download content from mobwrite, so we can avoid upload the entire text (especially for save and continue, which is expected to be fast). First, tried to modify the mobwrite action, including a save option that modifies the request with mobwrite's text and calls Item's modify, but it didn't work as requests are immutable. Then, I override Text's modify method, to use text from mobwrite. Then, I modified the save and continue button to use mobwrite action. With this, the request doesn't need to download an entire page anymore, and can just display an "Ok" to tell the user the item is saved.


Please check using two differnt browsers and the text from MoinAPI/Beispiele. Open both browsers to edit the same item. Insert on one the example text. Wait until it is synchronized to the other and save it in this browser.

I get only the first line saved (always only 125 bytes).

The next problem happens if you have closed the other browser and reopened it on the same item. It first shows the 125 bytes and if you click modify you get the whole text back into the editarea (the complete text which it wasn't able to save). -- ReimarBauer 2009-06-29 12:45:54

MoinMoin: RealTimeEditing2009/2009-06-27 (last edited 2009-06-29 12:45:55 by ReimarBauer)