Updated the preview to always show the last saved version, even when it is saved by other editor. It gets the last revision number, and, if newer than the available, gets the entire page, and transcludes it to the last save box. Also made this and the editor's list syncronization work in the same time as mobwrite's sync, instead of in fixed intervals. Mobwrite sync interval is calculated to be faster when the text is changing fast, a better aproach than fixed intervals.
Also, observed a bug on Opera and Chrome, where the editor is not deleted from the list on some actions, like pressing the back button or reloading the page, which can cause editors to appear duplicated. It is caused by these actions not triggering onunload event. Tryed other methods to attach events to window unload, but they didn't work. Couldn't find any solution for all browsers on the net also. In any case, after some time disconnected editors are cleaned from the list.