This patch makes diff creation a function of Page, instead of having it hardcoded in do_diff.

Mostly created for FeatureRequests/DiffUnsavedChanges, although it might also be useful in other contexts.

# HG changeset patch
# User
# Node ID 8e9cde09becae14ac999773a92014a8a93380723
# Parent  95a2991fb76cd8ba71ccb41e84a010fded342efe
This patch makes diff creation a function of Page, instead of having it
hardcoded in do_diff. Mostly created for FeatureRequests/DiffUnsavedChanges,
although it might also be useful in other contexts.

diff -r 95a2991fb76c -r 8e9cde09beca MoinMoin/
--- a/MoinMoin/  Wed Jul 19 23:58:06 2006 +0200
+++ b/MoinMoin/  Wed Jul 19 23:31:41 2006 +0100
@@ -951,6 +951,60 @@ class Page:
         raise MoinMoinNoFooter
+    def send_diff(self, old_lines, difftitle, **kw):
+        """ Output a diff between the current page and the given lines
+        @param old_lines: old lines to diff against
+        @param difftitle: title for the diff
+        @keyword content_id: set the id of the enclosing div
+        @keyword edit_count: number of times the page had been edited between old_lines and now
+        @keyword rev1, rev2: old and new revision
+        @keyword ignorews: ignore whitespace
+        @keyword show_ignorews_link: show link to diff ignoring whitespace
+        """
+        content_id = kw.get('content_id', "content")
+        rev1 = kw.get('rev1', None)
+        rev2 = kw.get('rev2', None)
+        edit_count = kw.get('edit_count', 1)
+        show_ignws_link = kw.get('show_ignorews_link', False)
+        ignorews = kw.get('ignorews', False)
+        _ = self.request.getText
+        self.request.write(self.request.formatter.startContent(content_id))
+        self.request.write('<p class="diff-header">')
+        self.request.write(difftitle)
+        self.request.write('</p>')
+        if self.request.user.show_fancy_diff:
+            from MoinMoin.util.diff import diff
+            self.request.write(diff(self.request, '\n'.join(old_lines), self.get_raw_body()))
+            self.send_page(self.request, count_hit=0, content_only=1, content_id="content-below-diff")
+        else:
+            lines = wikiutil.linediff(old_lines, self.getlines())
+            if not lines:
+                msg = _("No differences found!")
+                if edit_count > 1:
+                    msg = msg + '<p>' + _('The page was saved %(count)d times, though!') % {
+                        'count': edit_count}
+                self.request.write(msg)
+            else:
+                if ignorews:
+                    self.request.write(_('(ignoring whitespace)') + '<br>')
+                elif show_ignws_link:
+                    qstr = 'action=diff&ignorews=1'
+                    if rev1: qstr = '%s&rev1=%s' % (qstr, rev1)
+                    if rev2: qstr = '%s&rev2=%s' % (qstr, rev2)
+                    self.request.write(Page(self.request, self.page_name).link_to(self.request,
+                        text=_('Ignore changes in the amount of whitespace'),
+                        querystr=qstr) + '<p>')
+                self.request.write(self.request.formatter.preformatted(True))
+                for line in lines:
+                    if line[0] == "@":
+                        self.request.write(self.request.formatter.rule())
+                    self.request.write(wikiutil.escape(line)+'\n')
+                self.request.write(self.request.formatter.preformatted(False))
     def send_page(self, request, msg=None, **keywords):
         """ Output the formatted page.
diff -r 95a2991fb76c -r 8e9cde09beca MoinMoin/
--- a/MoinMoin/    Wed Jul 19 23:58:06 2006 +0200
+++ b/MoinMoin/    Wed Jul 19 23:31:41 2006 +0100
@@ -159,44 +159,19 @@ def do_diff(pagename, request):
     edit_count = abs(oldcount1 - oldcount2)
     # this should use the formatter, but there is none?
-    request.write('<div id="content">\n') # start content div
-    request.write('<p class="diff-header">')
-    request.write(_('Differences between revisions %d and %d') % (oldpage.get_real_rev(), newpage.get_real_rev()))
+    title = _('Differences between revisions %d and %d') % (oldpage.get_real_rev(), newpage.get_real_rev())
     if edit_count > 1:
-        request.write(' ' + _('(spanning %d versions)') % (edit_count,))
-    request.write('</p>')
-    if request.user.show_fancy_diff:
-        from MoinMoin.util.diff import diff
-        request.write(diff(request, oldpage.get_raw_body(), newpage.get_raw_body()))
-        newpage.send_page(request, count_hit=0, content_only=1, content_id="content-below-diff")
-    else:
-        lines = wikiutil.linediff(oldpage.getlines(), newpage.getlines())
-        if not lines:
-            msg = _("No differences found!")
-            if edit_count > 1:
-                msg = msg + '<p>' + _('The page was saved %(count)d times, though!') % {
-                    'count': edit_count}
-            request.write(msg)
-        else:
-            if ignorews:
-                request.write(_('(ignoring whitespace)') + '<br>')
-            else:
-                qstr = 'action=diff&ignorews=1'
-                if rev1: qstr = '%s&rev1=%s' % (qstr, rev1)
-                if rev2: qstr = '%s&rev2=%s' % (qstr, rev2)
-                request.write(Page(request, pagename).link_to(request,
-                    text=_('Ignore changes in the amount of whitespace'),
-                    querystr=qstr) + '<p>')
-            request.write('<pre>')
-            for line in lines:
-                if line[0] == "@":
-                    request.write('<hr>')
-                request.write(wikiutil.escape(line)+'\n')
-            request.write('</pre>')
-    request.write('</div>\n') # end content div
+        title += ' ' + _('(spanning %d versions)') % (edit_count,)
+    newpage.send_diff(oldpage.getlines(),
+                      title,
+                      show_ignorews_link = True,
+                      ignorews = ignorews,
+                      rev1 = rev1,
+                      rev2 = rev2,
+                      edit_count = edit_count)
+    request.write(request.formatter.endContent())
     wikiutil.send_footer(request, pagename)

-- JohannesBerg 2005-10-12 13:10:10

Moving the code from the action makes sense, because other code may like to do a diff of two page revisions, or maybe just a diff between too strings. but Page is already too big to add more code. Maybe create a DiffView object or function that may be use by other code.

It is time to fix the html creation - the current code breaks the output abstraction, so if you try to use foo formatter to render the diff, you will have raw html in your foo format. This was smaller problem in an action that can use other format, but as a page or generic diff view, it should work with any formatter.

I propose to shift that refactoring to 2.0 branch or we will have the work twice.

The problem of this refactoring idea is neither HTML output nor the large file -- it is the fact that the page object should not handle HTML at all (and that previous attempts in this direction are wrong). If this method generated a unified diff or another abstract format, it would be ok. But like this, it is not really usable. -- AlexanderSchremmer 2005-10-16 17:36:15

MoinMoin: RefactoringProposals/DiffCreation (last edited 2007-10-29 19:06:14 by localhost)