Outputs from the given email an image to disable spam robots. Replaces AT, DOT and DASH, strips blanks and ALLUPPERCASE words (like MailTo ). On every request a new image is generated. If the text isn't readable you can click on the link below the image, to reload it again.
You can easy customise the colours to your own theme.
- letters
- rotate letters
- random color
- move letters
- different spacing
- lines
- random line-color
- fixed line-color
- random line position
- lines in front and/or background
- background
- random bg-color
- fixed bg-color
- split image
- fixed number of pieces
- random number of pieces
- small java-script for clicking
- link for refreshing the image
- configurable
- unique image name
- easier configuration
Pil - Python image library
pilfonts - Fonts for Pil
- installing Pil on your system
create a folder in your plugin-dir with the name font
- unpack pilfonts and copy in the new font-dir
copy the SaveMailTo- module in your macro-dir
rename the module to SaveMailTo or MailTo
or something else
The colours are configurable
[[SaveMailTo(e DASH ma SPACE il AT example DOT com NO SPAM)]]
- with splitted image:
- the generated html code looks like: (green example with splitted image)
SaveMailTo_Example.htmlrefresh email-image
- random background-image
- stretch letters
- bend letters
Looks great. I like it very much. Didn't know that you can do such much with PIL, or the be more exact: that a person who can program well can do so much with it... -- OliverSiemoneit 2007-03-19 18:58:00
To make visual analysis more difficult to bots, maybe you can transform each letter in the e-mail (rotate it a little bit, move it up, down, left, right so as to have not the same letter spacing. Maybe PIL also offers some effects you can use, stretch letters, bend them, assign some water-surface-effect...) That means: don't output only the whole email string as a graphic but output each letter separately maybe.. -- OliverSiemoneit 2007-03-20 12:54:35
Thank you for your comment and ideas. At the first time it was a test, how work PIL, and how can I use it for MoinMoin. The next time (weekend maybe) I would implement your requests. -- RichardFlieger 2007-03-20 13:09:39
Very cool, Richard! I like it very much. I personally like most the last one in red and black. That looks great! -- OliverSiemoneit 2007-04-02 18:07:14
Splitting the image is a brilliant idea! That makes automated captcha breaking nearly impossible. You should patent that Great! -- OliverSiemoneit 2007-04-17 16:37:54
we like all free speech or ? -- ReimarBauer 2007-04-18 07:15:46
Hi. I'm working on reorganizing the MacroMarket by creating subpages to each macro listed there, do you mind if I move this page to MacroMarket/SaveMailTo ? Thanks! -- JordanCronin 2008-01-29 02:16:31