Idea about creating wiki instances by a script

Instead of HelpOnInstalling/WikiInstanceCreation, we can have a simple script that creates a wiki instance for you.

Here is the on line help for this script:

   1 #!/usr/bin/env python
   2 """
   3 mkwiki - make a wiki instance
   5 Usage: mkwiki options
   7 Options:
   8     --path          - where to create the wiki directory (default .)
   9     --sitename      - the wiki sitename (default MyWiki)
  10     --data          - path to the data dir (defalt 'mywiki/data')
  11     --underlay      - path to underlay dir (default 'mywiki/underlay')
  12     --user          - owner of the wiki (default 'www-data')
  13     --group         - group of the wiki (default 'www-data')
  14     --prefix        - the prefix used in the install (default '/usr')
  15     --server        - type of server to use. Options are cgi,
  16                       standalone, twisted, modpy, fastcgi.
  17                       (default standalone)
  18     --moin          - path to moin (default none)
  19     --wikiconfig    - path to wiki config (default none)
  20     --farmconfig    - path to farmconfig (default none)
  22 Examples:
  24     mkwiki
  26         Creates a wiki named MyWiki in './mywiki/', copy into it 
  27         data and underlay directories from '/usr/share/moin/', add
  28         '' from '/usr/share/moin/config/' and ''
  29         from '/usr/share/moin/server/'.
  30 """

Here at Koumbit, we've built a script that does this for wikifarms:

It now supports commandline arguments and is very flexible. The only thing it doesn't do is remove wikis (and work in non-farm setups). -- TheAnarcat 2006-11-13 22:16:35


How it compares with ScriptMarket/WikiCreationScript?

MoinMoin: ScriptMarket/MakeWiki (last edited 2007-10-29 19:06:04 by localhost)