(My Provider finally updated to Python 2.3.4 so i could move up to the current Version of MoinMoin. The following comments are for a lot older version 1.0 ... )

I just started looking into MoinMoin after trying some other Wikis. Mostly I got disappointed, 'cause I got the feeling that such an easy task was implemented in too much to complicated code :) But I liked MoinMoin and so I got started... This page is an unsorted collection of notes about my progress. Just to document what I did in the last 2 days and why...

First of all my hoster has just Python 2.01 installed :( I built a "new" PC from spare parts, got python 2.01 from the Python website and installed it. Then I installed MoinMoin into that and started it to compile it. The resulting *.pyc went into my directory on my webspace. I saw no need to install the source files, too.

First Problem: In utils is a helper function "getPackageModules" that scans a directory for Python modules to register them as additional Macros and/or Actions. The regular expression in that just looks for *.py files :( I got no error message or the like, but some parts of MoinMoin just did not work.

I copied the function to "moin.py", modified the regular expression a little and replaced it in the original "util.py" by

   1     from MoinMoin import util
   2     util.getPackageModules = getPackageModules

That fixes that. A correct fix would be to scan for all "*.py*"-Files and remove all duplicates.

Everyone can create and modify files as long as he knows the correct action. I wanted a simple way out of this since my Wiki was planned to be modified just by me. But there was no way to disable actions. I modified "config.py" so that "excluded_actions" now is a config-item with a default of   ['DeletePage', 'AttachFile']  and added a line to my "moin_config.py" to add 'edit' to that list. That looks like it makes it now impossible to change the pages. ( /!\ I might be wrong here)

Wikis in a way look all the same. I wanted mine to fit seamlessly into my already existing design. I expected MoinMoin to use a HTML-Template like Blogger is using it ... They seem to parse a standard HTML file looking for "<blogentry> ... </blogentry>" tags and use them (and the code and the defined variables within) to generate the page. Sample (to be seen here Blog):

        <div class="box">
            <a href='<$BlogArchiveLink$>'><$BlogArchiveName$></a>

I didn't found anything like that ...

So instead I picked "send_title" and "send_footer" from "wikiutil", created replacement function in my "moin.py" and did set them accordingly ...

   1     from MoinMoin import wikiutil
   2     wikiutil.send_footer   = send_footer
   3     wikiutil.send_title    = send_title

Now my Wiki looks in a way like my pages ... :)

If you have seen my design you may have noted a kind of Main-Menu on the left. If I create that menu like the original "send_title" that is a big mess. And the menu is not editable from the net. So I created a page called MainMenu and used the following code

   1     print """<div class="box">"""
   3     from MoinMoin import Page
   5     page = Page.Page("MainMenu")
   6     request = cgimain.createRequest();
   7     import cgi
   8     request.form = cgi.FieldStorage(environ = {'QUERY_STRING': 'action=content'})
   9     page.send_page(request, content_only=1)
  11     print """</div>"""

to get the content of the page. That even looks complicated to me. But I found no easier way to just translate a page to its contents (yet). It would be nice if I could do something like (just a sample).

    InsertHere("[wiki:Self:FrontPage Home][[Include(MainMenu)]]")

And one annoyance is that in my solution there is a "<p>" in front of the content that I can't get rid of.

I tried to do the same to create myself a Edit-Menu. But that is impossible since there is no way to create links that reference to the (what I call it) main page. It would be nice if there is a special pagename "this" that allows references to the current displayed page  [wiki:Self:this Edit me]  .

But this only makes sense if we can add parameters to the link. But that could be useful anyway. Think of something like  [wiki:MoinMoin:Bugs?action=edit&template=BugNote Enter Bug]  . If you try to do that now it creates a Page with the literal name  Bugs?action=edit&template=BugNote  .

That should be two simple changes ...

Well, one slightly annoying bug is hidden somewhere in the handling of subpages. When i use a new subpage in a link the generated hyperlink contains the slash ...


if you click on ThomasFanslau/picture the generated template-selection-page is on  ..../ThomasFanslau/picture . Only when you selected the template the WikiName is converted to "ThomasFanslau_2fpicture" .

The problem is, that if your template-selection-page contains any relative links in HTML, that those may not be found anymore.

if seems that browser take the line


literally when they calculate relative paths, instead of noticing that processing of the path already had stopped at the CGI-Script ...

But I don't know where to fix that...

I wanted to build in some kind of Blog. It seems that everyone wants that :) Subpages seems to be a nice place to handle that. So I replaced the function "quoteFilename" with one that checks the LAST letter of the name. if that is a "*" then I remove the letter and add a timestamp instead. So if I write


the new generated Page is different and new every time. In combination with the PageList-Macro I can get a list of subpages ...

All I need now is a new Macro InsertTeaser, that does include a Page just up to the end of the first paragraph. And another one InsertTeasers that takes a pattern as WikiName and a additional parameter for the maximum number of pages to be include my blog.

I added some comments above. Welcome to MoinMoin! -- ThomasWaldmann 2003-08-28 23:25:04

(Changing Source is like scratching a itch. Once you started it's hard to stop....) All the time I had wondered if there is a way to render a Page without storing it in a File first. I found a simple way around that. Assuming that I did put the virtual Page into the Variable "ret" I can do as follows

   1     page = Page.Page("Title")
   2     page.raw_body = ret
   3     stdout = sys.stdout
   4     sys.stdout = cStringIO.StringIO()
   5     page.send_page(request, content_only=1)
   6     ret = sys.stdout.getvalue()
   7     sys.stdout = stdout

(I just have to get that "request"-variable from somewhere ... A

   1     request = cgimain.createRequest();
   2     request.form = cgi.FieldStorage(environ = {'QUERY_STRING': 'action=content'})

should be enough.)

All the Time I disliked the way  [[SystemInfo]  displayed the Info. Embedding HTML directly into Source without need is "A Bad Thing" (TM). So how about using the Syntax of Definitionlists? Here is SystemInfo2 to show how I think that could be done better. It's a rough sketch but it shows what I want to say ...

MoinMoin: ThomasFanslau/0.x (last edited 2007-10-29 19:14:24 by localhost)