unsorted, uncondensed ideas and work notes for moin2


about parent/child revs:



The ACL layer protecting the storage backends only protects storage (in old storage code), but quite some data is available via the index (and ALL data is in the index, including stuff that current user is not allowed to read).

So we need to think about how we handle ACLs. Revision ACLs are stored in index also, but hierarchic ACLs, configured before/default/after ACLs make this more complex.

Also we need to think about how much we are allowed to show from read-protected items:

(./) acls are faster now due to some intra-request caching.

getting rid of the pagename regexes

Currently (in moin2, similar as in 1.9), we have

    ('item_category_regex', ur'(?P<all>Category(?P<key>(?!Template)\S+))',
     'Item names exactly matching this regex are regarded as Wiki categories [Unicode]'),
    ('item_dict_regex', ur'(?P<all>(?P<key>\S+)Dict)',
     'Item names exactly matching this regex are regarded as items containing variable dictionary definitions [Unicode]'),
    ('item_group_regex', ur'(?P<all>(?P<key>\S+)Group)',
     'Item names exactly matching this regex are regarded as items containing group definitions [Unicode]'),
    ('item_template_regex', ur'(?P<all>(?P<key>\S+)Template)',
     'Item names exactly matching this regex are regarded as items containing templates for new items [Unicode]'),

What does it do?



Issues with new idea:

Bug or feature:


xmlrpc / json

after storage api has stabilized, create xmlrpc adapter:

Maybe we want json rather than xmlrpc?

new browser features

web storage

good support on modern browsers, can locally store up to 5mb, easy to use.


How to integrate attrs with flatland?

MoinMoin: ThomasWaldmann/Moin2BrainDump (last edited 2012-09-16 22:20:49 by ThomasWaldmann)