Input boxes for renaming a Wiki page is confusing


When renaming a page from the actions, you are presented with two input boxes:

Most users, (actually all users i ask to rename a page) will fill in the input boxes incorrectly.

They fill in the new name of the page in the 'Optional reason for renaming' field.

Actual behavior would be that the users can fill in this page without any errors.


Rename a Wiki page


Users are mostly technical. (maybe this is the problem? I think they assume the input fields are: renaming "from" and "to" fields without actually reading it.)


I first encountered this myself, then I noticed other users having the same confusion. Then I asked new people to our wiki to rename a page and said nothing, just observed how they would to it. And they were all doing it incorrectly.

We use our wiki for work related things.

Using MoinMoin version 1.7.1 (release), and 1.5.7 (release)

Using default themes: Modern and Modernized.

Windows, Linux, MacOSX: Firefox, Safari


Because they were all doing it incorrectly and complained that the renaming fields are really confusing.

I think this is hard to improve. If the users fill out the fields wrong, I guess they didn't read the labels (because "New name" should be rather clear). If we add MORE stuff to read, I am not sure it would improve the situation.

The only thing we could easily do without sacrificing comfort for other users is this:

Old name: CurrentPageName (not editable)
New name: CurrentPageName (editable, but filled out with current pagename to ease fixing typos)
Comment:  _______________

(OTOH "old name" is a bit superfluous, because you see it in the navigation area already...)

This is how TWiki's rename topic looks like:

Change from:
<current page name> (non editable)

To web:
<current web> (does not really apply to moin)

To topic:
<current topic name filled in> (editable)

Notice that there is no field to give a reason.


MoinMoin: UsabilityObservation/RenamingPageIsConfusing (last edited 2009-04-16 12:50:15 by foxis)