Here are my different propositions to improve the DOM Tree used by MoinMoin 2.0
Proposed tags |
Element currently used in the DOM Tree, but not listed on BastianBlank page |
Element and attributes already in the tree |
I put some values for attributes in bold. It means that I want to use these values, even if I never saw it used in the DOM Tree before.
The Tree
Nota benne
I imply that any element without namespace, are from the moinpage namespace. This is just to avoid repetition, and improve the readibility
Page structure |
Element |
Attributes |
Signification |
<page> |
It represents the page. It includes one body only. |
<body> |
This element includes the text content of a page. It mainly consists of a sequence of paragraphs and other text sections. |
<separator> |
This element defines a separation in the page |
size |
Specify the thickness of the separator |
<table-of-content> |
This element adds a Table Of Content on the page, based on the headings. |
outline-level |
Specify the maximum depth the ToC should display. |
<part> |
Contain a part of the page. |
<error> |
Display an error message. |
Basic Text Structure |
Element |
Attributes |
Signification |
<h> |
It represents a heading. |
outline-level |
Define the level of the heading, starting with 1 |
<p> |
It represents a paragraph |
List |
Element |
Attributes |
Signification |
<list> |
It represents a list |
item-label-generate |
Attribute specifies that the item labels should be generated with a specific pattern. Without, it will use the item label, otherwise, it will use use the specified label. The values can be : unordered or ordered. |
list-style-type |
Attribute specifies the style of the list. It can be upper-alpha, upper-roman, lower-roman and lower-aplha |
<list-item> |
It represents an item of a list |
<list-item-label> |
It represents the label of an item of a list. It must only be used if no label generation is used and can only contain inline elements. |
<list-item-body> |
It represents the content of an item of a list. It can contain paragraphs, headings and other lists. |
Table |
Element |
Attributes |
Signification |
<table> |
It represents a table. |
<table-header> |
It represents a table header. |
<table-footer> |
It represents a table footer. |
<table-body> |
It represents a table body. |
<table-row> |
It represents a table row. |
<table-cell> |
It represents a table cell. |
number-rows-spanned |
Determine the number of rows, the cell should spanned. |
number-columns-spanned |
Determine the number of columns, the cell should spanned. |
Paragraph Elements Content |
Element |
Attributes |
Signification |
<line-break /> |
It represents a line break in a heading or paragraph. |
<span> |
It represents portions of text that are attributed. |
baseline-shift |
It represents the shift of the text baseline. It can take the values : sub or super |
text-decoration |
It represents the different decoration we can apply to the text. It can take the values underline or line-through. |
font-size |
It represents the font size we should apply to the text. I only saw percentage at this time. |
<a> |
It represents a hyperlink. |
xlink:href |
This attribute specifies the target IRI. |
<note> |
It represents a note. This can be either a footnote or an endnote. |
note-class |
This attribute specifies the type of note this is. Available are footnote and endnote. |
<note-body> |
It represents the body of note, it is a mandatory child for <note>. |
<strong> |
It represents a stronger text. |
<emphasis> |
It represents an emphasized text. |
<code> |
It represents an inline piece of code. |
<blockcode> |
It represents a piece of code. |
<quote> |
It represents an inline quotation. |
<blockquote> |
It represents a quotation. |
source |
It defines the source of the quotation, it can be an author, a book ... |
<admonition> |
It represents an admonition. |
type |
It defines the type of the admonition, it can be caution, warning, important, note, tip |
<object> |
It represents an external object. |
type |
It defines the mimetype of the object. |
Standard Attributes
I propose here some more attributes that any element should accept, and which can be useful for the different other format we support.
Attribute |
Signification |
xml:id |
Identifies the unique ID value of the element. |
xml:base |
Specifies the base URI of the element and its descendants. |
xml:lang |
Specifies the natural language of the element and its descendants. |
html:title |
Give a title as a meta-information for the given element |
html:class |
Define a group of elements. |
html:style |
Can be used to apply style on the elements |
Questions form IRC
valeuf: waldi: what do you think is the best to handle style for the element in the dom tree ? having style attributes with kind of pesudo css syntax, or use different attributes for each kind of style we support ? valeuf: like to define the background color and the border size of an array we could have valeuf: 1. <table style="border-size:1; bg-color:#ccc"></table> valeuf: or 2. <table border-size="1" bg-color="#ccc"> </table> valeuf: or 3. Do you think we should avoid to have style definition in the Dom Tree ?
I found the following test in :
(u'Text', '<page><body style="background-color: red"><p>Text</p></body></page>', {'arguments': Arguments(keyword={'style': 'background-color: red'})}),
Should I assume that style attribute can be used for any element ? Should I use similar syntax to CSS ? If we use the style attribute, why would we need font-size, text-decoration and so ... for the span tag ?