MoinMoin page of VÖRÖSBARANYI Zoltán.
I'm trying to make the Hungarian translation.
E-mail: vbzoli vbzo li
2004-11-16 First version of the .po file is ready. Needs testing...
Great, please keep MoinDev/Translation updated. -- ThomasWaldmann 2004-11-16 20:11:13
I got the hu.po from your web site. One of the main problems is that the char " (double-quotes) isn't the same in the hu translation as in the english original, but some unicode char.
I thought that quote char serves only aesthetical purposes, and I used the authentic quotes which are in use in Hungarian (unicode chars double low-9 quotation mark („), right double quotation mark (”)). Anyway thanks, I'll change it to plain old ASCII. (But it would be nice to be able to use the language's native quotes.) -- VbZoli
2004-11-21 Well, I changed all quote chars, but got CyclicError exception again.
My hu.po file: - it's no longer up-to date!
-- vbzoli
I fixed it by using [[Verbatim(attachment:)]]. That wiki markup i18n is somtimes tricky. You see your work running in this wiki here. -- ThomasWaldmann 2004-11-22 00:28:49
Well, updated the po file, beta7 works now... I had to change another attachment: using Verbatim. -- vbzoli
2005-03-25 Updated the hu.po file at my home page. This one is based on moinmoin-1.3.4 as I couldn't download the developer version.
What is the canonical way to submit hu.po and translated system and help pages?
Just edit MoinI18n/hu.
Nem bánnám, ha valaki segítene a fordításban. Ha van jobb ötleted némely szakkifejezés magyar megfelelőjére, szívesen fordítanál help-oldalakat, vagy csak építő kritikával illetnéd a munkám akkor csak írj bátran!
Huhh. Rengeteg a fordítanivaló...
/Terminológia - a small dictionary