Most of my website experience is in simple, personal website creation. I created my first website back in '92, a simple ego site while at Eastern Oregon University. My first "professional" stints at website creation were at The University of Iowa, where I created websites for the Center for Recent US History (CRUSH), and the Graduate History Society. (I think there are still a few remnants of the former floating around the net.)

Recently, I got a link-redirection site going (otherwise known as link-shortening). It is similar in scope to pages like or It's written in Java (JSP and Servlets) and is backed by MySQL. you can check it out here: LinkFrog. It's suffering from stagnation right now--having two children can do that to you.

My newest venture is a website for my Big Sis, a professor of linguistics at Portland State University. Editing the site (which has Wiki elements--DokuWiki, truth be told) is currently restricted to her graduate students, though she is planning on expanding the concept to other interested parties. The focus of the site is on linguistics topics the world over.

I've also cobbled together a few personal sites, including one for me and my family and one for Big Sis. You might also check out my cruft site which contains a couple small sites that have generated interest in some circles.

Currently, my real job is programming platform-independent tools for integrating eCAD development environments with product-life cycle management software. Primarily I program in Java, but find myself using a plethora of other languages and scripts.

Walter Gildersleeve
Freiburg, Germany

/!\ Interesting read, but how is that all related to MoinMoin? -- ThomasWaldmann 2007-04-19 14:25:01


MoinMoin: WalterGildersleeve (last edited 2007-10-29 19:11:35 by localhost)