A WikiLink is a link within a Wiki. You can generate WikiLinks when editing a page by either;

The appropriate text will become a WikiLink. If anyone clicks on the link, they will either be taken to a page with that name, or given the option to create the page if administrators have allowed it. - This is exactly how this page came into being!, I followed a WikiLink and there was no page explaining them. So I made it!

It is sometimes also usefull to write something in CamelCase that must not become a WikiLink. You can simply do this by prepending th word with a exclamation mark:

Also, note that CamelCase is deactivated for the current page name. For example, the word WikiLink in this page is not turned into a link.

Please, read HelpOnLinking for more details on linking.

To practise this and other Wiki things, try the WikiSandBox.

MoinMoin: WikiLink (last edited 2008-05-27 02:43:32 by dyn-83-152-157-119)