Memory leakage on py.test run

Coming back to Memory leakage on running py.test, as suggested by Thomas Waldmann, currently tests setup for wsgi app from scratch for every test method. Also, it makes the tests slow. Now, on looking at the code, app and ctx is returned from init_test_app() function and the argument passed is 'given_config'. So, for different 'given_config', different 'app' and 'ctx' value will be returned. But fortunately, most of tests uses 'wikiconfig.Config'. So, one idea is not to call init_test_app() if we have similar 'given_config' values. Previous 'app' can work for the current test item too. Need to work on the idea a little more if it is possible or it has some adverse effects on tests.

MoinMoin: pkumar_diary/2011-06-09 (last edited 2011-06-11 14:04:02 by PrashantKumar)