fs2 shows file leak

Working on the issue: 'py.test runs with fs2 shows file leak'. Traced the execution path and here is the problem:

-> backend_uri


Inside create_simple_mapping we have:

elif backend_uri.startswith(FS2_PREFIX):

....instance_uri = backend_uri[len(FS2_PREFIX):]

....index_uri = 'sqlite:///%s_index.sqlite' % instance_uri

....content, userprofile, trash, router_index_uri = _create_backends(fs2.FS2Backend, instance_uri, index_uri)

In line number '2' of the code i.e. 'instance_uri = backend_uri[len(FS2_PREFIX):]', value of instace_uri becomes an empty string. Now this is passed to _create_backends(fs2.FS2Backend, instance_uri, index_uri) and as a result in _create_backend(BackendClass, backend_uri, index_uri) backend_uri have no value.

Solution: Passing a value from init_test_app(given_config) in conftest.py like 'fs2:temp_uri' serves the purpose.

Note: this is not a solution to the fs2 file leak. You just used the fs url arg wrong and then corrected your mistake.

MoinMoin: pkumar_diary/2011-06-13 (last edited 2011-06-18 12:30:26 by ThomasWaldmann)