Email: <danickla AT informatik DOT uni-stuttgart DOT de>


I'm using MoinMoin for coordination in a big research project and privatly for RPGs.

PDF Export

" ... document export function - It would be very handy to export some chosen wiki pages to a printable document with a table of contents (PDF, HTML)"

 { { {!#pdf-document
NameOfTitelPage Title of Document
SomePage Introduction
AnotherPage The Heading of the next Chapter
 YetAnotherPage a Subsection of AnotherPage
 } } }

The output is the link to the attachment (if available). There should be also an action like UpdatePdf that activates the PDF export.

I've assigned the problem to a student assistant I'm supervising. Any comments on the idea are welcome. -- DanielaNicklas 2003-07-18 13:52:00

The collecting of the pages could be done by some include macros, then you could use print view and maybe just print to a ps2pdf printer. See the Slideshow-Demo (and esp. the handout for it) somewhere else here. -- ThomasWaldmann

Current state of design:

Other solution: if MoinMoin does proper xhtml:


Seminar on Wikis



Is that sustainable programming ? ;) I was too long into such tasks: :( excel import/export pdf generation/konversation. What about XSL-FO? Even SVG could be a great choice for rendering printable documents. ~ Jan

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MoinMoin: DanielaNicklas (last edited 2007-10-29 19:08:22 by localhost)