1 2012-07-09T00:18:22  <dreimark> gn
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   9 2012-07-09T08:30:10  <dreimark> moin
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  16 2012-07-09T11:48:45  * ThomasWaldmann greets from florence airport
  17 2012-07-09T12:15:38  <CIA-54> Ivan Gavrilov <ivan.wntr@gmail.com> default * 1416:bda9795afce6 2.0/MoinMoin/converter/html_out.py:
  18 2012-07-09T12:15:38  <CIA-54> One more fix for unicode issues.
  19 2012-07-09T12:15:38  <CIA-54> This one resolves a case with renaming an image page
  20 2012-07-09T12:15:38  <CIA-54> (create non-unicode image page, rename it with unicode
  21 2012-07-09T12:15:38  <CIA-54> characters).
  22 2012-07-09T12:15:42  <CIA-54> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 1417:2a59cb0f0755 2.0/MoinMoin/converter/html_out.py: merged
  23 2012-07-09T12:35:29  <ThomasWaldmann> jaiditya: there is 1 test failing for your current public repo contents
  24 2012-07-09T12:36:02  <ThomasWaldmann> nothing major, easily fixed. please do it. (and run "make test" more often)
  25 2012-07-09T12:36:41  <jaiditya> ahh...was scared for minute...
  26 2012-07-09T12:37:08  <jaiditya> yeah will do it...
  27 2012-07-09T12:42:54  <ThomasWaldmann> please add the documentation link to the user menu  also
  28 2012-07-09T12:43:13  <ThomasWaldmann> (I know users don't read docs, but it should be not our fault at least :)
  29 2012-07-09T13:03:09  <ThomasWaldmann> xiaq: somehow the sersettings forms are malfunctioning (they do not get populated), can this be related to one of your changes?
  30 2012-07-09T13:03:22  <ThomasWaldmann> usersettings*
  31 2012-07-09T13:20:07  *** josep2 has quit IRC
  32 2012-07-09T13:34:08  <MaikuMori> Moin
  33 2012-07-09T13:40:48  <MaikuMori> ThomasWaldmann: have you look at the latest changeset?
  34 2012-07-09T14:22:54  <dreimark> MaikuMori: codereview or changeset?
  35 2012-07-09T14:23:50  *** dwcramer has joined #moin-dev
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  37 2012-07-09T14:38:45  <MaikuMori> codereview changesets :)
  38 2012-07-09T14:50:00  <xiaq> ThomasWaldmann: no, that's because the main branch has autovalue turned off in forms.py. Actually my flatland widget patch set fixes that.
  39 2012-07-09T14:51:01  <xiaq> s/autovalue/auto_value/. i rememeber having talked about that before, with esyr perhaps
  40 2012-07-09T15:13:22  *** dwcramer has quit IRC
  41 2012-07-09T16:05:59  *** RogerHaase has joined #moin-dev
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  43 2012-07-09T17:14:30  <dreimark> MaikuMori: url
  44 2012-07-09T17:18:18  <MaikuMori> dreimark:  http://codereview.appspot.com/6344080/
  45 2012-07-09T17:18:51  <MaikuMori> ThomasWaldmann: esyr: ^^
  46 2012-07-09T17:22:27  <RogerHaase> ThomasWaldmann: The usersettings bug was introduced by one of my changesets 3 or 4 weeks ago.  See #199.  I did pass http://codereview.appspot.com/6305099/ to you 3 weeks ago, but did not follow up because I later looked at xiaq's widget patch and thought that was a better solution.
  47 2012-07-09T17:26:14  <RogerHaase> Running with the current tip I cannot I cannot get an indication that I am logged on.  When I try I receive no error messages, seem to get the logon cookie, but the user section continues to show "login'.
  48 2012-07-09T17:58:00  <ThomasWaldmann> RogerHaase: one has always to create a new user, also wondered about that
  49 2012-07-09T18:02:32  <RogerHaase> ah, noticed that, but never realized I had to create a new user every time.
  50 2012-07-09T18:23:16  <MaikuMori> There's a fix for that in my recent corereview link (it got in by mistake)
  51 2012-07-09T18:23:33  <MaikuMori> If you comment out one line in auth/__init__.py it should work
  52 2012-07-09T18:23:40  <MaikuMori> RogerHaase: ^^
  53 2012-07-09T19:00:19  <spy> ThomasWaldmann: dreimark: metadata editor screenshots and codereview: http://moinmo.in/GoogleSoc2012/WikiBlog/2012-07-09
  54 2012-07-09T19:00:27  <spy> bbl
  55 2012-07-09T19:13:03  <RogerHaase> MaikuMori:  Thanks, that seems to work for newly created IDs, but not for an ID created some weeks ago.
  56 2012-07-09T19:13:57  <MaikuMori> I'll try to fix the bug tonight, I think I was the one who introduced it few months ago.
  57 2012-07-09T19:14:33  <MaikuMori> Though looking at the code there was an edge-case which would have triggered it anyway.
  58 2012-07-09T21:10:09  *** dwcramer has quit IRC
  59 2012-07-09T21:24:56  <jaiditya> ThomasWaldmann: want to discuss about the background texture. As texture is not very loud and only applied to base and all the content blocks have a solid non-texture background I don't get the feel of how it interfers with the font. But still I removed it to try and this is how it looks after removing that textured base image https://dl.dropbox.com/u/43518659/new-home-view-without-texture.jpg
  60 2012-07-09T21:25:14  <jaiditya> and with texture https://dl.dropbox.com/u/43518659/new-home-view.jpg
  61 2012-07-09T21:33:38  *** jaiditya|2 has joined #moin-dev
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  63 2012-07-09T22:13:29  <RogerHaase> jaiditya: imho, the texture is OK, but not better than the solid version.  The bigger problem is still the contrast on the areas containing text.  You must have a very bright monitor. :)
  64 2012-07-09T22:23:05  *** dwcramer has joined #moin-dev
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  66 2012-07-09T22:29:41  *** jaiditya|2 is now known as jaiditya
  67 2012-07-09T22:31:26  <jaiditya> RogerHaase: thank you for your suggestion... I'd like to here more if there is something which you think could be improved
  68 2012-07-09T22:40:25  *** dwcramer has quit IRC
  69 2012-07-09T22:43:33  <RogerHaase> jaiditya: your repo tip still has the black panels so I am looking at that.  The magnifying glass within search query should be moved 1 or 2 pixels left (looks OK in safari, too far right in IE, Firefox, Chrome, and opera)
  70 2012-07-09T22:45:37  <jaiditya> RogerHaase: Sorry I am working on my local repo as I am not certain about few changes. Do you feel the contrast issue even in this https://dl.dropbox.com/u/43518659/new-home-view-without-texture.jpg
  71 2012-07-09T22:47:45  <RogerHaase> Yes, but maybe it is just the image -- what color is the background?  I assume content text is black.
  72 2012-07-09T22:50:06  <jaiditya> its just a bit grey than complete white i.e. #f0f0f0 then #ffffff as black on complete white is very not pleasant to eyes
  73 2012-07-09T22:50:57  <RogerHaase> OK, then it is likely just hte image.
  74 2012-07-09T22:51:01  <RogerHaase> the
  75 2012-07-09T22:51:36  <jaiditya> RogerHaase: what resolution are you using ?
  76 2012-07-09T22:52:28  <RogerHaase> 1920x1200
  77 2012-07-09T22:53:25  <jaiditya> ahh....and the image smaller
  78 2012-07-09T22:53:51  <RogerHaase> my color picker does show the background as F0F0F0.
  79 2012-07-09T22:57:32  <jaiditya> I guess you are not viewing the streched image then...as I don't see a reason otherwise...I have set my brightness to min and still I can read the content text very easily
  80 2012-07-09T22:59:21  <RogerHaase> then ignore my contrast complaint for now.  Moving on to things which are not your code:
  81 2012-07-09T23:00:31  <RogerHaase> The subitems expand/contract icon is way too big, should be smaller and maybe to the left of pagemane rather than the right.
  82 2012-07-09T23:04:27  <RogerHaase> The paragraph marker at the end of heading lines is annoying.  I did not like the rollover version either.  I was thinking of just a javascript onclick event on headings to do the page scroll.  Downside is there would be no visual clue (a rollover title could be a clue, but I would find that annoying as well).
  83 2012-07-09T23:08:32  <jaiditya> RogerHaase: which subitems icon ?
  84 2012-07-09T23:09:26  <RogerHaase> The rectangle with a "/"   Actually the subitem icon is rather unusual and does not show current state -- tooltip says "Expand Subitem" regardless of current state.
  85 2012-07-09T23:10:24  <RogerHaase> I am looking at repo, not the images.
  86 2012-07-09T23:13:05  <jaiditya> its not an image
  87 2012-07-09T23:17:51  <RogerHaase> ah, I see it is a button.  But it  is too big.
  88 2012-07-09T23:21:06  <jaiditya> RogerHaase: You are talking about modernized theme ?
  89 2012-07-09T23:22:26  *** dave_largo has quit IRC
  90 2012-07-09T23:23:08  <RogerHaase> Yes, both modernized and foobar.  I realize the button is not your code.
  91 2012-07-09T23:24:29  <RogerHaase> Sorry, I was unclear.  To see the button you have to create  a page with two levels of subitems, then view the top-level page.
  92 2012-07-09T23:25:40  <jaiditya> ok..I got it now...
  93 2012-07-09T23:27:24  <RogerHaase> http://test.moinmo.in/SubitemImage
  94 2012-07-09T23:29:22  <jaiditya> RogerHaase: the snapshot you have sent has no content box behind the text ?
  95 2012-07-09T23:32:48  <jaiditya> RogerHaase: please send me a snapshot of your home
  96 2012-07-09T23:34:16  <RogerHaase> try 2:  http://test.moinmo.in/SubitemImage -- ignore the content subject, was just a handy article that had text.
  97 2012-07-09T23:37:12  *** dwcramer has joined #moin-dev
  98 2012-07-09T23:37:26  <jaiditya> RogerHaase: I got the button issue...i'll correct it...but what I see is there is no color in the moin-main-box
  99 2012-07-09T23:38:09  <jaiditya> that is why you complained about the texture...
 100 2012-07-09T23:39:20  <jaiditya> have you pulled those changes from my repo ?
 101 2012-07-09T23:40:35  <jaiditya> and if yes can you please check color_palette.styl and tell me that you have page_color = #f0f0f0
 102 2012-07-09T23:41:01  <RogerHaase> My screenshot is from your repo tip as of now.  For the contrast issue I was refering to your images - ignore my complaint as others may find the background F0F0F) acceptable.
 103 2012-07-09T23:42:41  <jaiditya> RogerHaase: no actually screenshot which you have sent has no color in moin-main-box
 104 2012-07-09T23:44:56  <jaiditya> as the textured background is applied behind the moin-main-box and over that moin-main-box has its own background color
 105 2012-07-09T23:45:47  <jaiditya> but in your screenshot there is no such color for moin-main-box
 106 2012-07-09T23:45:52  <RogerHaase> ? my repo shows the last change 3 days ago, same as https://bitbucket.org/Jaiditya/moin-2.0
 107 2012-07-09T23:46:17  <ThomasWaldmann> http://t.co/AOQZjjGq < torrent for all europython 2012 videos
 108 2012-07-09T23:47:15  <jaiditya> RogerHaase: look at common.css line 176 and line 180
 109 2012-07-09T23:48:06  <jaiditya> the texture is applied to body and over that moin-main-box has background color
 110 2012-07-09T23:49:35  <RogerHaase> http://dpaste.com/768754/
 111 2012-07-09T23:50:52  <jaiditya> the code is same but not the output
 112 2012-07-09T23:51:04  <jaiditya> I am confused
 113 2012-07-09T23:51:52  <RogerHaase> A guess is you have changes on your repo that you have not pushed???
 114 2012-07-09T23:52:32  <jaiditya> no...three days back my home was like this https://dl.dropbox.com/u/43518659/visited-vs-nonvisited.jpg
 115 2012-07-09T23:53:03  <jaiditya> it still had that moin-main-box color
 116 2012-07-09T23:53:25  <jaiditya> and I havn't changed that
 117 2012-07-09T23:54:32  <RogerHaase> I will clone a new repo...
 118 2012-07-09T23:55:00  <jaiditya> me too...
 119 2012-07-09T23:59:49  <RogerHaase> jaiditya: sorry, my error.  I found uncommitted changes on my copy of your repo  -- try 3:  http://test.moinmo.in/SubitemImage

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2012-07-09 (last edited 2012-07-08 22:45:03 by IrcLogImporter)