
The problem shows up in certain cases when a WikiWord contains an accented letter: The accent will be dropped during the page creation. Good example when one of the letters is an accented letter which is not in the Latin-1 charpage, for instance ő and ű

Steps to reproduce

1. click on the following pages to see what happens:



In the latter case with ő ending, the URL will be TestPage%C5%91 first, while the displayed PageName will be TestPageo. Upon creation the URL will change to TestPageo too.

MoinMoin Version: 1.5 beta5

Configuration: python 2.4.2 on Windows 2000 SP 4 with IIS


not known


Submitted by: JózsefJároli

Somehow this problem does not show up here... What could be the difference?

Your python version is broken. Let me guess - you are using SuSE?

No, (sorry for not giving config details earlier) this runs on a Windows 2000 Server. python version is 2.4.2 , and the web server is IIS. A locale problem maybe?

This seems to be the same bug with Javascript on IE6 that I reported on the mailing list. For completeness, I'm including my description below -- MarkMartinec

Using moin-1.5.2 for an intranet site which makes heavy use of page names (URL) with national characters. This works fine under Firefox, and even works well for reading under IE. The problem happens when JavaScript (common.js) rewrites a menu edit link of the page (other links in the menu are fine). Here is an example, the page URL (stripping out a common prefix) is: Tehni%C4%8Dni_servisi

This produces an 8-bit mess in the browser bottom line when mouse is hovering on the edit link: Tehni\xc4?ni_servisi?action=edit&editor=guipossible (lousy transcript, it looks even uglier showing weird characters)

Clicking on the edit link results in the following URL as seen by a web browser: Tehni%C3%84%C2%8Dni_servisi?action=edit&editor=guipossible

As you can see, the raw string of 8-bit UTF-8 characters gets encoded again, forming an invalid (doubly encoded) URL. Miraculously, this works fine under Firefox or Konqueror :) For now a quick fix is to modify common.js, stipping out most of the stuff, or to disable 'active scripting' in IE.

-- MarkMartinec



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/ProblemsWithCreatingPagesWithAccentedLetters (last edited 2008-03-18 18:12:09 by p5B055566)