2007-04-05T13:03:14  <dreimark> that message is useless: Unknown file type, cannot display this attachment inline.
2007-04-05T13:04:32  <dreimark> I do think attachfile should check if inline is possible and if not it should not try that
2007-04-05T13:05:15  <dreimark> so view should better behave as get or similiar to be able to load t mimetype in a different viewer
2007-04-05T13:15:21  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann:?
2007-04-05T13:16:01  <ThomasWaldmann> well, be careful when changing stuff there as browsers behave different
2007-04-05T13:25:09  <dreimark> OK
2007-04-05T15:00:04  <ThomasWaldmann> yeah, another mentor :)
2007-04-05T15:00:25  <ThomasWaldmann> (and another 3 fake mentor applications :| )
2007-04-05T15:04:32  <johill> got a storage refactoring application? :)
2007-04-05T15:05:24  <ThomasWaldmann> yeah, we have one student wanting to do that
2007-04-05T15:43:32  <dreimark> is there something more known from that templating project,?
2007-04-05T15:44:11  <xorAxAx> dreimark: no answer by mail yet
2007-04-05T15:44:18  <ThomasWaldmann> well. the student still has to show some of his code.
2007-04-05T15:45:20  <ThomasWaldmann> the application itself looked quite good, but I personally prefer some more practical approach
2007-04-05T16:32:44  <grzywacz> moin
2007-04-05T16:46:59  <ThomasWaldmann> moin grzywacz
2007-04-05T17:00:06  <dreimark> grzywacz: http://kolos.math.uni.lodz.pl/grzywacz/soc/ is this alive?
2007-04-05T17:00:54  <grzywacz> ~grzywacz
2007-04-05T17:01:05  <grzywacz> There's nothing there, though.
2007-04-05T17:01:48  <dreimark> ahh ok

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2007-04-05 (last edited 2007-10-29 19:07:34 by localhost)