2007-04-29T11:48:15  <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2007-04-29T19:38:40  <flowhase> xorAxAx: pong
2007-04-29T19:39:22  <flowhase> sorry, must have missed your ping yesterday
2007-04-29T19:40:36  <xorAxAx> i just wanted to know if you have already planned how the theming interfaces etc. look like
2007-04-29T19:41:54  <flowhase> i will meet with ffesti thursday in stuttgart and start planning the concrete interfaces
2007-04-29T19:43:19  <flowhase> regarding the initial idea to create a theme based on templating: i currently don't think that this would be feasible
2007-04-29T19:43:46  <flowhase> because of the distribution of output code in moinmoin
2007-04-29T19:44:23  <xorAxAx> i dont see the problem
2007-04-29T19:44:30  <flowhase> hmm
2007-04-29T19:45:04  <flowhase> i currently don't see how this could be done
2007-04-29T19:45:25  <xorAxAx> well, moin emits the <head> at exactly one position
2007-04-29T19:45:32  <flowhase> most theme-engines work by rendering a whole template given some context-data
2007-04-29T19:45:40  <xorAxAx> yes
2007-04-29T19:47:28  <flowhase> just a moment *fires up editor*
2007-04-29T19:58:00  <flowhase> now
2007-04-29T19:58:12  <xorAxAx> hmm? :)
2007-04-29T20:01:02  <flowhase> well, Page.py#send_page calls theme.send_title, then calls mostly code that formats/renders the wiki-content and then calls theme.send_footer, right?
2007-04-29T20:01:22  <xorAxAx> yes
2007-04-29T20:01:41  <xorAxAx> a page consists of two parts - the page body and the remaining chunk
2007-04-29T20:01:58  <xorAxAx> the page body is mostly theme-agnostic, some parts call back into the theme, though
2007-04-29T20:02:19  <xorAxAx> now the question is - where is the problem of having a theme engine doing the outer chunk of html code?
2007-04-29T20:05:10  <flowhase> hmm, actually ... i don't really know where the problem is ... it just seems like breaking apart themed html output. perhaps i still think too much of a template engine being the final step before the browser, with dynamically generated content already completly done
2007-04-29T20:05:31  <flowhase> (final with disregard to caching stuff that is)
2007-04-29T20:08:13  <ThomasWaldmann> flowhase: did you think about how moin's html4 content will mix with the output of the templating engine?
2007-04-29T20:09:14  <flowhase> ThomasWaldmann: you mean in regard to xhtml-output like it's normally generated by genshi for example?
2007-04-29T20:09:22  <xorAxAx> genshi can do both
2007-04-29T20:09:26  <flowhase> yeah
2007-04-29T20:09:51  <flowhase> and most of the other template engines do look quite html-agnostic
2007-04-29T20:12:21  <ThomasWaldmann> ah, ok. i thought it is about xhtml only.
2007-04-29T20:13:17  <flowhase> it has xhtml, html4 and text/plain output filters shipped
2007-04-29T20:13:34  <flowhase> well, and xml
2007-04-29T20:19:44  * ThomasWaldmann looks http://video.google.de/videoplay?docid=-3035093035748181693&q=python+design+patterns
2007-04-29T20:33:38  * flowhase reads moin code
2007-04-29T20:34:30  <flowhase> also i have no sound here, but the topic of the video looks interesting
2007-04-29T21:13:00  <Fabi> flowhase, IIRC we'll meet on thuesday (Dienstag, 1. Mai)
2007-04-29T21:18:53  <flowhase> Fabi: erm, sorry, i meant tuesday ... english language mixup ;>
2007-04-29T21:19:06  <Fabi> just wanted to make shure...
2007-04-29T21:19:13  <flowhase> kk :>
2007-04-29T21:40:08  * xorAxAx wonders if he should do a bike tour to stuttgart/karlsruhe on tuesday
2007-04-29T21:40:17  <xorAxAx> hmm, no, too far away :-)
2007-04-29T21:54:24  <flowhase> :>
2007-04-29T22:08:14  <ThomasWaldmann> just some short poll :)
2007-04-29T22:09:02  <ThomasWaldmann> i tried introducing some InterWiki: (no pagename after the :) syntax some time ago
2007-04-29T22:09:22  <ThomasWaldmann> i removed it soon after as it gave too many false positives
2007-04-29T22:09:49  <ThomasWaldmann> (like when saying "MoinMoin: a great wiki engine" :)
2007-04-29T22:10:51  <ThomasWaldmann> but there is still some code left so that [wiki:MoinMoin:] works (it links to the same pagename in the MoinMoin wiki)
2007-04-29T22:12:38  <ThomasWaldmann> the question is whether we should keep that
2007-04-29T22:13:41  <ThomasWaldmann> (nice for sisterwiki and similar applications, otoh it is a bit irregular as just OtherWiki: does not work)
2007-04-29T22:18:05  <xorAxAx> IMHO its not very intuitive
2007-04-29T22:18:10  <xorAxAx> there should be a nicer replacement
2007-04-29T22:20:24  <ThomasWaldmann> >>> " bla".split(None, 1)
2007-04-29T22:20:24  <ThomasWaldmann> ['bla']
2007-04-29T22:20:24  <ThomasWaldmann> >>> " bla".split(' ', 1)
2007-04-29T22:20:24  <ThomasWaldmann> ['', 'bla']
2007-04-29T22:20:31  <ThomasWaldmann> is that a bug or a feature?
2007-04-29T22:32:36  <ThomasWaldmann> xorAxAx: ideas for nicer replacement or just remove it?
2007-04-29T22:33:00  <xorAxAx> no ideas currently, no :)
2007-04-29T22:33:11  <ThomasWaldmann> I couldnt really decide on one of $PAGE, $THIS, _, $$, whatever :)

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2007-04-29 (last edited 2007-10-29 19:09:02 by localhost)