1 2011-06-23T01:38:31  *** waldbaer has joined #moin-dev
   2 2011-06-23T01:38:34  <waldbaer> hi
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   9 2011-06-23T05:26:29  <Marchael> moin
  10 2011-06-23T05:39:05  <Marchael> ThomasWaldmann: I've found why this issue appears
  11 2011-06-23T05:40:06  <Marchael> For documet with name "Home" at first uuid is "Home", but then he changing to "352138cdc6704fcda9e2cdfccb070111"
  12 2011-06-23T05:40:17  <Marchael> uuid is changed
  13 2011-06-23T05:40:43  <Marchael> that's why I can't found revision in backend
  14 2011-06-23T05:40:58  <Marchael> I assume what I've one uuid for all revision of doc
  15 2011-06-23T05:42:21  <Marchael> May use some immutable for all revisions, line "name"?
  16 2011-06-23T05:42:28  <Marchael> *like
  17 2011-06-23T05:43:04  <Marchael> s/some/something
  18 2011-06-23T06:45:55  *** xjjk has quit IRC
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  20 2011-06-23T07:45:01  <Marchael> seems now work
  21 2011-06-23T07:45:28  <Marchael> at least it won't add documents what already existed :D
  22 2011-06-23T08:28:58  <dreimark> Marchael: uuid should never change
  23 2011-06-23T08:29:09  <dreimark> please file a bug report to the issue tracker
  24 2011-06-23T08:29:14  <dreimark> of m-2.0
  25 2011-06-23T08:29:52  <dreimark> that may be because it was serialized some time ago
  26 2011-06-23T08:31:07  <Marchael> dreimark: I mean what revisions of one document may have different uuid, uuid of revision is never change
  27 2011-06-23T08:31:49  <Marchael> It's appears only for default documents what shipped with moin2
  28 2011-06-23T08:32:01  <Marchael> like "Home","rst", "creole" etc.
  29 2011-06-23T08:32:13  <Marchael> they have uuid as same as name
  30 2011-06-23T08:32:26  <Marchael> but when I change it, uuid is changed too
  31 2011-06-23T08:32:36  <dreimark> Marchael: as i said they are installed from some old serialized items
  32 2011-06-23T08:32:49  <dreimark> that is wrong
  33 2011-06-23T08:33:33  <Marchael> ok, I report issue
  34 2011-06-23T08:36:06  <dreimark> the bug is that it never should change the uuid.
  35 2011-06-23T08:36:15  <dreimark> but it did for that items
  36 2011-06-23T08:37:29  <dreimark> Marchael: ^
  37 2011-06-23T08:37:38  <Marchael> ok
  38 2011-06-23T08:43:01  <Marchael> https://bitbucket.org/thomaswaldmann/moin-2.0/issue/33/uuid-is-changing-for-default-documents
  39 2011-06-23T08:43:20  <Marchael> If I can improve it, just say what need to do
  40 2011-06-23T08:49:33  *** sinha has joined #moin-dev
  41 2011-06-23T08:56:12  <Marchael> dreimark: content of reverted revisions is duplicating?
  42 2011-06-23T09:02:40  <ThomasWaldmann> moin
  43 2011-06-23T09:02:53  <Marchael> hi ThomasWaldmann
  44 2011-06-23T09:03:00  <ThomasWaldmann> Marchael: you don't have to care about that
  45 2011-06-23T09:03:58  <Marchael> For now I using name for creating revisions list
  46 2011-06-23T09:04:04  <Marchael> *name field
  47 2011-06-23T09:05:11  <ThomasWaldmann> yes, so?
  48 2011-06-23T09:05:51  <Marchael> script is working for some cases now, but I'm forgot what revision can be reverted.
  49 2011-06-23T09:06:09  <Marchael> and we have same document with new rev_no
  50 2011-06-23T09:06:16  <Marchael> s/document/revision/
  51 2011-06-23T09:07:16  <ThomasWaldmann> we have to think about timestamps i think
  52 2011-06-23T09:07:28  <Marchael> but my script checking only mtime, and if he assumes what different revisions with same mtime are equal
  53 2011-06-23T09:07:31  <ThomasWaldmann> ehrm, or just use something different
  54 2011-06-23T09:07:46  <Marchael> s/if//
  55 2011-06-23T09:07:48  <ThomasWaldmann> because you are using timestamps to detect change
  56 2011-06-23T09:07:55  <Marchael> нуы
  57 2011-06-23T09:07:56  <Marchael> yes
  58 2011-06-23T09:08:06  <ThomasWaldmann> you can also detect change by looking at the hash
  59 2011-06-23T09:08:24  <Marchael> but revision hasn't hash field
  60 2011-06-23T09:08:29  <Marchael> *schema
  61 2011-06-23T09:08:49  <ThomasWaldmann> or revno
  62 2011-06-23T09:09:02  <ThomasWaldmann> we have to thoroughly think this through
  63 2011-06-23T09:09:12  <Marchael> so I should check for mtime and rev_no?
  64 2011-06-23T09:09:16  <ThomasWaldmann> timestamp is a bad idea, that i can tell you right now
  65 2011-06-23T09:09:43  <Marchael> hash is good, but then we need to extend schema
  66 2011-06-23T09:10:26  <ThomasWaldmann> yup
  67 2011-06-23T09:10:37  <ThomasWaldmann> no, hash alone is not enough
  68 2011-06-23T09:10:48  <ThomasWaldmann> because it is a data hash, not covering meta
  69 2011-06-23T09:12:13  <Marchael> hash + rev_no?
  70 2011-06-23T09:13:09  <Marchael> or script should calculate revision hash and put it to index
  71 2011-06-23T09:13:51  <Marchael> and next we checking, calcute this for item and compare with hash in index_revision
  72 2011-06-23T09:16:32  <dreimark> we need a hash for the whole item
  73 2011-06-23T09:17:00  <ThomasWaldmann> no
  74 2011-06-23T09:17:00  <dreimark> because you also can only change meta which creates a new revision
  75 2011-06-23T09:18:13  <Marchael> calcultaing hash for large amount of documents may be not good idea
  76 2011-06-23T09:19:27  <ThomasWaldmann> Marchael: use revno for now
  77 2011-06-23T09:19:39  <Marchael> ok
  78 2011-06-23T09:19:48  <dreimark> we can use the hash we have already now
  79 2011-06-23T09:20:00  <dreimark> we need only to combine it with a hash for meta
  80 2011-06-23T09:20:14  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: where do you want to store the hash for meta?
  81 2011-06-23T09:20:22  <ThomasWaldmann> metameta? :)
  82 2011-06-23T09:21:58  <ThomasWaldmann> at runtime and at indexing time, we can rely on new stuff getting a new, different (increasing) revno
  83 2011-06-23T09:22:21  <ThomasWaldmann> the only exception is if we renumber revisions, but we can require index rebuild after such rare occasions
  84 2011-06-23T09:27:45  <dreimark> hmm can't we use the object identifier of the item itselfs?
  85 2011-06-23T09:29:12  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: you mean uuid?
  86 2011-06-23T09:30:12  <dreimark> id(item)
  87 2011-06-23T09:30:22  <ThomasWaldmann> ???
  88 2011-06-23T09:30:57  <dreimark> i am thinking about if we can have always using object ids for items
  89 2011-06-23T09:36:58  <dreimark> Return the “identity” of an object. This is an integer (or long integer) which is guaranteed to be unique and constant for this object during its lifetime.
  90 2011-06-23T09:37:40  <dreimark> that means we would need to announce all already  existing ids  after a restart
  91 2011-06-23T09:40:17  <dreimark> so that we don't get overlap.
  92 2011-06-23T09:48:39  <ThomasWaldmann> id() is dealing with python objects in memory
  93 2011-06-23T09:53:05  <dreimark> .oO online updates
  94 2011-06-23T09:55:46  *** MattMaker has quit IRC
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  96 2011-06-23T09:57:30  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: i think I'll wait some more days until upgrading to ff5
  97 2011-06-23T10:27:26  <Marchael> whoosh has strage searching alg
  98 2011-06-23T10:27:29  <Marchael> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/417330/
  99 2011-06-23T10:28:06  <Marchael> there is iterating over all revisions
 100 2011-06-23T10:28:29  <Marchael> and I don't understand why 8 at top, and 9 at bottom
 101 2011-06-23T10:31:30  <Marchael> ThomasWaldmann: can you advice me a way how to solve it? sorting bt rev_no?
 102 2011-06-23T10:31:52  <Marchael> *by
 103 2011-06-23T10:40:13  <dreimark> that id idea is problematic if the number space could not be selected and it can become evil
 104 2011-06-23T10:40:42  <dreimark> for a moment i thought that would be very easy
 105 2011-06-23T11:01:36  <Marchael> ThomasWaldmann: I'm done with script(at least it working for my tests), please review http://codereview.appspot.com/4539114/diff/52005/MoinMoin/script/maint/update_indexes.py
 106 2011-06-23T11:02:19  *** greg_f has joined #moin-dev
 107 2011-06-23T11:02:56  <Marchael> btw, codereview shows diff, but I commtied almost code before pasting.
 108 2011-06-23T11:04:23  <Marchael> btw, there is full version http://paste.pocoo.org/show/417343/
 109 2011-06-23T11:20:15  <ThomasWaldmann> Marchael: you should not assume order of search results, except if you made something to create order
 110 2011-06-23T11:20:40  <ThomasWaldmann> (same is true for using some other iteration over indexed stuff)
 111 2011-06-23T11:21:11  <Marchael> that's why I use sorted()
 112 2011-06-23T11:21:37  <ThomasWaldmann> for?
 113 2011-06-23T11:22:21  <Marchael> do you see http://paste.pocoo.org/show/417330/ ?
 114 2011-06-23T11:22:43  <ThomasWaldmann> that is just showing some result
 115 2011-06-23T11:22:46  <Marchael> If order will be random I can't compair revisions
 116 2011-06-23T11:25:20  <ThomasWaldmann> hmm, maybe you could just compute a set difference of revno list storage minus revno list index?
 117 2011-06-23T11:27:06  <Marchael> mmm, but how we can consider revisions order?
 118 2011-06-23T11:27:54  <ThomasWaldmann> you would not consider order then
 119 2011-06-23T11:28:25  <ThomasWaldmann> but you basically just want to know what you need to add and remove from the index, right?
 120 2011-06-23T11:28:35  <Marchael> yup
 121 2011-06-23T11:31:07  <ThomasWaldmann> and for the revno list, you do not even need to "get" the revision, you just need to get the list of the revnos
 122 2011-06-23T11:31:25  <Marchael> If I'll using your way, then how I'll know which documents was deleted?
 123 2011-06-23T11:32:40  <ThomasWaldmann> you mean destroyed revisions?
 124 2011-06-23T11:32:45  <Marchael> yes
 125 2011-06-23T11:33:16  <ThomasWaldmann> then the revno won't be in the storage revno list, but in the index revno list
 126 2011-06-23T11:33:24  <ThomasWaldmann> s/list/set/
 127 2011-06-23T11:33:35  <ThomasWaldmann> so it is a set difference also
 128 2011-06-23T11:34:19  <ThomasWaldmann> btw, same thing for item names, you could also use set differences there
 129 2011-06-23T11:56:36  *** MattMaker has quit IRC
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 138 2011-06-23T14:54:09  * Marchael dreaming about unique id for each revision in indexes
 139 2011-06-23T14:55:46  <Marchael> for identifying document, whoosh using id which storest in backend.
 140 2011-06-23T14:56:02  <Marchael> *stores
 141 2011-06-23T14:56:41  <Marchael> if I can put that id to schema, I could remove documents without searching in backend
 142 2011-06-23T14:57:15  <Marchael> ThomasWaldmann: what ypu think?
 143 2011-06-23T15:22:53  <Marchael> if we'll use multi writer for removing revisions then we need to choose a function what will do it. delete_by_term() accept only one field, delete_by_quey() allows queries, but I played with whoosh Multi Parser and can say what it not that thing what we want
 144 2011-06-23T15:25:39  <Marchael> and delete_document() removes documents by internal id, but I'm not sure what multi writer suppor that.
 145 2011-06-23T15:30:03  <Marchael> yes, it doesn't support
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 155 2011-06-23T19:37:55  <pkumar> ThomasWaldmann : hi, I was just wondering if you could suggest me, which parts of current tests may possibly have complex structure/code and should be simplified or can be done in a more efficient way.
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MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2011-06-23 (last edited 2011-06-22 23:45:02 by IrcLogImporter)