
These are a few general thoughts and ideas that I have at the moment. Some of them have probably been mentioned on the Moin IRC channel. They are not finished ideas. The projects listed below reflect experimentation with some of my ideas. Perhaps as (if!) these ideas expand someone will create a page to discuss and implement the ideas.

Easy user experience

I've tried to introduce wikis (Moin) to two different companies. I read that the first wikis weren't concerned with ease of use, they were programmer oriented. Complaints that I have heard are:

Processing of wiki content

Wikis are great for throwing information into and then refactoring slowly over time. Often "knowledge" is initially unstructured or evolves whilst ideas and information are added. Rigid content and information management system do not always allow the ease of refactoring which wikis allow. To assist in the usage of information the wiki it would be nice to search, sort and present wiki content in different ways.

WikiDb is a macro which implements a simple SQL like query system which can read information from Moin tables, filter it and present it. This currently only handles tables. It is intended eventually that data insertion will be allowed as well.

(!) Data sources

Tables are just one source of information. File directories/trees of pictures, music, source code etc might be another. Newsfeeds, RSS readers, etc. Moin provides a Dataset class to represent information in a tabular form (MoinMoin/util/ This can rendered using a Databrowser widget (MoinMoin/widget/ An abstract class DataSource might provide a interface to these various data sources. e.g.

Different source might be added to customise a site. Perhaps there might be a DataSourceMarket?

(!) Flexible presentation

It looks like the widgets will be set up to work like this (MoinMoin/widget/ so this idea might not be new. Information in a dataset might be presented in several different ways. Currently a table version is available but a browser widget might provide someway of altering the formatting to present the information as a table, a list, or an XML structure. Numerical data might be presented as a graph.

(!) Moin stats

Moin stats might use the above mechanism to present the usage log. e.g.

Should Moin stats move to PyTables the DataSource could encapsulate the change by handling reading and writing of data.

Current Projects

My mini Moin projects:


Nick Trout (wk) <ntrout AT rock star vancouver DOT NOSPAM com> or Sourceforge trout <trout AT users DOT sf NOSPAM DOT net>


Hi Nick, I added some comments to WikiDb concerning mktime / localtime / gmtime usage. -- ThomasWaldmann

MoinMoin: NickTrout (last edited 2007-10-29 19:13:01 by localhost)