Process conversion from the wiki

I implemented a rough solution to convert any text/* item into a DocBook document, as long there is converter for the item into the internal DOM Tree.

This solution is definitely not the best, but can be see as an example to implement the final version. (Indeed, I do not know well, how you want to process the conversion).

So at this time, you can use this piece of code adding the following parameters in your request : ?do=get&mimetype=text/docbook this will propose to you to download the DocBook file.

At this time, the result will miss a doctype, but except that, it should correct DocBook. I am going to publish more tests soon.

Worked on the list conversion

I prepared the different lists we should be able to convert from DocBook, to DOM tree. Some lists has semantical meaning in DocBook. This meaning will be loosed after roundtrip conversion naturally. (But there is no reason for such conversion with DocBook).

I also wrote a DocBook document which I will use a reference for the list conversion.

And naturally, I started to write the unit tests and the conversion code for these lists.

MoinMoin: ValentinJaniaut/GSoC/Diary/2010-07-08 (last edited 2010-07-08 21:07:39 by ValentinJaniaut)