The following is the sequence of steps followed to install moin 1.8.3 on Debian Stable


What I Did


1. Install OS

Debian Stable minimal install, followed by tasksel to install Desktop Environment(not required?), Web Server, and File Server(not required)

2. Install wsgi

aptitude install libapache2-mod-wsgi; /etc/init.d/apache restart

Version: 2.3-1 . Apache restart should not be required (aptitude does it), but for some reason my install started segfaulting around here

/!\ Debian Moin package is terribly out of date (1.7.1). Doing manual install instead.

3. Get, extract moin

su;cd; wget <moin 1.8.3 download url>; tar xvzf moin-1.8.3.tar.gz

Doing it as root for now.

4. Install moin site package

cd moin-1.8.3; python install

(!) Needs root. Will have to allow user to change prefix. this step is not needed at all

5. Move Apache Document Root to /srv

Edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/000_default and change document root to /srv/apache/www, create the folder, and restart apache

Not really necessary :P

Actual creation of wiki instance starts here

6. Create folder for data

mkdir /srv/apache/moin-data/mywiki

Seems like a sane place to put it. /srv/DOMAIN/.. is better (thanks ThomasWaldmann ) with server root at /var/www

7. Export the environ

export PREFIX=/usr; export SHARE=$PREFIX/share/moin; export WIKILOCATION=/srv/apache/moin-data; export INSTANCE=mywiki;export USER=www-data; export GROUP=www-data

8. Copy Stuff

cd $WIKILOCATION; mkdir $INSTANCE; cp -R $SHARE/data $INSTANCE; cp -R $SHARE/underlay $INSTANCE; cp $SHARE/config/ $INSTANCE

9. Set permissions

chown -R $USER.$GROUP $INSTANCE; chmod -R ug+rwX $INSTANCE; chmod -R o-rwx $INSTANCE

10. Apache Alias

Edited /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default like

11. Edit moin.wsgi

Edit moin.wsgi in /srv/moin-data/mywiki to point to correct wikiconfig

Notes :

  1. The forward-slash / backward-slash difference in paths for operating systems needs to be handled.
  2. wsgi daemons need to be restarted if the configs are changed. apache restart, or touch moin.wsgi
  3. Theme migration requires stuff to go into $SHARE/htdocs/
  4. Migration of data from 1.8.x to 1.8.y from one server to another just needs the folder to be copied. The default data folder can be nuked /!\ Verify

  5. python-gdchart2 (0.beta1) seems to be in the repository, and is required for charts. Need to test if this works.
  6. python-xapian is in the repository. aptitude install is enough to get it recognized by moin. it seems to be disabled by default.
    1. antiword,catdoc,xpdf-utils are all in the repositories.
    2. xapian is enabled with xapian_search = True in Rest are left to defaults for the moment. Need to verify what is preferred.
    3. xapian index initially built with : moin --config-dir=/where/your/configdir/is --wiki-url=wiki-url/ index build --mode=add; be sure not to run this as root :)

MoinMoin: Admin2009/DebianInstallLog (last edited 2009-05-04 07:56:42 by ThomasWaldmann)