Working on download all feature on index page

one issue: As per the earlier discussion to make the contenttype of downloading file to application/moin-file or similar, So should i do this change now ? because it may affect downloading of other files also on different pages by clicking that "Download" link of itemviews bar ?

reply Please do this only for sending by multiple download. Not for storing of items.

If it is necessary to change this code.

then add please a patch into the issuetracker with the issue. On my last change he responded quickly. If the mimetype becomes configurable it is not too specific to moin.

Reply - But this lib just opens the download link into a frame, so i dont think that js will have any control on headers of the page, i am thinking of some other way, that if the file download request comes from index page (we can always get the url referrer), we will make contenttype as ours otherwise leave it as of the item's .

reply ok

If we can use libs maintained from someone else we can save some work later.


after the next commit you should merge main.

   1 13:44 < dreimark> looks like sinha should merge
   2 13:53 < ThomasWaldmann> yes, soon
   3 13:53 < ThomasWaldmann> marchael also soon
   4 13:54 < ThomasWaldmann> i didn't change the *.html templates yet, but maybe i 
   5                         rather don't do that to avoid lots of conflicts for 
   6                         sinha

there is some more stuff in the logs about that later

MoinMoin: AkashSinha/Gsoc2011Diary/2011-08-04 (last edited 2011-08-05 12:02:21 by ReimarBauer)