1. Updated meta diff macro. Use correct markers and fix indentation. Also fix indentation for content diff macro. Uploaded cr patches

2. Created notification class. Atm has 4 methods: determine_change_verb() (need to fix the name, sounds awful), get_content_diff(), get_meta-diff() and construct_msg() (also fix the naming). Also the file contains a method for extracting the last revisions (efectively we want to do it only once, might be an idea to do in it, but at the same time not the best option to have lots of logic in the init) and a function-receiver send_notifications().

3. Started tweaking the sendmail() func from MoinMoin.mail.sendmail to send multipart mails (for HTML notifications)

TODO tomorrow

1. Remind about the pending crs and bb issue tracker.

2. Make the appropriate changes to the sendmail function and prepare a cr. In case it is necessary write a test with some HTML body.

3. Write unittests for Notification class and functions from MoinMoin.util.notifications. Polish the code to pass the tests, cr (might be a work in progress and no cr or partial cr for tomorrow )

MoinMoin: AnaBalica/GSOC-2013-Diary/2013-08-13 (last edited 2013-08-13 20:24:07 by AnaBalica)