ReimarBauer will write a chapter about the plugin concept of MoinMoin 1.6 with examples in a new (german) python book (not only for computer science students).
We like to show how easy it is to use the the plugin concept of MoinMoin for different other (new) webapplication ideas without reinventing the wheel.
At first basics of MoinMoin and the plugin concept will be explained. Afterwards I wish to show simple examples like "hello world" applications and later on more complex ones.
So now you have a chance to add wishes for the complexer ones. But they should not be too complex (I want to describe mutliple of them).
The question is if you want to write something completely new or rather use some of the stuff built-in in moin (or available on the Market pages). Maybe taking some poorly implemented plugin and refactor / comment it / write tests for it would be an idea.
Check the presentation about writing moin plugins in this wiki tarball. I gave it twice, once for the local Python user group, and later for a Python course.
Thanks Nir, very interesting stuff
Do we have any publications about MoinMoin in journals or other publication? I like to cite. -- ReimarBauer 2007-10-26 18:39:23