The way that confluence builds URLs is not the same as MoinMoin - here are some URL mappings that could be set up (via a redirector installed with the old wiki URL) that would make some existing links/bookmarks to continue working. I'm not thinking that all will work but at least direct links to pages would be nice.


This works like a regular wiki (though there may be some differences in URL encoding to be checked) - however note that I've seen one example where a title includes the "+" character and Confluence seems to choose to switch to the /pages/viewpage.action approach (see below).

The example:

Whereas it seems that most pages use this human-readable type link - for example:

Note that in order for a mapping to work we'd need to store SPACE + TITLE information for all existing pages.

Where the SPACE/TITLE page naming is preserved (which is by far the most convenient option), a redirect would just remove the /display prefix.



As per comments above (in the /display/ section) it seems that Confluence chooses to switch to an ID-based URL instead of encoding characters like + in a human-readable URL.

In this case the PAGEID is the inner-text value of the first id element within a page object element - for example the page starting with this XML in the dump:

<object class="Page" package="com.atlassian.confluence.pages">
<id name="id">7962730</id>

Is accessed with either of:

As per this example - note that both approaches can be used for most pages. I have not found a url encoding that allows the How to Install MM3a7+REST+Django+APP to be accessed via the /display/ handler.



Here, the AgA3 "tiny URL" identifier, TINYID, is converted to an integer (in this case it is 3604482) using a simple algorithm and this is then used by Confluence to look up the actual page (as described above).



This is an alternate form of the <TINYID> reference. The <TINYID> is exactly the same as in the much more comonly seen /x/<TINYID> URL.


This is effectively equivalent to the result of the following macro:

<<FullSearch(<TERM> title:regex:^<SPACE>/)>>

This can be converted to a URL of the following form:<TERM>+title%3Aregex%3A^<SPACE>%2F&fullsearch=Text


This appears in the Mailman Confluence content, but does not seem to be supported any more.


This exports the given SPACE as XML, and provides the basis of the conversion process. Moin provides the PackagePages action, but that takes a list of page names as one of its parameters, and unlike the Confluence exporter it does not provide all versions of a page. There are other ways of packaging a wiki using the moin program, but Moin doesn't seem to really support through-the-Web archiving.


This is an obsolete method of exporting pages. Here, with a TYPE of TYPE_PDF a page is exported as PDF. Instead of this, the following URL path should be used...


ActionMarket/RenderAsPDF provides an action for PDF export and would be accessed using a URL of the following form:


Confluence displays a "dashboard" showing some page content and various panels containing update information (wiki changes, blog posts) and a list of the wiki spaces. The intention is to show such content on the front page of a Moin wiki, so this URL path would just redirect to the root of the wiki.

MoinMoin: ConfluenceConverter/DevelopmentNotes/MappingUrls (last edited 2015-02-10 04:06:12 by MarkSapiro)