Eugene Syromyatnikov

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat Czech.

Hi Eugene Syromyatnikov

thanks for helping on master19.

Just a note about reading markup from a page you want to work on in your language.

You can use the raw text action of the "more action" menue if you want to read the raw text. That doesn't block others to edit the page while you are viewing its markup.



Hi, I am impressed a lot more page names are translated now, see for missing important pages CheckTranslation of essential system pages. -- ReimarBauer 2009-09-28 16:16:56

The content of SiteNavigation was moved to FindPage on master19. That's the reason why the page was removed.


can you please have a look at the follwoing lines please use the same formatting rules as the original message. -- ReimarBauer 2009-11-20 18:16:33

3027: msgid ""
3028: "{{{\n"
3029: "Emphasis: *italic* **bold** ``monospace``\n"
3030: "\n"
3031: "Headings: Heading 1  Heading 2  Heading 3\n"
3032: "          =========  ---------  ~~~~~~~~~\n"
3033: "\n"
3034: "Horizontal rule: ----\n"
3035: "\n"
3036: "Links: TrailingUnderscore_ `multi word with backticks`_ external_\n"
3037: "\n"
3038: ".. _external:\n"
3039: "\n"
3040: "Lists: * bullets; 1., a. numbered items.\n"
3041: "}}}\n"
3042: "(!) For more help, see the\n"
3043: "[[|"
3044: "reStructuredText Quick Reference]].\n"
3045: msgstr ""
3046: "Выделение: <i>*курсив*</i> <b>**жирный**</b> ``моноширинный``<br>\n"
3047: "<br/><pre>\n"
3048: "Заголовки: Уровня 1  Уровня 2  Уровня 3\n"
3049: "           ========  --------  ~~~~~~~~\n"
3050: "\n"
3051: "Отчерк: ---- \n"
3052: "Ссылки: ОдноСлово_ `много слов`_ внешняя_ \n"
3053: "\n"
3054: ".. _внешняя:\n"
3055: "\n"
3056: "Списки: * ненумерованные; 1., a. нумерованные.\n"
3057: "</pre>\n"
3058: "<br>\n"
3059: "(!) Подробнее см. \n"
3060: "[[|"
3061: "reStructuredText Quick Reference]].\n"

MoinMoin: EugeneSyromyatnikov (last edited 2017-04-12 12:47:08 by EugeneSyromyatnikov)