We need an event system for moin. Whenever something of note happened, a message would be distributed throughout MoinMoin, Plugins (MoinMoin/event/ + data/plugin/event) would receive events as well.
So, for example, when a page is opened for edit, an event is announced. When a page is saved, an event is announced. If something is deleted, an event is announced, ...
LionKimbro announced he will implement this himself. He is motivated because he wants it to be easy to connect to his subscribable event system DingDing.
OliverGraf noted, that we should do it with transactions.
Event Broker
- have an event broker module read and init handler plugins, global and local ones (order??)
- use XXhandlerpluginname with XX being an integer to define order (see SysV-Init)
- handlers register themselves into some chains handled by the event broker connect(triggername, handlerobj)
- unregistering also possible disconnect(triggername, handlerobj)
- triggers happen by calling the broker's trigger(triggername, **parmdict)
- broker then generates a unique eventid and iterates over the handler sequence
- first calling all handlers start(eventid, parmdict)
second calling all handlers commit(eventid) or abort(eventid) in case of AbortException
Event Objects
__init__(self, **parmdict)
- paramdict: dict containing request object and other stuff needed
- checks if the action intended can / shall be done
if an error occurs, making the whole thing impossible or unwanted, raise AbortException
- default method: "pass"
commit() - called if no AbortException in first sweep occurred, we can completely do what we want
- default method: "pass"
abort() - something raised an AbortException, do nothing, just clean up
- default method: "pass"
Event Handler Objects
- on plugin init, a handlerobj is generated (one per triggername we are interested in) and connected
- when an trigger happens, broker calls:
- start(eventid, parmdict) method - this is called in a first sweep over then chain
- we make a new eventobj(parmdict) and remember it in a local dict {eventid: eventobj}
commit(eventid) - this is called in a second sweep over the chain, doing it completely, if nothing raised an AbortException in the first sweep
- call all event objects commit()
- abort(eventid) - this is called in a second sweep over the chain, aborting the whole thing.
- call all event objects abort()
- start(eventid, parmdict) method - this is called in a first sweep over then chain
Triggers have a unique triggername (simple string?). Triggering some trigger leads to generation and processing of one or more event objects.
RequestTrigger (RT) means, that a user (or other external entity) has triggered something, that should be processed, if possible and if allowed. ProcessedTrigger (PT) means, that moin has really done and completed something, that should trigger other stuff.
- page content and namespace
- RT page edit start (wants to start editor)
- RT page edit abort (hit abort in editor)
- RT page edit timeout (editor timed out)
- RT page save (hit save in editor)
- PT page saved (see also namespace)
- RT page rename
- PT page renamed (see also namespace)
- RT page delete
- PT page deleted (see also namespace)
- time
- PT have an internal time event source triggering in intervals of s,min,h,d,w,m,y?
performance (regarding triggering in sec intervals)
- PT at specified dates
- PT have an internal time event source triggering in intervals of s,min,h,d,w,m,y?
- macro XXX invoked
- for what???
some ideas for event plugins / handlers
page read,write,...
- blacklist processing aborting the page save (based on content or other criteria)
SecurityPolicy able to abort read,write,....
- locking?
caching stuff
- when namespace changing events happen, update or invalidate the caches
- same for content changes
timer handlers
- catching the timer events, we could do some cleanup work, maybe in small pieces using yield?
- calendaring
related objects
- Page
- Page parent page if any
- Category page
- Wiki - we don't have this object today, but that could be the object that know stuff about all the wiki
- Site or Farm - another new object that can do thing globaly
The start, commit/abort calls are a bit tricky... start has to check everything that is needed to do a commit. If there is something not possible, it raises the abort exception, ok. If no object has objections against the transaction, the commit methods are called to do the real thing. If now something bad happens (system may have changed in the meantime...), how is the rollback of the already commited objects done? -- OliverGraf 2004-07-17 17:55:49
IMHO we should not use the EventSystem to implement the normal MoinMoin processing logic. Actions and normal code is sufficient for this. Everything else will make things only much more complicated. -- FlorianFesti 2004-12-21 18:34:05
We need global events and events per page. Parts of MoinMoin must easily be able to subscribe to this events. This subscription should be data driven. -- FlorianFesti 2004-12-21 18:34:05
It looks too complex and use too many special objects. Why not let any object to post or register events?
Also, there is too much connections between the objects. The broker should not care what the subscribers are doing with the events or what type of object they are.
If we need specific order, the system can register the standard objects for standard events first, then let any object register events. First registers will be posted firsts. We don't have to build everything on the events system, it's just a way to make the system easy to extend and customize.
- but maybe we WANT to use it for many things, so defining order should be possible (and not only by moving between "standard" and "extension"
- We can move events in the list, or insert them at the start of the list if needed. Or apply some sort of priorities, when you add an event, the broker sort it by priority or by domain - global events firsts, local last, so a stupid plug-in will bot steal a save event from the security object.
All we need to do is decide on the signature of the event callback, like somename(event), where event is a subclass of Event. Any object that like to get an event, will register with the event broker with the object method that handle the event.
Here is a sketchy code that works like that:
1 #
2 # In MoinMoin/events.py
3 #
5 class Event:
6 def __init__(self, sender, info=None):
7 self.sender = sender
8 self.info = {}
9 if info: self.info.update(info)
10 # Check that the event has the needed info:
11 for key in self.neededInfo:
12 if not self.info.has_key(key):
13 raise EventError('%s info should have %s' % (self.__class__, key))
15 # Page events
16 class PageDidReadEvent(Event):
17 self.neededInfo = ['pagename', 'user']
18 class PageDidEditEvent(Event):
19 ...
20 class PageDidTimeoutEvent(Event):
21 ...
22 class PageDidSaveEvent(Event):
23 ...
24 class PageDidRenameEvent(Event):
25 ....
26 class PageDidDeleteEvent(Event):
27 ...
29 # User events
30 ...
32 # Wiki events
33 ...
35 # Farm events
36 ...
38 class EventBroker:
39 def registerEvent(self, event, meth, sender=None, info=None)
40 # First registers will be posted first
41 self.events[event.__class__].append((meth, sender, info))
43 def postEvent(self, event):
44 """ The broker filter the events according to the subscribers terms, so the
45 subscribers code could be simplified. They will get just this kind of event, from
46 this object with this info. Post events in order of registration.
47 """
48 for meth, sender, info in self.events[event.__class__]:
49 if sender and sender != event.sender:
50 continue
51 if info:
52 # Check that info keys and values are in event.info
53 ...
54 meth(event)
57 #
58 # In some class code:
59 #
61 from MoinMoin.events import *
64 class someClassThatWouldLikeToGetEvents(AnyClass):
66 def registerEvents(self):
68 # Register page save event, sent by any object
69 self.request.broker.registerEvent(PageDidSaveEvent, pageDidSave)
71 # Register any event that come from specific object
72 self.request.broker.registerEvent(Event, pageEvent, sender=self.request.page)
74 # Register another object for any event for page with specific name
75 self.request.broker.registerEvent(Event, anotherObject.frontPageEvent,
76 info={pagename: 'FrontPage'})
78 # Events this object handles:
80 def pageDidSave(self, event):
81 # handle the event here...
83 def pageEvent(self, event):
84 # handle the event here...
86 # don't handle frontPageEvent, anotherObject will handle that
-- NirSoffer 2004-07-17 21:15:10
Using a class is more elegant on the one hand, but that from events import * isn't that nice, as every event has to be defined there and every module handling events has to import it.
One can always use from MoinMoin.events import ThisEvent, ThatEvent.
Or maybe this will be better:
1 # In MoinMoin/events.py
3 events = dict([(name, obj) for name, obj in globals().items()
4 if name.endswith('Event') and type(obj) == type(Event)])
6 # Then in client code:
8 from MoinMoin.events import events
10 # register event
11 broker.registerEvent(events['PageDidSaveEvent'], ...)
13 #or post an event:
14 event = events['PageDidSave'](sender=self,
15 info={'pagename': 'PageName', 'user': self.user})
16 broker.postEvent(event)
But I'm not sure, events['PageDidSaveEvent'] is also not nice.
-- NirSoffer 2004-07-17 23:27:04
How about events.Page_Save.subscribe(self.handle_pagesave)? -- AlexanderSchremmer 2004-12-21 19:53:14
Alternative Implementation
As we have a root page global subscriptions can be attached to it.
- "create" - Page was created
- "modify" - Page was modified (created, edited, deleted)
- "delete" - Page was deleted
- "ACL" - Page ACLs changed
- invent some more...
- special Pages like Users can have other events
- create a new plugin class "subscriber" (better name wanted)
1 # interface
3 notify(request, eventname, page_from, **kwargs)
5 Event.subscribe(event, subscriber, kwargs)
6 Event.unsubscribe(event, subscriber, kwargs)
8 # Example
9 # Pages could subscribe themselfs to all Pages they link to (including non existent ones).
10 # Then they can create a cache of the rendered content that treats all page links as static
11 # If one of the pages it links to get created/deleted it can update the cache.
13 ## page_refresh_cache.py
14 notify(request, eventname, page, pagename, **kwargs):
15 page = Page(pagename)
16 page.clearcache(remotepage)
18 ### in Page.py
19 for link in links:
20 page = Page(request, link)
21 page.event_delete.subscribe("page_refresh_cache", {pagename=self.pagename})
24 # Implementation
25 class Event:
27 def __init__(self, request, page, name):
28 self.request = request
29 self.page = page
30 self.name = name
32 def subscribe(self, receiver, kwargs={}):
33 found = True
34 line = repr((receiver, kwargs))
35 page.aquire_lock()
36 subscriptions = page.get_data("Subscription", self.name).splitlines()
37 index = bisect.bisect_left(subscriptions, line)
38 if subscriptions[index]!=line:
39 subscriptions.insert(index, line)
40 page.set_data("Subscription", self.name, "\n".join(subscriptions))
41 found = False
42 page.release_lock()
43 return found
45 def unsubscribe(self, receiverclass, kwargs={}):
46 # return if found
48 def notify(self):
49 subscriptions = self.page.get_data("Subscription", self.name).splitlines()
50 for subscription in subscriptions:
51 receiver, kwargs = eval(subscription)
53 receiver_function = importPlugin(self.request, "receiver", receiver)
55 kwargs["pagename"] = self.page.pagename
56 kwargs["eventname"] = self.name
57 receiver_function(**kwargs)
Events should not be bound to the Page class but be generic. The page class might offer implemented events like Page.event_create.subscribe(...). The inherited event model is implented in Event classes which reside _not_ in Page.py
Every class reference should be absolute like importName uses it (MoinMoin.Page.PageNotifier).
- Do we really want to instance classes on events? Then we need a good persistency framework.
Use cases
There are different kind of use cases which take different amount of advantage of such a system:
- Single objects (Pages, User UI, language, ...) subscribing to single Pages.
- Page links - everywhere we have dynamic links that are created with Page.link_to(): page content, UI - when a page renamed, change all links to it on all pages automatically.
IncludeMacro - subscribe to included page, invalidate cache when they change.
- Single objects subscribe to global events
- usefull for getting and filtering creation of new pages
- pagelist macro
- Global objects subscribe to single pages
- Groups
- Dicts
- Interwikimaps in pages
- Global objects subscribe to global events (we could use normal code insted)
- Category list
- Template list
The categorization to global / single object is not needed. All objects are wiki objects, pages, categories, groups, users. Any object can subscribe to any other object.
Alternative 2 - Notifier
Here is a another alternative, which use a 3 parts system:
Subscriber <-> Notifer <-> Target
The Subscriber subscribe events with the Notifier, which is always available as part of the wiki object (see WikiClass). The Notifier save the subscription data structure. The Target does not know which other objects subscribed to its events, and does not care. The Target notify the Notifier on all events, and the Notifier check which objects want to be notified and call each object callback.
With this system any object can subscribe to list of events on any object, even objects that do not exists. For example, an admin can subscribe to UserDidCreate event, using regular expression for the user name. User can subscribe to any change made by other user on any page, etc.
With this system, all the relevant code in the Notifier, and we keep the model object simple.
Example - renaming a page
PageA subscribe to events of PageB:
wiki.notifier.registerEvents(events=[PageDidRename, PageDidDelete], sender='PageB', name=self.name, callback='linkedPageDidChange')
UserC subsribe to all events of PageB:
wiki.notifier.registerEvents(events=[], # any event sender='PageB', name=self.name, callback='mailEvent')
ACL system subscribe to all events for any page group page. When ever a group page is created, deleted or changed, acl system will update its groups from that page. This will replace scandicts.
wiki.notifier.registerEvents(events=[], # any event sender=wiki.cfg.page_group_regex, name=self.name, callback='updateGroups')
2 week later PageB renamed by user UserC:
event = PageDidRename(user='UserC', newname='PageBee', comment='I like CamelCase') wiki.notifier.notifyEvent(event=PageDidRename, sender=self.Name)
Notifier notify all subscribers:
for subscriber in getSubscribersForEvent(PageDidRename): subscriber = wiki.pages[name] call = getattr(subscriber, 'linkedPageDidChange') call(PageDidRename, sender)
PageA rename all links to PageB to PageBee:
body = self.getRevision(current) # should probably use re, simplified for the example body = body.replace('PageB', 'PageBee') self.save()
UserC send mail to the real user:
# code from util mail here
Object identification
There are some problems to solve here, like how do you save the subscriber in notifier data. Maybe use the path to the object, like (type, name), for example, ('pages', 'FrontPage') or ('config', 'SecurityPolicy').
Then we can get the object at runtime by code like this:
obj = parent # notifier is a child of the wiki for item in subscriber: obj = getattr(obj, item)
Same method could be used to save the sender of the event, since the subscriber need to specify the correct object - its can be a user named Foo or a page named Foo.
What about using seperate Classes to be notified. These would have a fixed interface and would be created when needed. Each subscriber could implement a class on its own.
class UpdatePageCache(EventReceiver): def __init__(self): self.pagename = pagename def notify(self, request, eventtype, name, message): Page(request, message).clearcache(name) notifier.subscribe(events=["PageCreate", "PageDelete"], name="EditorGroup", message=self.pagename)
Remote notification
We can add subscribers from other wikis, and use wikirpc calls as callbacks. For example, ('UntitledWiki', 'pages', 'BadContent') can subscribe to ('MoinMaster', 'pages', 'BadContent') for events PageDidChange, then BadContent will be updated automatically on all wikis - without the need for checking the page timestamp and revision on each save on every wiki.
To make this work, we need a secure method to call other wikis - when a wiki get a callback, it should contain a signature of the sender, so spammer can't DOS wikis with false wikirpc calls.
- So you want to have a PKI?
Implementation with an search index
We could use a search index to (in addition to indexing page contents) manage the subscriptions. Each entity (page) that wants to be notified create an entry in the index with all pages/other entities it want to subscribe to. If one page changes it does a search for all pages/entities that subscribed to it which should be resonably fast. And we don't have to think about proper data structures and their implementation.
- Where is a single advantage compared to using a storage system with O(log n) access time like BDB?
- This is a storage system with O(log n).
- The most obvious advantage is that we do not need another DB system - especially not an non Python stystem
Discussion 2
How do we ensure persistency? What happens if someone subscribes an event two times? Who should check if a call to this system is needed, i.e. if the event etc. was subscribed already? (This question is posed on every run of the portion of code that is interested in events, often for every run). Should the notification layer ignore duplicates? How to check for duplicates? How to delete a subscription? Which key to supply when you want to delete a subscription?
How should RPC work for this? Other wikis will like to subscribe to remote events as well.
- I still havent seen many use cases on this page. Fabi always talks about caches. And I can think of mail subscription. But is this really the best solution for those problems? Therefore I think that we should sketch the use cases for this before we think of an implementation or performance regressions etc.
- See above for some use cases.