
compability for HTML5

Short Description

moin-2.0 is based on HTML5. We need to know for linux, android, symbios, mac and windows etc. how good the state of implementing HTML5 in browsers is.

We estimate that this task takes 8h work time and you must complete this task within 999 days.

Detailed Description

You need to check browsers combatibility on the choosen OS: linux, android, mac, windows etc. We are interested in the results for e.g. firefox, chrome, konqueror, opera, safari, internetexplorer and all other browsers you have access too. You should always compare two different browsers. It is good to also test a nightly build of the browser and to state the results. For tests we like to use html5test. The results must be stored on XXX and on the wiki page YYY a summery of the result.

||os||browser||version||points||url to result||


/!\ This is way too unspecific. Also, html5 support is constantly changing, so what exactly do we want to know? Aren't the results already available on the net somewhere?

MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/BrowserTest (last edited 2011-11-14 12:58:18 by ThomasWaldmann)