Deleted pages show currently as missing page. You don't have any clue that the page did exists in the past, and that you inherit its previous revisions. The only clue you have is the edit bar, that lets you access the page info.

We need a better solution to this. Here are two options:

Deleted pages move to trash

  1. When you delete a page, its actually renamed to Trash/PageName
  2. In the trash, the page can not be edited, only reverted back into the wiki
  3. When reverting, the page name revert back to PageName, unless the name exists, and you aske to choose another name.

  4. When you create a new page with the same name, you can get a note (default button marked with ):

    A page with same name was deleted by <editor> on <date>. 
    Do you want to revert the page from the trash or create a new page?
    [Revert Deleted Page]  [[Create New Page]]]

Deleted pages locked

  1. When you delete a page, a new empty revision is made, with "Page was deleted by ..." note. and the page is locked for editing.
  2. When you create new page with same name, you get similar message (default button marked with ):

    The page was deleted by <editor> on <date>. 
    Do you want to revert the page or create a new page?
    [Revert Deleted Page]  [[Create New Page]]]


Add your thoughts on this...

  1. You (shall) still access deleted pages through DeletedPages interface like say OrphanedPages.

    • Thats a good idea, could be a macro, or special page, like MoinTrash

  2. Deleted page never hide anything. It's almost invisible. You reminded about it on creation attempt only. At that point it's good to have a preview old page option. -- MikeRovner 2004-10-31 18:42:55

    • Thats also a good idea. When you visit a deleted page, you should see the last version, and the page should be locked.
  3. We might show the underlay page if a page is deleted and enhance the revision list with the revisions of the page in the data dir.

We should also prevent search engines indexing of deleted pages.

But there is another Problem: If you delete the page "otto" and want to rename "susi" to "otto" you can't, because the directory with the page inside already exists! MoinMoin should merge the contents of both directorys. Example:

In \pages\otto\revisions exist files 00000001 and 00000002. If you delete the page, the content of the file \pages\otto\current looks like this: 00000003.

In \pages\susi\revisions exist files 00000001, 00000002, 00000003 and \pages\otto\current looks like this: 00000003.

If you rename "susi" to "otto" MoinMoin should copy \pages\susi\revisions 00000001,00000002 & 00000003 to \pages\otto\revisions 00000003, 00000004 & 00000005 and change \pages\otto\current to 00000005. Then it should delete the whole \pages\susi directory.

Some implemented solution

See MacroMarket/DeletedPages to handle deleted pages better. This macro is not working with moin_184.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/DeletedPages (last edited 2009-09-08 08:31:50 by 217)