Filippo Giunchedi
<fgiunchedi AT gmail DOT com>
- Homepage/blog/wiki URL
- Country (born / living in)
- Italy
- Academic experience
- CS Degree
- Your current occupation
- Student
- Software projects you have already participated in
Debian Bluetooth and QA group
Experience Level
- Experience in coding in general
- started 2003, 700 hours
- Experience in Python coding
- started 2004, 200 hours
- Experience in HTML
- started 2003, 30 hours
- Experience in CSS
- started 2003, 30 hours
- Experience in Javascript
- none so far
- Your favourite programming language(s), best first
- python
- Tools you use for development
- vim ctags-exuberant
- Did you already do full day work (8h/5d) over some weeks on some software project yet?
- N
- If not, is your motivation good enough that you think you can do that for MoinMoin?
- Y
Project(s) you apply for and your ideas for them
What projects do you apply for? Can be some of our suggestions or a suggestion of your own. In any case, tell us YOUR ideas about it.
Why are you applying for this special project? Why do you think you are best suited for that project?
Which deliverables do you plan to develop while doing the particular project? Please present a rough plan that gives deadlines for each deliverable.
Project xxx
(your ideas here)