Florian De Vuyst
Professor at Ecole Centrale PARIS (ECP)
Research in Mathématiques Appliquées aux Systèmes Laboratory (MAS),
- Leader of the Scientific Computing Group in MAS Lab.
- Tel. : +33, Fax. : +33
Email: <florian.de-vuyst AT PASDEPOURRIELS ecp DOT fr>
- Postal Address : Ecole Centrale PARIS, Grande voie des vignes 92295 Châtenay-Malabry cedex FRANCE
Appointments Research Masters of Research Theses direction Recent publications
- Co-director of MAS Laboratory, Leader of the Scientific Computing Group
Director of a joint team between ECP and Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique
Member of Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles CMLA, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
ECP Contact of SMAI (Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles)
Leader of a Multiple training program in Applied Mathematics between Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Université Paris-Sud Orsay and ECP
- Numerical modelling of multiphase and multifluid flows
- Numerical schemes for the approximation of solutions of systems of hyperbolic equations
- Algorithms et optimization numerical methods on grid computing
- Software platforms for multiscale and multiphysics simulation
- Fluid modelling of flux of Information Systems, associated PDE and design of numerical schemes
- Data mining for Multivariate Times Series
- Particle methods and meshless approximation
Masters of Research in Applied Mathematics at ECP
Mathematics and Computer Science for Life Science, Applied Mathematics, leader Institute : : Paris 5. Web page of presentation
Applied Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation, leader Institute : CEA/INSTN (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique / Institut National pour les Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires). Web page of presentation
Admission file, first year: http://www.ecp.fr/fr/document/demande_admission_M1.pdf
Admission file, second year: http://www.ecp.fr/fr/document/demande_admission_M2.pdf
Ph.D Direction
Solène Le Bourdiec, « Numerical simulation of van Allen belts in Hearth magnetosphere », began in october 2003.
Anthony Guilmin, « Numerical Methods for the computation of Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities », began in october 2003
Pascal Jaisson, « Numerical methods for traffic flow problems : optimal control and data assimilation », began in october 2003
Michaël Ndjinga, « Mathematical and numerical analysis of two-phase flow models », began in december 2003
Lucie Fréret, « Numerical method on computer grids. Application to thermoplastics injection moulding », began in february 2004
Cédric Enaux, « Mathematical and numerical analysis of models of interpenetrating plasma », began in january 2005
Marc Joliveau, « Patterns detection in traffic flow times series by particle swarm heuristics », began in september 2005
Recent Publications
De Vuyst, F., Stable and accurate hybrid finite volume methods based on pure convexity arguments for hyperbolic systems of conservation law, JCP, 193 (2), 426--468 (2004), http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=973444&type=issue&coll=GUIDE&dl=ACM
De Vuyst, F., Ghidaglia, J.M. and Le Coq, G., "On the Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Flows with Changes of Phase and Strong Gradients using the Homogeneous Equilibrium Model", International Journal On Finite Volumes (2005) http://averoes.math.univ-paris13.fr/JOURNAL/IJFV/index.php
Ndjinga, M., Kumbaro, A., De Vuyst, F. and Laurent-Gencoux, "Influence of the Interfacial Forces on the Hyperbolicity of the Two-Fluid Model", 5th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion, July 3-6, 2005 Xi'an China, http://www.ismf05.xjtu.edu.cn/regANDupload/paperstatus3.htm
- Alouges, F., De Vuyst, F., Le Coq, G. and Lorin, E., "The reservoir scheme for systems of conservation laws : a technique that makes the Collela-Glaz solver zero or very low diffusive", submitted to JCP (2005)
Jaisson, P. and De Vuyst, P., "Optimization method for data assimilation applied to traffic flows. and related hyperbolic equations ", IFIP 2005-TC7, Torino Italy (2005), http://www2.polito.it/eventi/ifip2005/talks.pdf
- Kumbaro, A. and De Vuyst, F., "Numerical Approach of multi-field two-phase flow models in the OVAP code", 4th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics", HEFAT 2005, Cairo, Egypt (2005)
- De Vuyst, F., "A fast solver for multi-fluid multi-velocity systems", in preparation (2005)
- De Vuyst, F., "Review of Open Source Scientific Computing Codes and Libraries", in preparation (2005)