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Pulling together is the aim of despotism and tyranny. Free men pull in all kinds of directions ~ Terry Pratchett, The Truth
An oxymoron is a moron with an OH+ radical attached. Since both morons and free radicals tend to bind strongly to the first interesting thing that comes along, this is a match made in heaven. ~ The Internet Oracle
As convenient as it is for information to come to us, libraries do have a valuable side effect: they force all of the smart people to come together in one place where they can interact with one another. ~ Neal Stephenson
Ayn Rand's writings never make perfect sense. She never realized that people will choose short-term profits which require long-term payments. ~ David P. Murphy
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it. ~ Brian W. Kernighan
Doctrine, n. A third-rate substitute for thinking, much beloved of politicians and other such morons, since thinking comes so hard to these. ~ Dan Holdsworth
Does the stand alone version of MoinMoin require python ? ~ Hawkwind on #moin
Every fleeting thought you've ever had in your life, no matter how bizarre, is someone's lifelong obsession. And he has a website. ~ Skif's Internet Theorem
Frankly, your argument wouldn't float were the sea composed of mercury. ~ Biff
Freshness is the curse of demand-side economics. ~ Gnarlodious
Here in the US, we are so schizoid and deeply opposed to government censorship that we insist on having unaccountable private parties to do it instead. ~ Bill Cole
I call these twits pseudo-literate. That is, they can read but won't. ~ Joe Zeff
I have a longstanding agreement with tequila: I won't drink it, and it won't make me sick. ~ Brian Kantor
I notice that "talent" is a favorite word of people who don't create anything themselves. ~ Kevin Pease
I'm an apatheist. The question is no longer interesting, and the answer no longer matters. ~ petro
I'm just waiting for the day that someone decides that "ignorant moron" is an ethnic group, and thus cannot be discriminated against. ~ Christian Wagner
- If electricity comes from electrons, does that mean morality comes from morons?
If you see a long line of rats streaming off of a ship, the correct assumption is not "gosh, I bet that's a real nice boat now that those rats are gone". ~ Mike Sphar
Illusions without freedom never quite add up to bliss ~ Bob Seger
In an experiment to determine the precise amount of beer required to enjoy this film, I passed out. ~ Dave O'Brien, on "Highlander II"
Is WikiWikiWeb:ChiqChaq (Wiki clone) a type of MoinMoin? ~ Wife of NirSoffer
It isn't the volts that kill, it's the missing brain waves. ~ Matt Roberds
Legacy (adj): an uncomplimentary computer-industry epithet that means 'it works'. ~ Anthony DeBoer
Like most computer techie people, I'll happily spend 6 hours trying to figure out how to do a 3 hour job in 10 minutes. ~ Rev. James Cort, ASR
Moin was and is built by OO analphabets ~ Fabi on #moin
My problems start when the smarter bears and the dumber visitors intersect. ~ Steve Thompson, wildlife biologist at Yosemite National Park
Never formulate a law or axiom that you're not prepared to live with the consequences of. ~ Skud's Meta-Law
Now there's a thought: government of the people, by the politicians, for the rich. Oh, wait; we already have that, don't we? ~ Joe Zeff
Of course, I also got weird looks when I said that, as a kid, I watched the toast brown in a toaster to see whether it browned at a linear or exponential rate. ~ Jeff Davis
Oh, not to change the subject but did you know that TWiki doesn't support page caching by default and the addons for caching can't help but break other parts of it? ~ Stephan Sokolow
RenamePage on patch-105 is so good we should rename it to SuperRenamePage. I sit and rename pages just for fun
~ NirSoffer
Software planning seems to be based on denying plausibility. ~ Graham Reed
Stubborness will get you where self-esteem won't let you go. ~ Queen of Swords
The biggest problem with democracy is that it is, in effect, the rule by the whim of the moment. ~ Keith Glass
The consquences of any action will never be fully understood until after it's too late to do anything about it. ~ Schwartz's Second Law
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries ~ Winston Churchill
The only bad 'f-word' is FCC ~ Rage Against the Machine
The surreality of the universe tends towards a maximum ~ Skud's Law
Their constitution is unwritten, and is mostly based on common law and practice. In other words, they do something wrong and it then becomes the norm. ~ Laurie Couturier, on the British legal system
There are many types of bigotry, some of them completely OK and acceptable. This is the acceptable type called "postjudice". ~ Mike Andrews
There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking about. ~ John von Neumann
There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible to live without breaking laws. ~ Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged"
There's this special biologist word we use for "stable". It's "dead". ~ Jack Cohen
They should take the cross off of the church and put it on the bank, because that's what they really worship. ~ Amerindian saying
This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it. ~ Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address
Unix is great. The Unix culture is magnificent. Life in a Unix without the GNU utilities is the kind of hell I'd not wish on my worst enemy. ~ Robert Uhl
Vegetarian is an old Indian word meaning 'lousy hunter'. ~ Red Green
When I do it, it's development. When you do it, it's coding. When he does it, it's mindless hacking. ~ Paul Tomblin
When the people fear the government, you have tyranny. When the government fears the people, you have freedom ~ Thomas Paine
When the revolution comes, we'll need a longer wall. ~ Tom De Mulder
You know the saying, every time you develop an idiot proof system they develop a better type of idiot... and now you know who "they" are. ~ Matthew Malthouse