Google Code-In 2013
We applied, but didn't get in. There were much more org applications and they just took 10 of them.
Developers wanting to help mentoring / preparing tasks
ThomasWaldmann (admin / mentor)
AlexanderSchremmer (admin)
- (add your name above this line)
Note: all people with moin knowledge can help, especially previous GSOC students are invited to become GCI mentors - you'll help your students to get into FOSS development!
GCI in short
- Categories of tasks: Code, Documentation/Training, Outreach/Research, Quality Assurance, User Interface
- program for younger students (like school / highschool / pre-university)
- no cash involved for students, just certificates, tshirts, trips to google hq
- similar for mentors
Preparing tasks
- review / identify potential tasks on:
EasyToDo + subpages
- issues from issuetracker
- small stuff leftover from gsoc (also put into issue tracker)
review EasyToDoTemplate + automated submission tool whether it still fits
prepare tasks are subpages of EasyToDo using the template EasyToDoTemplate