Use instead of altering wikiconfig in _tests
If set or unique members is a requirement then i think it should check (assert) for that. If it is required to use set in the config backend then there must be a check that it is. Also if for the meaning of users for acls it is meaned to be uniq and not duplicated users then it need to use set or raise.
All you get is names, the uniqueness of those names has to be assured otherwise, the group code can't know or detect if it gets a name twice whether that is the same person or not.
- wiki_page backend
(!) Effective expansion of recursive group. TestWikiGroupBackend.test_contains fails because of this.
Group changes. /2009-06-07
Other code refactoring
delete MoinMoin.wikidicts if this module is not used.
MoinMoin - MoinMoin.wikidicts tests <- no dicts
Fix TestWikiGroupBackend.testSystemPagesGroupInDicts
Try such a case #acl UserGroup:read,write,delete,admin All:read
Check on a mac if that "# TODO: fix up-to-date check mtime granularity problems" is the reason for the failing tests (if they are still failing) I do not have failing tests because of this.
"* Member - ignore all but first level list items, strip" reads a bit strange for me e.g. s/but/except/ and what do you want to say by ",strip" It is only beginning of the comment
/DocstringTips. 10 rules
18:40 < ThomasWaldmann> dimazest: btw, where are the results of the diff we gave you? 18:42 < ThomasWaldmann> dimazest: backends/ needs a docstring, see MoinMoin/ 18:49 < ThomasWaldmann> dimazest: didn't we already have a "config groups" backend? where is it? 18:52 < ThomasWaldmann> dimazest: why do the wiki group tests have become_trusted? 18:54 < ThomasWaldmann> dimazest: can we please have a bit more realistic and easier to follow tests? I mean it is a bit unlikely that you have Admin, Editor and Apple in the same group. 19:17 < ThomasWaldmann> and btw, there is no such thing as a "unicode string" 19:18 < ThomasWaldmann> python (2.x) has 2 related data types: str and unicode 19:19 < ThomasWaldmann> and str is usually called "a string" 19:19 < ThomasWaldmann> (luckily, that'll change with Python 3) 19:21 < ThomasWaldmann> so, if you mean unicode, just say unicode or unicode object, but not unicode string. 19:34 < ThomasWaldmann> dimazest: 3.9 + * request.dicts was removed, use request.groups instead. 19:35 < ThomasWaldmann> you have seen that a Dict has a different functionality to a Group? And also different pagenames? 19:47 < ThomasWaldmann> amartani: can you please add more comments to your code about what it is doing and how?