Use-cases/thoughts on usage
Groups in MoinMoin includes users, pages, whatever.
Suppose, one uses three backends:
- MySQLGroupBackend (note: check sqlalchemy, whether it can transparently support many sql dbms for this)
Groups where they are stored:
- adminsGroup
- dimazest
- alice
- joe
- editorsGroup
- dimazest
- adminsGroup
- editors
- dimazest
- admins
- greg
- food
- apple
- pasta
- potato
- editors
- MySQLGroupBackend
- users
- alice
- tom
- joe
- admins
- joe
- food
- soup
- cheese
- users
Group pages defined in a wiki have default postfix Group. Should WikiGroupBackend.adminsGroup and ConfigGroupBackend.admins be equal or they are two different groups?
Please note that currently adminsGroup would be used in ACLs, that means that the group name includes the words "Group". I am not saying that this must be the way, but if you change it, there might be migration problems.
To get contents of a group in the future all backends must be checked. This is because group data is spread in several backends. In the example members of the food group are stored in the ConfigBackend and !MySQLGroupBackend.
One could use a first match strategy. The first backend providing some group wins. Maybe everything else would be a mess anyway.