An ongoing effort to make moin friendlier to eyeballs that prefer darkness. In 1.2.x themes were a lot simpler.
just for your own wiki
The easiest way to make your own theme CSS is:
- Copy the theme thats you want to change CSS to wiki data/plugin/theme/
- Change the name variable in the theme file to the one you like, and rename the theme file to the same name.
- Copy the theme htdocs directory to a same name in your perfix/share/moin/htdocs
- Change the css files and images as you like
I recommend to create new themes based on Modern, other themes are little broken. -- NirSoffer 2005-03-19 16:02:15
Funny you should mention that! I do plan to fix them, if I can see what things are most freaky about them. I figured I'd break some other theme besides Modern first. My old theme hack was, well, old, so it was on classic anyway, therefore I understand that one better.
ah, but I want to submit mine for inclusion
In 1.3.x it is important to edit your pythonN.N/site-packages/MoinMoin/themes directory so it contains extra .py files for your new theme names. Also copying (for instance) to your new name is not sufficient, you need to go in and tell it the name inside, which will be the directory used to find the css files.
Then over in your htdocs directory you would have a new directory next to the themes we've already got.
notes specific to my dark tweaks
Please note I'm not done yet, but here's a shot of a dark flavor of classic I'm working on...
Since my goal overall is to create a drastically different theme I still want to avoid any misbehaviors I discover.
So far these are:
- annoying little diamonds in navibar
I managed to lack enough caffiene by hacking in my dark hours, that I mistook block for black and damaged cute little boxes with some annoying diamonds. When you're hacking your own theme, don't do that :")
- form fields need color overrides
Otherwise the presence of the browser native colors can look awful
- likewise for form buttons
though I haven't remembered which codes to apply to zap those yet.
-- HeatherStern
Strange, this page history vanished.