Jennifer Vanderputten
My expertise includes various web and SCM technologies. I also remember a bit of the financial transaction networking protocols that I implemented when I worked at Compuserve with the Visa projects. Some of your credit card transactions might have gone through my software. Scary, isn't it? |
Education and Experience from Past to Present
- 2001-present: Senior Software Engineer at EMC Corporation
- 1997-2001: Domestic Engineer for the Vanderputten family (tasks too numerous to mention here)
1995-1997: Software Engineer at CompuServe, working primarily on Visa projects
- 1993-1994: IBM LAN Hardware support for field engineers and end-users
- 1995: B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Cincinnati
- 1995: B.A. in Mathematics from the University of Cincinnati
Hi Jennifer. Just wanted to let you know that I have filed a bug for the bullet text disappearing that you were noticing (MoinMoinBugs/GuiEditorDeletesNewBulletText). Glad to see I'm not the only one running into it (misery loves company??) and hopefully it'll get some attention now. -- SteveDavison 2006-04-18 00:00:57
Thanks! Looks like it might be a regression, which might mean someone already knows how to fix it -- JenniferVanderputten