Jiang Xin
Location: Beijing, China
Email: <jiangxin AT ossxp DOT com>
MSN: <worldhello DOT net AT gmail DOT com>
I use FreeMind to record everything, and can not live without it. Every day, I update my freemind maps, and check in it back to my personal subversion server.
I also patched freemind to fit my needs: better chinese support, subversion friendly, and others.
Subversion is not only the daily tools I used, but also what my career forcus on.
I do software development consultant. Below is my consultant video on my effert to initialize a open source project:
I have tried several wiki: UseMod, MediaWiki, PmWiki, MoinMoin.
MoinMoin is not the good looking from outside appearance, but is the excellent internal when reading it's code.
After I have transport all my patches for MediaWiki to MoinMoin at 2006, MoinMoin is the main consultant wiki of my company. Now I also do MoinMoin consultant.
My efforts for MoinMoin
MoinMoinBugs/Non-ASCII attachment names corrupted on download
My Wiki sites
WorldHello - Open documents in DocBook and FreeMind format. (All in Chinese)
OpenSourceXpress.com - Homepage of my company, which backend is MoinMoin wiki.
messages to me
Hi Jiang Xin,
thanks for all the recent patches. You mentioned above that you are familiar with DocBook. The repository http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.8-dom-bblank/ is a domtree refactoring by BastianBlank which will be merged after 1.9 maybe after 2.0. We need help for the refactoring steps of DocBook into this repo. Currently noone of us uses or knows much about Docbook. Do you like to help by maintaining the Docbook stuff for MoinMoin?
-- ReimarBauer 2008-10-17 05:39:07
Thank you for your invitation. I have sent a mail to you. -- JiangXin 2008-10-21 02:56:47