Some Unix Sample Installation Scenario

This is roughly the scenario I set up for the SopraWiki at the University of Ulm - Faculty of Computer Science.

/!\ You should be familiar with the installation procedures of MoinMoin on UNIX systems running Apache. See: HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnUnix.

This description will be completed soon.

-- JohannesZiegler 2003-12-22 15:53:10

1. At the beginning

Installation type

UNIX system (SuSE Linux)

Server type

Apache (via CGI interface)

Server specific

No "suexec" available (security issues)
CGI is executed with id = wwwrun/nogroup

Wiki admin privileges

Normal users (all non-root)

Available system resources

One directory (for all the MoinMoin stuff)

2. Considerations and basic setup

2.1. Users and groups

user: alice (Admin for Moin and Data)

user: bob (Admin for Moin and Data)

user: cyndi (Admin for Moin)

user: dilbert (Admin for Data)

user: wwwrun (CGI user => Admin for Data)

group: wikiadm (Admins for Moin)

group: wikidata (Admins for Data)

=== Apache server control

Include in http.conf (/base-install-path/install-dir/httpd/)

2.2. Directory structure

 `-- install-dir
     |-- httpd
     |-- moinmoin
     `-- wiki
         |-- cgi-bin
         |-- config
         |-- data
         `-- htdocs

restrictive permissions

basic install of MoinMoin (

into moinmoin

3. Getting ready to go




4. Some tweaks

5. Add your comment here.

MoinMoin: JohannesZiegler/SomeUnixSampleInstallationScenario (last edited 2007-10-29 19:14:43 by localhost)