I'm new to Python and MoinMoin and fairly new to wikis in general. To reach me, use <john_mcdonnell WHO DOES NOT LOVE SPAMMERS AT SPAMFREE yahoo DOT com>

Note: What is the reason to obfuscate the email address, when the macro will only show the email address to registered users? I changed it because I thought that him, being a new user and all, did not know about this.

Obfuscation of an email adress with AT only is unsafe, as spiders may detect that easily. The MailTo macro lets everyone decide how difficult he wants to make it for web spiders (and not logged in users). (Sorry John, for messing your home page with discussion!) -- FlorianFesti 2004-09-29 14:43:59


MoinMoin: JohnMcDonnell (last edited 2007-10-29 19:10:02 by localhost)