
This week i tried to work more, and despite the lack of sufficient visible results, I achieved that. Total time that I spent in GSoC this week about 40 hours.

Are you satisfied with the approach with which I have retained compatibility with the old configs for LDAPAuth? http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.9-ldap-kerberos-agrigorev/diff/ac5cf827b731/MoinMoin/auth/ldap_login.py

I almost finished my LDAPTstBase, which does not use LDIF, I think that it will take one day to finish it and tests for LDAPGroups. In addition, I was already almost finished ADGroups last week (except for the moments where I was needed memberOf), and I think that by the end of next week it would also be willing to work, together with its tests.

That would be hard to add Windows support in python-kerberos, but I can try to do it with http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/. Seems like that would not be too much code required to get from it, but I not sure yet. I'll look next week what can I do, this might be a good choice.

Next week, it may be impossible for me to work at Monday and Tuesday, but I will try to increase amount of work I would to do from Wednesday to Sunday, I missed a lot on previous weeks.

3days no commit since 4 days no diary entry today is thursday

MoinMoin: LDAP2010/2010-06-20 (last edited 2010-06-24 21:15:24 by p5089F2BD)