Liza Jenb
Email: )
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I am doing a demo for an elementary school in California using the MoinMoin wiki.
And I'm in here messing around trying to see how easy it is to manipulate. So far, so good!
I’ve inserted this text from a word document. Is this the best way to change fonts, etc.? I'm having trouble figuring out how to insert an image.
The information below is for a demo about using a wiki engine and incorporating it into an existing school website. This demo is to show how to use the the MoinMoin GUI editor and its ease of use. We are evaluating wiki engines. Please do not delete this page. Thanks!
Classroom Corner
Arrival/Dismissal: School grounds open at 8:30 a.m. Children may hang their backpacks outside Mod. D and proceed to the playground. Class begins at 9:00 and students will be dismissed from class at 3:13. Please coordinate a meeting-spot with your child and be on time to ensure their safety. In addition, all late arrivals and early pick-ups must be handled through the school office. |
Snacks: Please send a nutritious snack daily with your child. Midmorning nutrition is essential, as first graders don’t eat lunch until 12:30. |
Homework Corner
Homework: A homework packet will be sent home on the first school day of each week and is due back on the last school day of each week. The district’s guideline for time spent on homework in first grade is approximately 20 minutes daily. Please see us if your child is taking longer than 20 minutes to complete assigned work. |
Daily Schedule
9:00 |
Arrival/Calendar |
9:30 |
Language Arts |
10:30 |
Snack/Recess |
Example of images:
Example of uploading document:
I'm still pretty confused about how to do attachments and images. I'll look around a bit more and see what I can figure out. Thanks!